Rob R
Registered: 31st May 03
Location: Kent
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Was driving to work in Maidstone yesterday via the round-a-bout at the bottom of blue bell leading to the m20 when somone cut me up. I done the natural reaction of beeping and calling him a wanker. He then stopped in front of me (baring in mind this is one busy round-a-bout" got and said "do you want some you fucking little cunt." by this time i was shitting myself and went to pull away but the shittest ever start with the most bog down ever and he punched my drivers side window, smashing it, leaving me with cuts to my face and a grazed eye.
Naturally i just went pretty sharpish because his mate was coming at me as well so failed to get his number plate.
I reported it to the police, who said they would send someone out within the hour. Hour and a half later no sign of plod so ring them saying im going down the hospital could someone meet me down there, they were like yeh fine someone will be down within a couple of hours. Well i spend 5 hours in A&E and no sign of them. Ring them when i get out saying i want someone to come and take evidence from my car (blood stained glass) and they said someone will either be round tonight (as in last night) or this morning.
Well go and get a new window fitted at the cost of £50 and no sign of police. They ring me at 11 today saying they're extremely busy and they will take a statement off me over the phone for the time being, i was like fair enough and asked what time they would be round today. Bird on the phone said no one will be round today but they will be round within a week, would someone like to explain what use that is to me?
If theyre extremely busy why was there 6 of them at the local services last night having a social one? i asked if they would come and look at my car because i had been waiting around 10-11 hours by then and they said if its in the system someone will come round, in other words im drinking my tea i dont give a shit.
Sorry for the essay but i have the right fucking hump 
The End
Registered: 15th May 03
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some people are such twats on the road, shoulda got his plate man
Registered: 23rd Jan 04
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oops sorry for the caps lock
Registered: 18th Mar 03
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would you really be chilled out? i know i wouldnt be, the police are totally useless sometimes, this guy has been assaulted and they cannot be bothered to spend half hour taking a statement, it makes me sick
Rob R
Registered: 31st May 03
Location: Kent
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quote: Originally posted by Skinz
some people are such twats on the road, shoulda got his plate man
Everyone has said but when 2 big bastards are coming at you your initial action is to get the fuck out of there!
My mate has just told me that in the local paper a similar incidenct happened involving the same type of car (dont know if its the same colour) where he cut somone up and tried ramming them off the road! Dont know if its sheer coincidence or if there is some raving loonie out there
Rob R
Registered: 31st May 03
Location: Kent
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quote: Originally posted by ryzer
would you really be chilled out? i know i wouldnt be, the police are totally useless sometimes, this guy has been assaulted and they cannot be bothered to spend half hour taking a statement, it makes me sick
Tell me about it! i mean who pays their wages
Registered: 15th May 03
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you and the general public
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
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Police don't work 24 hours a day and there's no rush for a statement. With no reg you're not going to find him.
Registered: 18th Mar 03
Location: Berkshire Drives:UGLY MUG
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must have been well scary mate, at least he didnt manage to hit you!
Registered: 15th May 03
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quote: Originally posted by Ian
Police don't work 24 hours a day and there's no rush for a statement. With no reg you're not going to find him.
what he said
Registered: 23rd Oct 02
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My mate at work was hit by an uninsured driver who drove off and left the scene of the accident.
The police found out he was uninsured but have proceded to do nothing. This was 2 months ago!!!
My mate has contact the guy who has said he will pay for the repairs for the skyline, but the police don't seem to take any notice that the guy is uninsured and left the scene of an accident!!
Takes someone to get killed for the police to take any notice, unless your the one in the wrong and they come down on young drivers like a ton of bricks!
Registered: 3rd Apr 05
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What a nutcase!! Just hope that next time he picks on someone very hard and they prescribe him a beating to cure his obvious pent up frustration
Registered: 2nd Nov 03
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quote: Originally posted by Skinz
quote: Originally posted by Ian
Police don't work 24 hours a day and there's no rush for a statement. With no reg you're not going to find him.
what he said
Thought he said there was broken glass with the guys blood on that he wanted sample taken as evidence?
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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I'd have stopped and laughed when he smashed my widnow
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Registered: 3rd Apr 05
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quote: Originally posted by loafofbrett
Rob R
Registered: 31st May 03
Location: Kent
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quote: Originally posted by Ian
Police don't work 24 hours a day and there's no rush for a statement. With no reg you're not going to find him.
When i rung my local police station Ian they said they're open all the time and ill be dealt with quickly. But when there are 6 officers sitting around doing sod all it kinda takes the mic a bit. I've been a victim of crime, and there job is to help those people surely? How long would it of taken to have a look at my car which is literally a mile down the road from where we were and take a statement?
There has been another incident which was in my local paper saying a car of the same type they gave me agro also attempted to ram someone off the road, maybe a coincidence but if the police dont look in to it thoroughly then who knows?
Im sure there are cameras around that area as well so it wouldnt be hard to look at a recording and see if anything is visible?
Registered: 7th Jul 03
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if there was blood on glass could have taken a dna sample, the guy could be on there now im guessing the windows been replaced.
Registered: 15th May 03
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how do you know there are 6 officers sat around doing nothing?
Rob R
Registered: 31st May 03
Location: Kent
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quote: Originally posted by Tom
I'd have stopped and laughed when he smashed my widnow
Yeh im sure you would of done mate
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Registered: 8th May 05
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quote: Originally posted by Tom
I'd have stopped and laughed when he smashed my widnow
but then started to cry as the guy and his mate decided to beat the crap out of u 
Marcy Marc 
White Sport Progress Thread
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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i had someone punch my window but they just hurt their hand and didn't leave a mark, i laughed then
Rob R
Registered: 31st May 03
Location: Kent
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quote: Originally posted by Skinz
how do you know there are 6 officers sat around doing nothing?
because they were sitting next to me and my mates drinking tea having a laugh and a joke
quote: Originally posted by the_legend_of_yrag
if there was blood on glass could have taken a dna sample, the guy could be on there now im guessing the windows been replaced.
window has been replaced by i kept the part with blood on it, if the police turn up i shall hand it over
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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quote: Originally posted by motorspeed
quote: Originally posted by Tom
I'd have stopped and laughed when he smashed my widnow
Yeh im sure you would of done mate
Yep at his cut up hand, would have promptly pulled out the 'bone breaker' and smashed the cunt over the head
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Registered: 16th Dec 02
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quote: Originally posted by _c_o_r_s_a_
quote: Originally posted by Tom
I'd have stopped and laughed when he smashed my widnow
but then started to cry as the guy and his mate decided to beat the crap out of u
no, he'd definately be laughing, i'm not sure he'd be too bothered if they smashed his window on the bus, would ya mate?