Registered: 11th Jun 02
Location: Milton Keynes
User status: Offline
not impressed signed up for some income protection policy some while back, was discussing it with the old git who moaned at me and said i was stupid for taking it, as is costing £13pm and would only cover me if i was off sick for longer than 6 months and would only pay out £475pm (when i earn £1100) so seemed a bit of a waste of money
i agreed with this theory so when the policy came through with a 30 day cooling off period i sent the thing back to cancel. didnt tell the woman at work who sold me it as i thought if i was just a bog standard customer they wouldnt.
so anyway report comes through yesterday saying i'd cancelled it. woman at work checks with me i said sorry but i thought it through and dont really want it. then i get her boss ringing and moaning saying that cancellations go against her and can affect her bonuses. then i get my boss moaning saying it would have been better for me to have told her as its right near the quarter end and now she's not going to get as big a bonus as she was expecting and has no time to make up the points, and i should have told her before it came through on the report.
should i have said something???
at the end of the day it was one policy which she got half the normal points for anyway as i'm staff, and she might lose a bit of her bonus?? she got £1000 extra this quarter for training someone for a month, and she drives around in a merc slk with personalised number plates. i'm sure it wont affect her pay by a great deal.
am i a bad person??  
Registered: 24th Aug 03
Location: Widnes, Cheshire
User status: Offline
tell em to pay it for u then they can friggin moan!
from what u have said u dont have to tell em jack all
Registered: 6th Aug 02
Location: London
User status: Offline
Thats absolute fuckin bullshit they r feeding u 2 get yr £13 a month
Registered: 11th Aug 02
Location: York
User status: Offline
Sounds to me you should have been advised better.
Registered: 11th Jun 02
Location: Milton Keynes
User status: Offline
thats what i thought. my dad has just paid off his mortgage which was costing him £400pm so if the worst came to the worst i could get money off him. one of the questions the woman asked was would your dad be able to support you financially with all his outgoings, and now the answer is yes. i'm not proud i dont mind begging
Registered: 6th Aug 02
Location: London
User status: Offline
Those payment things area scam... like u said they take ages to kick in when u go sick an then its usually hardly anything!
Registered: 11th Jun 02
Location: Milton Keynes
User status: Offline
well mine had a 6 month deferred period as i get paid 3 months full 3 months half. i dont mean to sound tight but when this month i've taken out a loan that costs £135pm and started paying into my pension £70pm and i'm trying to save £150pm towards a suprise holiday for the other half £13 might not be a lot on its own but on top of the other 355 that i have only just started forking out it all adds up
Registered: 6th Aug 02
Location: London
User status: Offline