Registered: 20th Apr 02
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cos its shiny as fuck at the mo
im sprayin sumin for a mate btw
Registered: 17th Apr 02
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if its metalic paint then YES
romeo t
Registered: 14th Sep 03
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yes it definately does
Registered: 7th Aug 02
Location: Nottinghamshire
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Yup it needs laquer otherwise will oxidise and go faded in nooo time.
Registered: 20th Apr 02
Location: london
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i cant believe how shinny and Pearesant it is without a laquer wish i had a wiked camera to show u guys its mazin !
all little flaky bits better than my met frost blue ! !!
btw this is arden blue right?
Registered: 16th Jul 03
Location: Gillingham, Kent
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yes that is arden blue, and no you dont necessarily need lacquer, all depends on what type of paint you are using, with regular cellulose you do, with 2pack you dont
Registered: 20th Apr 02
Location: london
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i put laquer on and its took the shine away o well its not 4 my car
Colour-Tec Coachworks
Registered: 18th Dec 03
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quote: Originally posted by mistdotcom
yes that is arden blue, and no you dont necessarily need lacquer, all depends on what type of paint you are using, with regular cellulose you do, with 2pack you dont
U cant get a 2k basecoat/pearl 
and saying as celly paint is hardly used by any1 these days i doubt its that either...
so the simple answer is yes it needs lacquer. It might be slightly shiney cos its wet
Registered: 16th Jul 03
Location: Gillingham, Kent
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Well i purchased half a litre of nautilus which is pearlescent and that was a 2k basecoat.
Just speaking from experience. and celli paint is probably used by the majority of DIY sprayers for small jobs.
maybe i am totally wrong but im sure thats what i got.
Registered: 2nd Sep 03
Location: Grantham, Lincolnshire
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you cant get arden blue in cellulose, only 2 pac paint. and yeah you do need to lacquer arden blue.
just cos ots 2k doesnt mean you dont need to lacquer it
BAZ 1256
Registered: 16th Mar 04
Location: aberdeenshire
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quote: Originally posted by mistdotcom
Well i purchased half a litre of nautilus which is pearlescent and that was a 2k BASECOAT
maybe i am totally wrong but im sure thats what i got.
you get 2 kinds of 2k paint, basecoat which all pearls ,metallics are and you get a direct gloss colour as in a straight blue, green ,white etc which you mix with hardner and thinners and spray on and it doesnt need lacquer.
basecoat ,mixes with basecoat thinners,goes on , and dries matt then you put the lacquer over the top of it which gives it its shine
Corsa crazy-how did you mix it spray it?
you didnt mix the basecoat with hardner and thinners and spray it did you?? only way i can think of how you could get a shiny finish with just basecoat.
Colour-Tec Coachworks
Registered: 18th Dec 03
Location: Winners of Max Power Live 2004 - Best Bodywork of
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Basecoats and pearls are known as 1k not 2k...
BAZ 1256
Registered: 16th Mar 04
Location: aberdeenshire
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ooh sorry
lacquer's 2k though so all works out the same.
sure he gets the idea now though
it aint cellulose.
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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needs lowering
Kris TD
Registered: 25th Mar 02
Location: Ware, Hertfordshire
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quote: Originally posted by mistdotcom
yes that is arden blue, and no you dont necessarily need lacquer, all depends on what type of paint you are using, with regular cellulose you do, with 2pack you dont
erm i very much doubt you can buy it in cellulose and you defo cant get it in 2k
simple answer, yes it will need laquer, it shouldnt be shiny without it.
[Edited on 22-07-2004 by Kris TD]
Registered: 20th Apr 02
Location: london
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all sorted now cheers
Ali Mc
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Gretna, Scotland
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haha, we use cellulose to paint old wagons and that