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Author anybody else has suffered from depression

Registered: 25th Feb 01
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1st Apr 04 at 22:02   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Just wondered if anybody else has suffered from depression?
I suffer from it nearly every year at this time, its on and off mainly every over week.
I'm not asking for medical advice though. Just wondering what you think depression is, and what you think the symptoms are of it.
Do you think it's a load of old cobblers, or do you think it is a real, underrated illness, that we should all be more aware of.

Have you suffered from depression in the past? Care to share your experiences. How did you cope? How did others react to it? Work? Friends? Family? Did you get time off work etc etc, how supportive were your employers.

There's a few to be getting on with.


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1st Apr 04 at 22:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

lad from down at my old workplace said he suffered from depression, he seemed alrite to us lot, he took time off whenever he wanted til the managers got pissed off with it n fired him

Registered: 20th Oct 02
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1st Apr 04 at 23:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i stuffer depression now n then quit my last job cos ofit ..

[Edited on 01-04-2004 by Craig-CorsaGSI]

[Edited on 01-04-2004 by Craig-CorsaGSI]
andy hirst

Registered: 18th Apr 02
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1st Apr 04 at 23:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i did about 2 years ago, whas depressed about uni and other stuff. DONT TAKE PRESCRIPTION DRUGS because you will depend on them, try not to drink. The way i got out of it was to kick myself up the arse and do something about my problems, and i have never looked back. Hope you get over it soon because the feeling when you do is really good.

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1st Apr 04 at 23:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

yea i had went thru q seriously down patch n i still do occasionally...but every time i feel myself gettin like this (feeling sorry for mysef etc) i go out n do summat go out with mates...anything to get my mind off things keep ur mind preoccupied mate...i found when i was down takin time off work n sittin in doors made me alot worst!

i think its a serious thing ppl arnt really sure about!

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2nd Apr 04 at 05:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

ive had and still have sever depression... most dont see it but family, some friends and my doctor know its there.

will be almost 5 years ive had it.
im going to bed. no good can come of me sitting here spounting about my life, it will only make me worse and ill have to hide the sharp knives again.

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2nd Apr 04 at 08:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


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2nd Apr 04 at 08:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

yeah i have before, was about this time of the year funningly enough and i hate to say it but been feeling crap last few weeks as well, what is it about this time of year?

Friends and family were really really supportive cant fault them, GP was as well. However work were wankers, doc signed me off work for a month and said i`d possible need longer, after 3 weeks work were trying to get in touch with me one of the partners wanted to come round me house and have a chat, nothing like pressure hey? In the end lost my job. I guess work just see it as being one person down and thus affecting productivity,they dont give a fcuk about your well being probably. If you get signed off from work due to depression then take all the help and advice you need to get yourself fit again, i reckon your job is at risk if you take too much time due to depression.

Registered: 3rd Jul 03
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   2nd Apr 04 at 09:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

My ex wife suffered from it and it was hurtful to see her go through it , its pretty bad if you have it and hard to get over it .

Registered: 10th Jan 04
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2nd Apr 04 at 09:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

mate im on the sick for depression now, i really didnt think there was anything wrong with me at all until i was crying all the time and generally not coping with anything, signed me on the sick and prescribed me fluoxetine ( prozac), dont get me wrong they do help but i now gotta take em for 3mths minimum and come off em slowly....was startin to get better only things seem to hav got a lot worse........ if u do hav it.realising is the first step.........and after that all the help and support u can get take cos i know i needed
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2nd Apr 04 at 10:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I have bouts of depression every now and then...

Registered: 28th Dec 00
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2nd Apr 04 at 10:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by SetH
yeah i have before, was about this time of the year funningly enough and i hate to say it but been feeling crap last few weeks as well, what is it about this time of year?

its called SAD - seasonal affective disorder i believe, i never feel right all through the winter but once the suns out i'm like a totally different person.

Registered: 1st Apr 02
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2nd Apr 04 at 10:43   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Girl at my work suffers from depression and is an alcoholic.

Takes three different sets of pills every 3-4 times a day and at the end of work (she's a chef), she heads back to her flat and has a few bottles of wine till she passes out.

This is day in day out...

Registered: 24th Oct 03
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2nd Apr 04 at 13:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by didjerama
Just wondering what you think depression is, and what you think the symptoms are of it.
Do you think it's a load of old cobblers, or do you think it is a real, underrated illness, that we should all be more aware of.

