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Registered: 24th Feb 03
Location: west yorkshire
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17th May 04 at 13:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Hi all, this is Caroline Pennington, your region co-ordinator.

Over the past few months i have had a few members phone me asking if i had organised anything, and now i can finally say i have!

We have been invited to attend the South Yorkshire Sports and Performance Show organised by the RS Owners Club. You might be thinking oh no, not Fords, but there will be many other car groups in attendence, such as the 200+ club so the day is not all about Fords.

Here are a couple of the main details on the day:

Date: Sunday 18th July 2004

Location: Castlepark Doncaster Rugby Club
On the Day: Concours (ford only), Club stands, show and shine (anyone can enter this for £1 i believe with great prizes such as Momo steering wheels etc) Regalia, Raffle, Bouncy Castle, fully licenced bar, and a restaurant where you can get proper food at cheap prices. There is a balcony where you can sit out and drink or eat and watch the show or bring your own bbq, it's up to you!

Entry is £3 (TBC) Now i am not 100% sure on this, but i'm sure if you pay in advance it is cheaper than on the gate.

I have never attented this day but i am told it is very well organised and there are in excess of 2000 cars shown on three fields so we're not all crammed in!

I have booked a stand for us, and if i get lots of response from it then that is great, but if only 3 or 4 of you contact me than i will have to re-think.

I understand that this forum is new and not many people know that it exists, so if you know anybody who would be interested then please let them know.

Obviously attendence of our group is limited to Vauxhalls only but if you know of another car club that would be interested just let me know and i'm sure we can get them in the show area. Not only Astra's, Nova's and Corsa's are invited, but all other makes of Vaux's are welcome to join our stand.

Everyone is welcome, but if you are interested in the day and are not a member of the PVG or know of a friend who would like to come along and join our or any other region please let me know and we will sort that out.

Let's hope i get a good response from this, if it is a success, this could become a permanant thing.

Booking in advance will ensure you a spot infield and you will receive your pass through the post.

The price is per person and not per car, if you do want to book in advance, i only require that you pay for yourself so that if on the day you decide to bring more passengers than you first envisaged then there's not a problem of them getting in etc.

We have been invited so please don't show our group up, i'm sure none of you will, but please no rallying through the fields and drive sensible at all times. We want to make a good impression don't we!

Hope you all like the idea of this day, any suggestions of any kind don't hesitate to contact me!

Any questions or to book a place, please contact
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Registered: 9th Oct 03
Location: Stockton-on-Tees
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17th May 04 at 13:59   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

:S how many yorkshire shows is there as corsasport north east are putting a stand on 4 the one in june :S

Registered: 24th Feb 03
Location: west yorkshire
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17th May 04 at 14:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

There is no regional shows put on by the PVG! That's why i thought i would take it in to my hands and organise this.
Any Corsasport members are welcome to come and show theire car, or even if you're not a member of any group, just mail me and we'll get you on!

Registered: 20th May 02
Location: sheffield, yorkshire
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17th May 04 at 14:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i wud go but im on holiday
Matt H

Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
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17th May 04 at 18:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

is it the rugby club in armthorpe?

if so there is a afew nasty speed bumbs somr people might damage there cars on

Registered: 24th Feb 03
Location: west yorkshire
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18th May 04 at 10:52   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

It is yes, that's a problem i know, but me and my boyfriend went there the other day in his Cosworth and he got over them, and he can't get over normal humps so i'm sure there wouldn't be a problem.

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » General Chat » PVG MEMBERS---YORKSHIRE SHOW---ALL REGIONS WELCOME 22 database queries in 0.0124230 seconds