Registered: 24th Nov 01
Location: County Durham
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someone for a bet?
ever fucked someone with beer goggles on, and woke up to see wot a mess they were?
stories please - i wanna laugh at people  
Registered: 3rd Jan 03
Location: oop north! Where people talk properly
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luckily i have not although i do have many regrets
Registered: 7th Feb 03
Location: Hereford Drives: Audi R8 V8
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i got off with an ugly girl for a bet, never shagged anyone for a bet yet, although the bar staff at my club have a £200 bet on who can get me into bed first. Shame they are all mingers!
Registered: 24th Nov 01
Location: County Durham
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ask them to go halfs
J da Silva
Registered: 10th Apr 03
Location: The FACTory
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shagged a fat bird by accident once, it is hard to explain right over the net but basically i was out on a piss up in a club in doncaster,got in with a group of lasses and when i was stood at the bar one of them came over and said ' do u fancy lucy, she really likes u a lot' so i said 'yeah shes alright i wouldnt mind giving her one'
but i thought lucy was this blonde haired big titted piece when infact it was this chubby lass and she was lucy, the girl i liked was called laura (i was pished as u can imagine) so the mate then said to me ' go and give lucy one when we get back to ours for a little party, so i goes up to the bedroom when we got to this birds house and laid on the bed was the size 14 bird, she was a good shag though
Registered: 7th Feb 03
Location: Hereford Drives: Audi R8 V8
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i was fucking drunk a couple of weeks ago, and told one of them i would fuck them if we went 80/20! hahahaha But i got to do it in the club apparently. I had her pinned up against the window just after the club had closed, telling her i wanted it right there right then, but i dont remember any of it.
Registered: 7th Feb 03
Location: Hereford Drives: Audi R8 V8
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Venom, all i can say is...

J da Silva
Registered: 10th Apr 03
Location: The FACTory
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however ive done many sexual acts for pound notes
J da Silva
Registered: 10th Apr 03
Location: The FACTory
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i was lookin forward to a shag so i just horsed her anyway
Registered: 7th Feb 03
Location: Hereford Drives: Audi R8 V8
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Oh yeah, and what started it all of about 2 months ago, was the barmaid said she woyuld give me a free drink if i showed her my dick, so i let her put her hands down my boxers. Again, very very drunk then!
Registered: 27th Sep 01
Location: south wales Drives: astra sri ecoflex
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we have this real minger in work with us. and i mean REAL minger. she even has teeth missing for fucks sake. anyway, one of the boys said he would give me £20 if i shagged her, and was overheard by another colleague and he said he would also give £20. anyway, it ended up going round the whole store and the pot was at something like £300 last time it was spoke about 
wish i had now
Registered: 25th Apr 02
Location: SE London
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My mate offered me a beer to shag a bird once. 
He pulled this very fine girl but she would only go with him if her mate could go with me. She was an absolute minger though so said no way, my mate said come on, I'll buy you a drink for fucks sake! 
Registered: 4th Apr 02
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Mates big sister That was funny
Urm, made a deal with 2 lasses on holiday to shag there mate cos she was doing their nut in They had to do something for me first tho
Registered: 6th Aug 02
Location: London
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Registered: 25th May 01
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quote: Originally posted by Colin J
Mates big sister That was funny
Urm, made a deal with 2 lasses on holiday to shag there mate cos she was doing their nut in They had to do something for me first tho
the ironing?
Registered: 4th Apr 02
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by M2RV H
quote: Originally posted by Colin J
Mates big sister That was funny
Urm, made a deal with 2 lasses on holiday to shag there mate cos she was doing their nut in They had to do something for me first tho
the ironing?
No not quite
Registered: 28th Feb 01
Location: POAH
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quote: Originally posted by Drew
stories please - i wanna laugh at people  

[Edited on 01-04-2004 by vibrio]
Jason Iles
Registered: 19th Jun 01
Location: Bristol
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I shagged a bird cause I was bored once.
My mate pulled a fit bird on hols and her mate was a minger, I was waiting for him to do his duty and thought sod it i'd nail the minger to pass some time was rank though
Registered: 6th Aug 02
Location: London
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Registered: 13th Jan 03
Location: Bristol UK
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legend cheesy 
Jason Iles
Registered: 19th Jun 01
Location: Bristol
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Also shagged some bird caught a dose of something was sick.
Then my best mate shagged her the following week and caught the same thing 
We were out of action for a few weeks and had to get special cream PMSL those were the days.
I only have eyes for one women now though
Registered: 13th Jan 03
Location: Bristol UK
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Jase stop cheating on lucie wiv S2000
Jason Iles
Registered: 19th Jun 01
Location: Bristol
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quote: Originally posted by Predator SXi
Jase stop cheating on lucie wiv S2000
I would never cheat on her she has the nicest little bum
Registered: 13th Jan 03
Location: Bristol UK
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cheat on who S2000 or lucie
Registered: 1st Apr 02
Location: Aberdeen
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quote: Originally posted by Patrick
My mate offered me a beer to shag a bird once. 
He pulled this very fine girl but she would only go with him if her mate could go with me. She was an absolute minger though so said no way, my mate said come on, I'll buy you a drink for fucks sake! 
Take one for the team!