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Author Another little project I'm interested in experiementing.
J da Silva

Registered: 10th Apr 03
Location: The FACTory
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30th Oct 04 at 10:42   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I've been thinking of ways to make an extra income to which I can work around my everyday working agenda, I've searched some websites on how certain organisations will help you work from home over the web, and it seems most of them are just daft articles with couples saying " we signed up and earnt upto 10k a month with this plan ".
I was wondering if anyone has done this before, and if so point me in the right direction as to which setup to use.

Cheers VT

Registered: 11th Apr 01
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30th Oct 04 at 10:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If them schemes worked everyone would do it...
J da Silva

Registered: 10th Apr 03
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30th Oct 04 at 10:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Well I thought the same, but that's with the sites I've seen, too corny. But it's not as if I really need this to earn thousands, any profit is a bonus, I'm just thinking it over at the mo, I'm tackling this with a laid back attitude.

[Edited on 30-10-2004 by VenomTurbo]

Registered: 17th Oct 00
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30th Oct 04 at 10:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Most people haven't got the time or patience to do them.
A lot of the schemes are scams - you pay £30 up front for a starter pack, then realise the work is so impossible you'll never be able to do it and give up.
Others are actually good and you can make money.

I used to stuff envelopes when I left school and got 5p per envelope.
You'd have to order the envelopes from their supplier, but then the cost would be refunded a month after sending them back 100 filled envelopes.

Nice money for doing nothing.

Registered: 27th Apr 02
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30th Oct 04 at 10:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

As someone said above, the work far outweighs the money earned, so its mostly not worth it...

Better off getting a second job or doing work for people.
J da Silva

Registered: 10th Apr 03
Location: The FACTory
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30th Oct 04 at 11:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by starkmotorsport
As someone said above, the work far outweighs the money earned, so its mostly not worth it...

Better off getting a second job or doing work for people.

I'm a self employed fireproofer, I have a few young lads working for me at the moment, I get a grant from their college and they do a modern apprenticeship with me, I subcontract to big firms and occasionally meet some famous people etc...
The money is daft for my job, it's a high skilled job with not many people in the UK can do it, a lot of intumescent paint spraying involved and it's not just slapping some paint onto faabricated steel, there's things like target thicknesses and certain ways of working round other trades, but like everyone else, I'm just greedy, I've used my building knowledge to buy plots of land and build a few bungalows and some semi 2 level 3 bedrooms etc which offers good profits.

It's just greed.

[Edited on 30-10-2004 by VenomTurbo]

Registered: 15th Jun 03
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30th Oct 04 at 11:23   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

any links or more info on this envolope packing?

Registered: 8th Nov 03
Location: N Wales
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30th Oct 04 at 14:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Sell loadsa crap on ebay!! Ive made over £100 last couple of weeks selling old stuff ive taken off my car and old phone, etc

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