Ali Mc
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Gretna, Scotland
User status: Offline
Get Blue smoke if i rev the car when sitting idling, but only on revs above 4k'ish and its only been noticeable after fitting my new decat exhaust.
Also the engine rattles a little when cold befoe warmed up, get the feeling it could be burning oil a bit aswell.
Its a 1.6 Sport. Any ideas wot needs replacing? 
Someone said its the oil rings? Someone said the Piston rings...i dont kno...aint a mechanic!!
Registered: 9th May 03
Location: Middlesbrough
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valve stem oil seals or piston rings are probs one of the first things to get checked
Registered: 23rd Oct 03
Location: Darlington | Mazda 323 1.8 Exec
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Compression test will indicate blown head gasket
Blue smoke usually burning oil i think, and white smoke is water.
Ali Mc
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Gretna, Scotland
User status: Offline
Wot sorta price am i looking at to replace these things?
Registered: 25th May 04
Location: Flitwick, Bedfordshire
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pistons like 7000£!
Registered: 1st Feb 01
Location: Dartford Kent Drives: 330cd
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quote: Originally posted by blundey
pistons like 7000£!
no you just need the rings not the acutal pistons still a albourous task as the head has to come off
Registered: 17th Apr 02
Location: Drives a Tractor
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unless the bores are worn past the tolerences stated in the haynes, then you will need a re-bore and oversized pistons with new rings, I had to do this, the pistons were £45 Each for .5 oversized
MoNkEy MaGiC
Registered: 12th Apr 03
Location: West - London Drives: Corsa GSi
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my Gsi burns loads of oil, but it never given of blue smoke!
but their is a noticable amount of white smoke when i put my foot down!
Registered: 17th Apr 02
Location: Drives a Tractor
User status: Offline
i think ya stem steals are shot dude, get them and ya rings changes asap,