Registered: 20th Apr 02
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he will withought a doubt get be headed tonight
Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
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i say FUCK THE BUSH!!!!!
Registered: 20th Apr 02
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if we give in to them and meet there demands mate they will just keep doing wot there doing untill they get there own way , they will think we are a pushover
psycho sport
Registered: 27th Mar 03
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u got to be mad to go out to iraq and work there. especially if ur british or american! poor bloke, feel sorry for his family and friends.
Registered: 5th Jun 02
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i would for a lot of money, and an armed bodyguard, and wepaon for myself
Registered: 22nd Feb 04
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pooor geezer.
ts the family you gotta feel for.
Has anyone seen the video that has been broadcasted on net?
was watchin the news a minute ago and theyre makin a right fuss about it.
Registered: 1st Apr 02
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In all honesty they know the risks of going out there.
The terrorists couldnt give a monkeys if they are there to help get the country back on track.
Still disgusts me.
Registered: 20th Oct 02
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Poor man
Registered: 20th Apr 02
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when we wake in the mornin i bet its all over news that they found his body minus a head i seriously feel for his familybecause its inevitable
Registered: 20th Oct 02
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Just watched the video of him wat was on the news bless him he starts crying really feel for this guy ..
Yeah i agree with ya Wayne i think they will kill him 2night
J da Silva
Registered: 10th Apr 03
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wonder whats going through his mind
Registered: 22nd Sep 02
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probably thinking about his family, and how much he loves them. In this situation the only thing to do is to think about all the good things, you dont wanna go to the other side with nasty thoughts in your mind. If only Luke Skywalker and the Rebel Alliance were here.
Registered: 16th Jan 03
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makes you think how lucky we all are
Registered: 20th Apr 02
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if i knew i was guna die , i would die fighting, and wen they film me ill say U FUKIN CUNTS YOU WILL ALL DIE ETC, i would try and die a legend
Registered: 25th Jun 02
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Thoughts out to him and his family.
I feel the solution is to get all the SAS, Marines, bounty hunters etc the proper technical bastards, and send them in to weed out the terrorist in the country and just put a bullet through all of their heads. Just one big mission to end all missions and wipe them out, through torture you would find more people.
Registered: 25th May 04
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Or jus nuke the whole fucking country. Solves one big problem. Fuck the innocent...we have so many more humans in the world, a few less iraq's wont harm anyone....saying that...we need there oil. BAD IDEA
Registered: 22nd Sep 02
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quote: Originally posted by blundey
Or jus nuke the whole fucking country. Solves one big problem. Fuck the innocent...we have so many more humans in the world, a few less iraq's wont harm anyone....saying that...we need there oil. BAD IDEA
grow up
Registered: 19th Aug 02
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quote: Wednesday, September 22:
:: A second body and severed head, feared to be Mr Hensley, are found in a black plastic bag in Baghdad's Amiriya neighbourhood and handed over to US forces.
:: Foreign Secretary Jack Straw warns there is little hope of securing Mr Bigley's safe release. A video of Mr Bigley making a direct plea to Tony Blair to save his life is posted on an Islamic website.
Has it happened already?
thats fooking wrong
Registered: 10th Apr 03
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i reckon hes just askin for trouble, after all thats happened shud not go no wehre near Iraq man, but he wud have been gettin paid a fortune to work there tho wunt he! but yeah sorry to hear bout him
Registered: 28th Feb 04
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quote: Originally posted by psycho sport
u got to be mad to go out to iraq and work there. especially if ur british or american! poor bloke, feel sorry for his family and friends.
Spot on.
An absolute horrible and depressing time for his family and friends. You must be fucking nuts to go out in the first place. Every bloke and his dog can see its not safe over there.
Deepest sympathies for his family & friends...not looking good is it.
Registered: 6th Aug 02
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Hes not gonna be beheaded as such hes gonna have his head HACKED off with a knife
Registered: 9th Oct 03
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i'll tell ya what it makes me sick 2 b honest - ad its gettin 2 the point where i fink america d the british shud just go bak in there once again ad just put a stop 2 it ad just get control ov the country sod all thsi let them sort there own country out rubbish, as 4 the terrorists - if they do find that they hav beheaded him i wud send the sas in there , they are suppose 2 b used in these situations aint they ? thought thats what there main rule was - theyd soon put these terrorists bak in there place.
got to say i feel sorry 4 him ad his family thou - i understand that we cant back down 2 demands but cud at least be seen as doing something 2 help him
[Edited on 23-09-2004 by corsa_crew]
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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Yes, i to think he is going to be killed tonight. Tony Blair is going to face a massive backlash from the public who will question why more was not done.
however they cannot negotiate, terroist factions all over the world would see this and this would start of a series of kidnappings form terroists that would be sure that their demands would be met.
I dont understand why They dont send the SAS in, technically they would not be behind enemy lines, and im not a military expert but I cant see it being a particuraly high risk mission.
I still think the Iraq war was all about securing oil supplies for the next few decades. When the WOMD arguement fell flat they used the excuse that Saddam was a ruthless dicatator and that he gassed the kurds etc etc as the reason to invade kuwait. The SAS were out there months before conducting ops preparing for this war to secure oil supplies. Now we really need them to get this guy out it probably isnt going to happen
Registered: 6th Aug 02
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Registered: 23rd Mar 03
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feel for his family