Rob H
Registered: 28th Oct 00
Location: Staffordshire Drives: Astra SRi
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Anyone got reccomendations on which Broadband ISP's to use?
Prefferably want one about £20, but dont wanna pay an installation fee, or have to buy a modem. Would like one without a contract too, or at least a short contract, but im guessing you cant get free instalation, modem and no contract .
Anyone know what you need to buy when you install it? I knwo you need a new Modem, and filters, but not entirely sure.
Cheers .
Dan B
Registered: 25th Feb 01
User status: Offline
I'd recommend the company I work for, but since it's £27.99 a month, you have to pay an installation fee, and you need to buy a modem/router, I'm guessing you wouldn't want me to! 
But, they do run a rolling monthly contract, and have been voted fastest UK ADSL provider for the last three months...
Be careful with so-called "cheap" providers, read the small-print to make sure there's no download-restrictions......for example, some providers restrict you to 1Gb a month (BT Broadband, for example), which on a 512kbps connection, you could do in just over 4.5 hours on a decent connection.
Registered: 5th May 04
Location: Skoda Octavia Estate, Ford Puma
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Freeserve now called Wanado is good:
You can phone them for a kit, i think it's free now too
Dan B
Registered: 25th Feb 01
User status: Offline
Oh, and yes, you need a modem or router to use the connection, and filters for EVERY device plugged into the line (not just the socket you're using the modem/router on).
So, if you've got 6 phone sockets on that line, running 4 phones, Sky Digital, and a home-alarm system, you need 6 filters......a common mistake quite a few people tend to make, not using enough filters.
Dan B
Registered: 25th Feb 01
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Peugeot Nut
Freeserve now called Wanado is good:
You can phone them for a kit, i think it's free now too
The small print: 2Gb download-restriction per month
Registered: 5th May 04
Location: Skoda Octavia Estate, Ford Puma
User status: Offline
I must be very poor, i don't have Sky or all those sockets, i only have one socket
Registered: 5th May 04
Location: Skoda Octavia Estate, Ford Puma
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Dan you making me The 512+ is 15 GB a month.
Registered: 13th Nov 00
Location: Stevenage, MR2 Turbo, 328i Coupe, CBR600F
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The 512+ is 15Gb per month but the 512 service is 2Gb..........
Registered: 28th Mar 04
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15GB is still shit.. 
(Although i guess it depends what you intend you use your connection for.. )
Registered: 5th May 04
Location: Skoda Octavia Estate, Ford Puma
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Depends what you want it for really. I'm gonna degrade my to the 512 one because i don't download much and i'm skint
Registered: 3rd Apr 04
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Try Plus Net ( £21.99/month (no d/l restrictions) and you can have a monthly contract but you pay more for connection.
Registered: 5th May 04
Location: Skoda Octavia Estate, Ford Puma
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quote: Originally posted by Rebrabuk
15GB is still shit.. 
(Although i guess it depends what you intend you use your connection for.. )
I wonder what you are downloading
Dan B
Registered: 25th Feb 01
User status: Offline
I've got 11Gb downloading now, should take me about 2 a restricted-download connection would be useless for me!
Registered: 28th Mar 04
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Registered: 17th Oct 00
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I went for in the end.
1gb with no restriction, £32 pm, £35 setup and no modem.
Bought a modem and filters on eBay for £15.
Failing that, try
Dan B
Registered: 25th Feb 01
User status: Offline
Have a look here (lets you compare ISPs against each other, based on user-voting):
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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you lot have missed the best ADSL ISP, PIPEX 
nothing beats pipex....i think they do their free bollox service for about 23 quid, but you need to buy filters and modem/router on top. But theres NO download/upload cap (unlike wanadoo) and they have their own network (unlike other ISPs) plus there ADSL (majority of them) and mail servers are in house, so if there are any problems, the techs just nip to the room next door (about 3metres away from where there stationed) and sort it out (although it could be a problem with their network gear, which is based at WorldCom HQ).
