Tom J
Organiser: South Wales Premium Member
Registered: 8th Sep 03
Location: Bridgend
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 Why cant they keep the roads in good condition
Registered: 9th Dec 03
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take more pics and use a newspaper as a date stamp and claim orf the council
R Lee
Registered: 15th Aug 03
User status: Offline
you must've been driving a bit close to the kerb still.
sorry to hear about the damage though. is it bad?
Tom J
Organiser: South Wales Premium Member
Registered: 8th Sep 03
Location: Bridgend
User status: Offline
do you think it is sainsburys road or the councils?
Tom J
Organiser: South Wales Premium Member
Registered: 8th Sep 03
Location: Bridgend
User status: Offline
as i was comin out bus was comin wide off the roundabout, tried to keep close in scratched both alloys, one is dun all the way round
R Lee
Registered: 15th Aug 03
User status: Offline
dunno who's problem that would be. the road look farily new so it could be sainsbury's bit. just a guess though
Tom J
Organiser: South Wales Premium Member
Registered: 8th Sep 03
Location: Bridgend
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Registered: 20th May 02
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Tom J
Organiser: South Wales Premium Member
Registered: 8th Sep 03
Location: Bridgend
User status: Offline
im always bloody careful parking then crap like this happns
Registered: 3rd Mar 04
Location: Leigh. Drives: RS Megane 230 F1 Team R26
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even so u must av bin bloddy close 2 it
I wud av wated for the bus 2 move.
still am sure u can complane or somethin
Registered: 1st May 02
Location: Berkshire
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go kick the brick into the road a bit and then take some more pics.....
Registered: 11th May 02
Location: Cheshire
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get loads of pics
find out who is resonside council/shop?
then get some compo what u pay tax for??
Registered: 19th Jun 01
Location: Scotland
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sure it will be councils..
Will take ages to claim...............I mean forever..missus used to work in insurance and took years to get money from council for a bust alloy on a pot hole..
Bummer though...................... still try and claim though..u never know..
Registered: 20th May 02
Location: sheffield, yorkshire
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speak to cossie_corsa, he is claiming i believe from the pot hole he hit and mashed 2 rims
Registered: 7th Aug 02
Location: Nottinghamshire
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Id say its sainsbury's land, look where their tarmac stops... Yup, you must have been too close matey even though the curb is fecked. Put it down to experience buddy, it happens to us all sooner or later