Signs of Depression:

Irritable; e.g., snapping at people for no apparent reason
Physically aggressive or verbally aggressive
Abandoning favourite hobbies or sports
Passive TV watching
Risk-taking; e.g., dangerous driving
Misuse of drugs and alcohol.
Changes in school behaviours (including training courses and work settings)
Frequent absences from school through 'wagging' & Gets poorer grades for assignments than formerly
Complains of being bored. Becomes disruptive in class
Loses interest in activities which once were fun
Finds it harder to stay on task. Loses concentration
Mentally confused. Finds decisions difficult to make
Cannot remember commitments: doesn't turn up to appointments
Has difficulty staying still or conversely, is lethargic
Projects personal difficulties on to others; e.g., bullying
Sets self up for rejection by peers and/or teachers. Takes on the victim role
Changes in relationship to family and friends
Stops going out with friends; shows no interest in group outings
Increase or decrease in sexual activity
May start associating with a different peer group
Expresses negativity about family
More than normal conflicts with parents and siblings
Changes eating and sleeping habits
Changes in feeling, thinking and perceiving
Expresses inappropriate guilt
Feelings of not being good enough, worthlessness, failure
Expressions of hopelessness: nothing to look forward to
Speaks in a monotonous or monosyllabic manner
Preoccupied with self; withdrawn, shows inner distraction
Cries easily, looks sad, feels alone or isolated
Fears about having to be perfect. Fearful of doing something bad
Incidents of self-injury. Ideas of killing self

Believe it or not pretty much everyone suffers from some sort of depression, mild to severe, in their lifetime. Some without even knowing it.

Registered: 1st Apr 02
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2nd Apr 04 at 15:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

okay .... i took that list and read what my report from doc says for me about 6 months ago and i can narrow it down to this little lot.

Irritable; e.g., snapping at people for no apparent reason
Physically aggressive or verbally aggressive
Abandoning favourite hobbies or sports
Risk-taking; e.g., dangerous driving
Complains of being bored.
Loses interest in activities which once were fun
Finds it harder to stay on task. Loses concentration
Mentally confused. Finds decisions difficult to make
Cannot remember commitments: doesn't turn up to appointments
Has difficulty staying still
Sets self up for rejection
Changes in relationship to family and friends
Stops going out with friends; shows no interest in group outings
decrease in sexual activity
Changes eating and sleeping habits
Changes in feeling, thinking and perceiving
Expresses inappropriate guilt
Feelings of not being good enough, worthlessness, failure
Expressions of hopelessness: nothing to look forward to
Speaks in a monotonous or monosyllabic manner
Preoccupied with self; withdrawn, shows inner distraction, looks sad, feels alone or isolated
Fears about having to be perfect. Fearful of doing something bad
Incidents of self-injury. Ideas of killing self <--- 4 times over

Registered: 5th Aug 03
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2nd Apr 04 at 15:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

was vv depressed there for a bit

reason : job! 25-30 hour week and im doing a degree 9-5 5 days a week

jus handed in my notice 2 more days to go then im done with them

was annoying gf more cuz she never seen me so i thot enuff was enuff

Registered: 26th Apr 03
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2nd Apr 04 at 20:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Depression is a big topic. Its usually taking the form of one of the following.

major depression (docs call it 'clinical depression')
Basically this is the depression considered most serious and results in the majority of suicides and attempted suicides, theorised to be caused by issues with neurotransmitters like serotonin, but its a big topic.

This is a common depression considered less serious than clinical and usually comes in bouts, but stops one functioning properly and causes concentration problems, negative otulooks, fellings of inadequacy, low energy, catabolism (wasting) of muscles, low self esteem, worthlessness etc etc.

a song by Jimi Hendrix, but also known as biopolar disorder, and basically feelings of mania and great zeal followed by feeling like shit and totally down and worthless, up and own it can go with moodswings, treated with lithium, the therapeutic dosage is near the toxic level though.

