Registered: 6th Sep 03
Location: Lincolnshire
User status: Offline
i know that blue smoke is burning oil 
is there any way of finding out why its burning oil without taking the whole thing to bits? like any telltale signs?
its a c16xe on TBs by the way
any help would be greatly appreciated 
[Edited on 29-10-2004 by RobHayes]
Registered: 10th Apr 02
Location: Berkhamsted, Drives Mk4 R32
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Piston Rings ??
Registered: 6th Sep 03
Location: Lincolnshire
User status: Offline
i know what it could be, i just want to know if there'e any way of knowing what it is before taking it off the road and taking the engine to bits, dont want to do anything unnecessary
Registered: 10th Apr 02
Location: Berkhamsted, Drives Mk4 R32
User status: Offline
You done a compression test??
Registered: 6th Sep 03
Location: Lincolnshire
User status: Offline
no, i thought that was for head gaskets??
Registered: 10th Sep 03
User status: Offline
No, if you do a compression test and take note of the pressure, then pour a little oil into the cylinder and do another compression test and you get a higher pressure reading then your piston rings need replacing
Registered: 6th Sep 03
Location: Lincolnshire
User status: Offline
from reading stuff on net about this, and looking in the trusty haynes manual, it was saying that for it to be burning oil, the spark plug should show signs of oily deposits on it, but it didnt when i checked it today. could it be possible for not all of the cylinders to be burning, and so the plug i checked be ok cos that cylinder isnt burning oil. apparently my engine was only rebuilt about 8k miles ago, surely the rings cant have gone in that short time??
Registered: 24th Mar 02
Location: Tattershall, Lincolnshire
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depends how and who rebuilt it!
Registered: 25th Oct 04
Location: warsaw, poland
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might be the valve seals, too...
1800ed: never heard of pouring oil into the cylinder. with high compression ratios i believe that it can be very dangerous to do...
MoNkEy MaGiC
Registered: 12th Apr 03
Location: West - London Drives: Corsa GSi
User status: Offline
my c16xe GSI has been fooked for over a year now 
i get loads of white/grey smoke when i boot it, and engine is lacking a lot of power!!????
and my spark plugs are COVERED in black deposits!!!!!! im surprised they even make a spark, if i clean them, with in 1-2 weeks they get dirty again!