Registered: 12th May 05
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I'm looking into getting a GSI and hopefully getting some serious power out of it, building it up over a few years
But I'd like a decent starting point, how likely is it that I'd find a GSI with throttle bodies already done, and how much would I expect to pay?
Also, when done, how much can I expect to get back from a 200BHP GSI? (if such a thing is possible)
Registered: 29th Jun 05
Location: Billinghay, Lincolnshire
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well, it all depends on the quality of the gsi tbh. you can find them for £800 sometimes but if you want a minter, expect to pay between £1500 and £2000. Thats standard. One with Throttle bodies would probably cost you between 2 and 3k, a decent TB set up sets you back around £1500-£2000!
Registered: 2nd Sep 03
Location: Grantham, Lincolnshire
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to get 200bhp from a GSi you'd need to either spend loads of £££££££'s on the 16.
or put in a xe on TB's or an LET - bopth these cases there are a few aboput, expect to pay around the 2500-4k mark
[Edited on 23-07-2005 by Greg_M]
Registered: 12th May 05
User status: Offline
no, I actually want to get 200bhp out of a GSI lump, was thinking mantzel power box, viper induction, TB's, ECU chip, cams, and maybe turbo? thats gotta get it to 200
I dont want a fat assed 20LET, I want the power without sacrificing on handling, the 20XE corsa I've driven really didn't like corners.
I was just thinking it would be cheaper to buy a GSI that already has TB's, which surely would work out cheaper than a GSI and then getting them done, plus the fact I've got 160ish BHP straight away ;D
[Edited on 23-07-2005 by mikehiow]
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200bhp out of 1600 engine is big money.
Normally aspirated 100bhp specific output is an achivement. Anything else is normally reserved for motorsport where engines are classified by engine size and a larger capacity is out of the question. They are also rebuilt regularly.
Registered: 7th Jul 05
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quote: Originally posted by mikehiow
no, I actually want to get 200bhp out of a GSI lump, was thinking mantzel power box, viper induction, TB's, ECU chip, cams, and maybe turbo? thats gotta get it to 200
anybody see anything wrong with that
[Edited on 23-07-2005 by totalcorsa]
MoNkEy MaGiC
Registered: 12th Apr 03
Location: West - London Drives: Corsa GSi
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150bhp is realistically acheiveable from the c16xe engine, but 200 is a bit optimistic man!!!!! especially with just a better inlet... you would need to go down the line of Throttel bodies for the 200bhp mark i reckon... turbo'd 1.6 do exist but will cost you a arm and a leg better of slapping in a LET engine, would probably work out cheaper!! 
its getting harder to find decent GSi's now dude, their good 11 year old cars now!! but good luck
Registered: 13th Dec 00
Location: Lancashire
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you cant have mantzel power box, viper induction, TB's and a turbo all on the same engine,
Sack off the mantzel and the viper, neither will help you to 200bhp.
TBs or a Turbo will. However there arnt many Turbo 1.6 16vs about, and the ones that are are probably closer to 160-180bhp. There are quite a lot of TB'd 1.6 16vs about, now please dont take offence but seen as you dont seem all that clued up about what your wanting to do i would contact somebody like www.sbdev.co.uk for a bit of guidance