Like bipolarism but less severe.

post-partum depression
Basically what women can get after giving birth, very common, aka, ost natal depression and happens mainly due to hormonal factors and increased workload with baby and lots of other stuff.
Can be very serious.

seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
As said, mainly due to less daylight and sunshine per day, sometimes called winter blues, and effects are lethargy, bad sleeping patterns, tiredness due to this, craving carbohydrates and just wanting to pig food, generally feeling very down during winter months, treatment is more light exposure, exposure to sunshine more, going abroad etc.

existential depression
Kind of depression known as existential depression, is brought on by a crisis of meaning or purpose in one's life. Any significant transition, especially a change of roles in family or work, can trigger this crisis in meaning. Sometimes called exogenous depression as symptoms caused by external stuff and not body endocrine stuff. Treatment is 'getting your shit together'.

mood disorders due to a medical condition
If you are pretty ill, you gonna be down in the dumps.

medication-induced depression
Some treatments for other ilnnesses can make you feel like shit.

substance-induced mood disorder
More common than you would imagine, for instance ths who consume lots of caffeine will feel moody and down if levels of caffeine drop in the body.
The cure is consuming more caffiene, but this can lead to insomnia and irritability. Marijuana can cause depression as well, particularly upon waking. As can a host of medications and drugs. Too much to go into here.
J da Silva

Registered: 10th Apr 03
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2nd Apr 04 at 20:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i go through stages where im down for a few weeks but i never take it out on anyone, its not their problem, generally im an idiot, acting stupid for a laugh and just taking things unseriously, i dont give a fuck about life i just enjoy what i can and get on with it

Registered: 14th Oct 03
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2nd Apr 04 at 21:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

most of the terminology being used here is hugely outdated and no doubt copied and pasted from some american depression forum. it's good that people talk over their problems, but we need to be careful that we aren't confusing 'feelin a bit down' with clinical depression. if anyone thinks they are depressed, they should attend their gp and suggest to them that they may need referral to the community mental health team, who are better equipped to deal with it. good luck.

Registered: 26th Apr 03
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2nd Apr 04 at 21:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

No forum for my post, I wrote it myself, one of my dissertations was on the effects of physical activity on transient mood states and the relation to clinical depression, for one of my degrees.


Registered: 8th Apr 03
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2nd Apr 04 at 21:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

This is no joke. According to what i have read here, 95% of this stuff is relevant to me -- i.e. not eating properly, sleeping on and off all the time, getting bored of things etc.

How do people get out of this?

The things that are begining to freak me out is the fact that i don't eat prop, sleep all the time and just don't wanna learn new stuff. Also, i find myself some day showering 2 or 3 times. I know what my problems are but just can't sort them out.

Registered: 24th Jan 04
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2nd Apr 04 at 22:05   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Craig6682
This is no joke. According to what i have read here, 95% of this stuff is relevant to me -- i.e. not eating properly, sleeping on and off all the time, getting bored of things etc.

How do people get out of this?

The things that are begining to freak me out is the fact that i don't eat prop, sleep all the time and just don't wanna learn new stuff. Also, i find myself some day showering 2 or 3 times. I know what my problems are but just can't sort them out.

it takes bollox to admit you suffer from depression. please any1 reading this dont reply taking the piss cuz this is serious. i had depressiona about 2 years ago. i slowly got over it by doing a few things. sumtimes id lie down and close my eyes and think of my favourite room. then id imagine all my friends talkin to me and laughin with me. id see blue walls cuz i like blue and imagine people talkin to me and confiding in me etc. think of peple who u know love you and hold onto these thoughts in your head. sumtimes ul find a friend in the strangest places if u look for them. id think of my nan who died 8years ago and i used to talk to her out loud-just knowing i was talkin helped. drugs dont work. the best medicine for depression is your family. trust me

Registered: 26th Apr 03
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2nd Apr 04 at 22:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

My post was serious, I got pages and pages of stuff I wrote and spent lots of time with those suffering with various types of depression.

Whilst there are theories on how to deal with certain tyes of depression, depression caused by chemical imbalances (to put it in simple terms) aren;t going to be eradicated by anything in particular, and only aleviated by things like Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors.

As an alternative remedy, St. Johns Wort, actually a prescription item in places like germany is available OTC in the UK, in health food shops. It contains something called Hypericin which works well in certain instances of depression.

J da Silva

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2nd Apr 04 at 22:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i am lost


Registered: 14th Oct 03
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2nd Apr 04 at 22:43   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

as i said, i think we need to be careful with what we are saying here. blackula, in no way did i suggest that you were wrong, or question your academia; research is a key element in mental health, however a lot of the terminology used is outdated and americanised, so i would suggest that your research is not current. true, the likes of st. johns wort has been proven to be helpful in mild or moderate depression. same applies to the exercise theory. this becomes dangerous when individuals enter into self diagnosis and self medication. many physical ailments manifest with the same symtoms as depression - low affect, lacking motivation, poor appetite etc. these could be depression, but could also be anything from a vitamin deficiency to the flu. this brings me back to my main point - if you think there is something wrong, see a doctor.

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