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Author Guide to clubs in liverpool

Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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   25th Mar 04 at 16:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Just found this, useful if u ever go

Clubs (Dance Music)

The casbar on hope street is about to relaunch. it has undergone a huge refurb and its drinks price ensure that you will get pissed. For all students. All spirits + mixer are going to be £1 all bottles £1.50 and cheap draught. NUS + Members are free open Monday, Wednesday to Saturday 9pm till 2am
Voodoo, now at the Masque every Friday on Seel Street, is STILL the best techno club you'll find. The friendliest, most up-for-it crowd, with an unbeatable line-up of world-reknowned djs. Think Jeff Mills rather than Judge Jules and you've got it.
I loved Heebeejebees and will stick up for its allegedly crap sound system etc but it doesn't matter now as its closed for good it seems (boohoo). Camel club, above revolution plays some great funk. Just the sound we need more if in liverpool, great looking place but who the hell thought a dance floor that small would suffice??
Cream is the obvious choice - Medication on wednesdays isnt bad either. The BAA BAR is a good pre-club venue, and afterwards where better than Hot 'n' Tender for a chicken fillet burger. £2.59 but worth every drunken penny!
Cream for house, Voodoo at Le Bateau on Fridays for techno, Liquidation for indie and 60's, Chrome for d+b, No Fakin' at the Zanzibar for hip hop, Bugged Out for big beat etc. once a month at Cream's venue. There's also tons of dodgy scally house clubs. Mid week has some long standing drunken cheap drinks aimed at student affairs including Medication at Cream.
Modo on Concert Square is kooelle! Its so chic.
THE KRAZY HOUSE hell yeah it rules, except on thursdays cos they play bad music. Saturdays rule tho!!!!
Krazy house thurs fri and saterday are exelent nights only club in liverpool refusig to play a monotimous beat (in other words metal rock punk indy)
liquidation has a web page at monte carlo has now moved to the zanzibar every monday. drinks now start from an extortionate pound!
The KRAZY HOUSE - a remarkably decent 'alternative' joint.
The Blue Angel (also known as The Raz), just off Berry Street. On a Tuesday night £1 entry, £1 a drink, cheesy music, brilliant. Get there before 10.30pm as they stop letting people in. The Blue Bar, on The ALbert Docks. Guaranteed to see a celebrity there. Make sure you dress up abit though. Medication. The student night at Cream. Dance music, 70's music, and a mixture in another room. £1 a drink. £3.50 entry. Must have an NUS card.
Monday - Monte Carlo @ Heebiejeebees: Excellent tunes, good vibe, 95p a drink. Tuesday - DON'T GO TO ShagTag@Aquarium - crap music, shit venue, and you'll end up pulling an absolute stinker. Wednesday - Soundbombing @ Heebiejeebees - top night, top tunes, top club. Thursday - ??? @ Krazyhouse - Get off your head and dance wildly to tunes you forgot existed. Friday - Voodoo @ Le Bateau - just go. trust me. Saturday - Shine @ L2 / Liquidation @ Le Bateau : Shine used to be really good, but now fluctuates between being a top night and being full of aggro knob heads. Sound System also shite. Liquidation's normally really good, if you break down the pretension factor emanating from the resident mods.
Coolest and trendiest and all round top bar to be, has to be Blue Bar at the Albert Dock. Genuine Olde Style Dockland location, amazingly cool, Fair share of "celebs" and a good mixed clientele. Blue is the coolest bar in Britain.
The Blue Angel, (known to many as "The Razz")Seel Street. This is the ultimate in cheeez. Come on a Friday night to see the biggest meat market in Liverpool.
"The Blue Angel"-Near the Brewery Pub Great little Fleapit on Three Levels
The Chelsea, New Ferry
the garage club has shut down- thank goodness! The L2 has the best 70s night in Liverpool, on a Friday
The G-Bar (opposite Garlands) is getting pretty cool and has an INCREDIBLY sexy bar upstairs (check it out before going to Garlands on a Sat night). It is really a club in it's own right now and has lots of groovy nights (gay only, straight, mixed, all-nighters, freak-show nights etc etc).
The Pit now up & running again (at the time of writing 19/5/98), running a Goth/Darkwave night each Tues, free entry, late bar and cheap drinks. This is where most of the Liv. goths hang out since the night moved from The Swan. V.Friendly atmos! Also Metal/band nights on Fri/Sat
The Pit, Duke Street, but you can't go there because it burnt down today, ha ha!
Garlands - Eberele St. Totally up for it mixed crowd.
Voodoo Club - Saturdays @ Clear, Mount Pleasant. Best techno for miles around.
HeebieJeebies - for all stuff funky. Dance within the vaults in this cellar club. Showcase bands on a Wednesday, Friday is Cubop DJ'ing with Groovy tunes and Saturday is downright get pissed up and groove all night.
The Krazy House - Wood Street. Thursday night - Student night (Indie mainly) Friday Night - Dance / Indie Saturday Night - Rage Hard With A Vengance. Rock/Thrash/Metal. Inside the Krazy house is a new club/room called the K2. Plays mostly indie on a Saturday night and dance at other times. Pleasant atmosphere, pleasant door staff. Beer is Buy One Get One Free at all times. Don't try to get in wearing a suit!
Others - Cavern, Mathew Street - best if you go in a group. Conti, Wolstenholme Sq - Footballers, posh place Plummers, Hardman Street - Middle class office girls.
Big mainstream clubs - Buzz, Skelhorne Street; Paradox, Aintree.
Dance - Cream, Wolstenholme Square; Garage Club, Seel Street.
Music Venues