Eitherway, Pipex are great....i know loads of people who use them and have no problems what so ever...and any problems they do have, is usually down to their BT lines (BT are utter crap at sorting anything out for other ISPs...espeically getting line tests )
So pipex get my vote all the time for ADSL...if its cable, then its dependant who does your area 
[Edited on 30-05-2004 by VisibleMan]
Registered: 24th Apr 03
Location: Oxfordshire
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id recommend blueyonder, they recently gave all customers a free upgrade in their service, i used to have the 512 broadband and now theyve doubled that for nothing!
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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quote: Originally posted by safe_si
id recommend blueyonder, they recently gave all customers a free upgrade in their service, i used to have the 512 broadband and now theyve doubled that for nothing!
yes mate, but BY is cable only...i dont think they have gone the ADSL route, unlike NTL which have given access to its network to AOL. So unless you live in a BY/Telewest are, your not getting BY 
edit: Also, NTL are increasing the downloads by 50% in the next few months...although BY have a better network than NTL, but then again, you cant choose who you get for a cable provider, its down to who ever does your area 
[Edited on 30-05-2004 by VisibleMan]
Registered: 9th Apr 04
Location: Cambridgeshire
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I use Nildram ... fast, cheap, unlimited downloads, and it's only a monthly contract.
Registered: 21st Nov 01
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Dan B
Registered: 25th Feb 01
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quote: Originally posted by VisibleMan
...and they have their own network (unlike other ISPs) plus there ADSL (majority of them) and mail servers are in house, so if there are any problems, the techs just nip to the room next door (about 3metres away from where there stationed) and sort it out (although it could be a problem with their network gear, which is based at WorldCom HQ).
[Edited on 30-05-2004 by VisibleMan]
Errm, define "their own network"? If, by that, you mean the ADSL doesn't use BT primarily, and most of the bandwidth is controlled across Pipex's network, then that's called "Datastream ADSL", and Pipex definitely isn't the only ISP to offer that (Tiscali do, aswell, and serious bad-management of their own network has led to MANY customer-complaints).
And the company I work for has the same situation with servers/etc, they're all housed inside the tech-support building, with all of the server-techies sitting upstairs monitoring and updating everything...
Registered: 13th Sep 03
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Dan B
quote: Originally posted by VisibleMan
...and they have their own network (unlike other ISPs) plus there ADSL (majority of them) and mail servers are in house, so if there are any problems, the techs just nip to the room next door (about 3metres away from where there stationed) and sort it out (although it could be a problem with their network gear, which is based at WorldCom HQ).
[Edited on 30-05-2004 by VisibleMan]
Errm, define "their own network"? If, by that, you mean the ADSL doesn't use BT primarily, and most of the bandwidth is controlled across Pipex's network, then that's called "Datastream ADSL", and Pipex definitely isn't the only ISP to offer that (Tiscali do, aswell, and serious bad-management of their own network has led to MANY customer-complaints).
And the company I work for has the same situation with servers/etc, they're all housed inside the tech-support building, with all of the server-techies sitting upstairs monitoring and updating everything...
Aye, pipex have there own pipes...last time i was there they had 20x 155mb pipes on order, to add to the others they are already had. And yes, the only connection with BT pipex have is the use of the telephone lines (to the houses) and the local exchange, from there its on the Pipex's network..which is fairly big for the size of company (around 100 people).
eitherway mate, stating "the company i work for" could mean how about you state the company you work for? although im guessing its someone like Tiscali (only one i know off the top of my head that charges 27 quid a month)
Registered: 12th Sep 02
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I use Nildram and never had any problems
Registered: 28th Mar 04
Location: North East
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I'm on Nildram too. 
Been with them for 2 years now. I won't lie by saying i've never had problems, because i have.. But all ISP's have problems sometime or other, and anyone that says otherwise is lieing or is lucky to not be using their connection during the problematic times. 
I have my connection on 24/7 so i see all the problems that occur no matter how big/small they are.