Registered: 22nd Sep 02
Location: Sydney, Australia
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256kbps connection, averaged at 1.1mb/sec, 37 sec to download 40mb file 
Registered: 8th Jan 05
Location: Darlington
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Wow fast shit
Registered: 6th Jun 02
Location: London
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You downloading that across the network though? At my uni I can download files from other mates in the uni accomidation at like 2000kbs across MSN... though it should only be 512k (56kbs)
Registered: 22nd Sep 02
Location: Sydney, Australia
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no, just normal connection to the internet through a Motorola Surfboard. There is an aussie site hosted by Telstra called mirrorplanet or something, and it has a bit of everything on there, and allows me to download at 2megs a second, regardless of day/time. modem....melting....
Premium Member
Registered: 8th Jul 03
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take a look at this..
Registered: 24th Apr 02
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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thats not fair, i wanna d/l stuff that quick!
Premium Member
Registered: 8th Jul 03
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i will be geting 8 meg broadband in april..
i will be downloading at about 1 meg a sec
Registered: 22nd Sep 02
Location: Sydney, Australia
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PMSL, i download that with 256kbps i cant begin to imagine how fast the 1mb connection is!!
Registered: 11th Aug 02
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Registered: 16th Oct 04
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some download speeds are mesured in kilobits, and not kilobytes. its weird i kno, but theres more kilobits then kilobytes, so thats maybe why....
im fucking knackerd, hopefully u understood *yawn*
Site Administrator
Registered: 21st Apr 00
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256kbitsps is only 32kbytes/s - FACT...
The fact that you get unrestricted access to a mirror server might be a service specific to the ISP...
ISP's quote their speeds in bits per second. There are 8 bits in one byte...
so 512kbps gives 64k/s, 1mbit gives 128k/s and 2mbit gives 256k/s... 8mbit will give 1024k/s, which is 1mb/s...
It's not really confusing, it's just divide all the numbers by 8...
Just the same way harddrive manufacturers say that a megabyte is 1000k in order to make their harddrives sound bigger than they are -- this contributes to the reason your computer reports a 250gb drive as ~230gb (as Windows counts 1024k as a megabyte)...
[Edited on 22-02-2005 by Tim]
Registered: 25th Mar 02
Location: Mill Hill East, Greater London
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hopefully i'll be getting 8mbps this april
Registered: 22nd Sep 02
Location: Sydney, Australia
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quote: Originally posted by Tim
256kbitsps is only 32kbytes/s - FACT...
The fact that you get unrestricted access to a mirror server might be a service specific to the ISP...
ISP's quote their speeds in bits per second. There are 8 bits in one byte...
so 512kbps gives 64k/s, 1mbit gives 128k/s and 2mbit gives 256k/s... 8mbit will give 1024k/s, which is 1mb/s...
It's not really confusing, it's just divide all the numbers by 8...
Just the same way harddrive manufacturers say that a megabyte is 1000k in order to make their harddrives sound bigger than they are -- this contributes to the reason your computer reports a 250gb drive as ~230gb (as Windows counts 1024k as a megabyte)...
[Edited on 22-02-2005 by Tim]
then how do you figure out whats going on with my connection? Its not only this special mirror site (which is esecpially for aussies ISP's), but there are loads and loads of sites where i can download at 1mb/sec on a 256kbps line. I once got 2.5mb/sec for a 300mb file, over the same connection
Registered: 22nd Sep 02
Location: Sydney, Australia
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BTW, average download speeds for everything else is around 250-350kb/sec
Registered: 7th Feb 03
Location: Hereford Drives: Audi R8 V8
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i download at about 960kB/s in my room at uni cos the network is limited to 10mbps in the halls, but in the language lab ive downloaded at 3210kB/s (3.2megabytes/second). 10 meg in the halls is alright though for £2 a month (even got bit torrent working on it)
Registered: 3rd Sep 02
Location: Greater London
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wel ive got NTL 750kbs service, and the maximum according to my bandwitch monitor i can download is bout 93kbs. bit of a con really
Registered: 29th Jan 01
Location: Worcester(sauce) Drives: VX220 & Zaffy GSi
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I got a free modem when i joined wannado. Its a USB modem. I heard a USB modem is slower than a modem which connects to an RJ45 socket. is this true?
Registered: 3rd Sep 02
Location: Greater London
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ahh tim your right:
750kbs divided by 8 = 93.75kbs
Registered: 3rd Sep 02
Location: Greater London
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im looking to upgrade my broardband tho, saw an advert for bulldog broardband today. 4mb connection 
liking the look of the once nismo was on about tho, the 8mb one.....
Registered: 22nd Sep 02
Location: Sydney, Australia
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kenni, USB 2 has a bandwidth of about 12mb/sec, and its very unlikely you will get speeds over the net like that for a while to come, unless you live in japan or HK Windows XP has a system of allocating power bandwidth to each USB socket, so if you have 3 USB sockets, XP MAY split this down to 40%-30%-30%, but it is possible to edit this through the registry. I wouldnt worry too much to be honest, since a bandwidth of even 5 mb/sec is plenty for the net.
Registered: 22nd Sep 02
Location: Sydney, Australia
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i understand that USB Audio devices actually dont apply with the reserve bandwidth functions in XP, and simply request what it needs from the system, but on a MS article, out of bandwidth messages have been appearing when using the latest external sound technology, notably those from cambridge soundworks
Registered: 29th Jan 01
Location: Worcester(sauce) Drives: VX220 & Zaffy GSi
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quote: Originally posted by Cybermonkey24
kenni, USB 2 has a bandwidth of about 12mb/sec, and its very unlikely you will get speeds over the net like that for a while to come, unless you live in japan or HK Windows XP has a system of allocating power bandwidth to each USB socket, so if you have 3 USB sockets, XP MAY split this down to 40%-30%-30%, but it is possible to edit this through the registry. I wouldnt worry too much to be honest, since a bandwidth of even 5 mb/sec is plenty for the net.
Well thats wot i heard, cus the modem was free, so it cant be that good.
I on a 512 connection, fastest i downloaded a 40-50k/ that average..
Registered: 22nd Sep 02
Location: Sydney, Australia
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kenni, sounds about right, what is your ISP?
Registered: 29th Jan 01
Location: Worcester(sauce) Drives: VX220 & Zaffy GSi
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Registered: 12th May 02
Location: Hereford and Worcester
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quote: Originally posted by Kenni
quote: Originally posted by Cybermonkey24
kenni, USB 2 has a bandwidth of about 12mb/sec, and its very unlikely you will get speeds over the net like that for a while to come, unless you live in japan or HK Windows XP has a system of allocating power bandwidth to each USB socket, so if you have 3 USB sockets, XP MAY split this down to 40%-30%-30%, but it is possible to edit this through the registry. I wouldnt worry too much to be honest, since a bandwidth of even 5 mb/sec is plenty for the net.
Well thats wot i heard, cus the modem was free, so it cant be that good.
I on a 512 connection, fastest i downloaded a 40-50k/ that average..
Sounds about right to me, I always test from downloading from I used to get 70 tops on 512 with an average similar to yours