the masque , on seel st, or try the monro pub
crazy house
The Masque, in seel street, some punk, hardcore and metal nights.
L2 and Royal Court get most big acts. For the proper superstars you have to go to Manchester though - until Everton build that staduim on the docks. And theres the Crash Studios at the back of Stanley Street - not a venue as such, but Cast, The Farm etc can often be heard as you roam the winding hallways!
The Lomax/L2 for big and medium size bands, the Picket on Hardman Street for local stuff.
l2 occaisnly has a half decent band on although the only ral place is royal court the latest and greatst on there were probaly placebo the rest well thats just Elton JOhn
Lomax, Cumberland Street - top PA, top venue, ludicrously overpriced drinks. Picket, Hardman Street - nice little venue, little too cleanly run - no smoking in a music venue?????? Zanzibar - nice sound, relaxed club...quality of acts a bit inconsistent... Heebiejeebees - in a cellar, terrible acoustics, hence awful sound. Crap bands too (exc. Groovy Tuesday w/Bez). Jacaranda - too small.
The Lomax on Cumberland Street (off Dale Street) good for up & coming national bands & good local bands
Check out The Cavern Club matinee sessions every Saturday (start around 2pm) Live bands, unsigned and playing only original material. One of the best to come out of the sessions was The Bitter Pills, plus many other bands recently signed. Free!
K2 - Northbound Club Night on every second Wednesday offers showcases of local bands, interspersed with Trip Hop / Alternative Sounds.
New L2 Venue with more showcases and newer bands.
The Lomax on Cumberland Street, a regular line up of up and coming national bands, some about to break. (Some dross there as well).
Alternative stuff: The Lomax, The Underground

Registered: 13th Jan 03
Location: Bristol UK
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25th Mar 04 at 16:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

cheers even though its full of scousers

Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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25th Mar 04 at 16:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Predator SXi
cheers even though its full of scousers

..... pikey
Mad Moe

Registered: 14th Jun 01
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25th Mar 04 at 17:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Coming down Liverpool on the 2nd of April so it may come in handy, one of my mates band is playing at the Carven Club.

Registered: 1st Aug 02
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25th Mar 04 at 17:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The grand national weekend should be good friday 2nd is ladys day !

[Edited on 25-03-2004 by Heather]

Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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25th Mar 04 at 17:07   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Laydees day hoes in town

Registered: 1st Aug 02
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25th Mar 04 at 17:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

posh hoes

Registered: 1st Aug 02
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25th Mar 04 at 17:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Im going on 3rd grad national day in a limo

Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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25th Mar 04 at 17:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Posh my arse, most are just the usual suspects dressed up in outfits that here tailor makes with curtains

Registered: 16th Apr 02
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25th Mar 04 at 20:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Got to admit it is one of the better days in liverpool when the races are on you just get loads of pissed up slappers in town
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25th Mar 04 at 20:57   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Liverpool is a nice place for shopping though and all the culture
Site Administrator


Registered: 28th Aug 99
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28th Mar 04 at 13:48   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Tom
Big mainstream clubs - Buzz, Skelhorne Street; Paradox, Aintree.

How old is this exactly

Buzz is now student flats

Registered: 17th Oct 00
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28th Mar 04 at 13:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Shelly
Liverpool is a nice place for shopping though and all the culture

Ian S

Registered: 31st Jul 00
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28th Mar 04 at 16:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Tom
(at the time of writing 19/5/98)

only nearly 6 years out of date lol

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