Jamie Walby
Registered: 15th Nov 04
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As above! I have noticed recently that there are a load of 'modded' Corsas appearing around Bournemouth and none of them really do it for me. Just wondered what its like in other areas.
Round here they all seem to go for Lexus lights and massive jap style exhausts.
Registered: 1st Apr 02
Location: Aberdeen
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A lot more 2.0's that are suttle now, but that are still a fewOTT kitted, flip painted, 1.2 8v's
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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is about 3-4 i know of, mine is probably the best 
i really do live in the sticks
Registered: 12th Dec 03
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Take alook at mine, and there is also SRI Co on here his is nice and subtle too. all the others are Combat or Jap looking
Registered: 19th Feb 04
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There are a couple of nice ones starting to come on round here now! All the lads I know that used to have Novas are moving onto Corsas as they are the same car near enough but easier to work on. One of my mates has some custom Eibach springs so his Corsa is lowered 80mm all round on black 15" cav wheels and has Irmscher smoked rears, looks awesome and its only had a couple of little mods really! Mines not bad either and is soon to be improved further
Registered: 29th Sep 04
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Theres quite a lot of corsas around here but no all of them are modded, theres probably only J4CKOs and Marvs off here that are the nicest around here
Although there is this beast 
Registered: 15th Jul 02
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well round here we have Ed's corsa, but its never on the road 
my mate Tom has a sexy Nova.. other than that there really isnt any ofhter good modded corsas
Registered: 24th Jan 05
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theres lee's nice gsi i see around and fads. there the two corsa i know of and the only nice ones. all the other corsa's i see are a bit gash, other than one that pops to mind
Registered: 18th Jun 04
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quote: Originally posted by Filby1
Take alook at mine, and there is also SRI Co on here his is nice and subtle too. all the others are Combat or Jap looking
the silly twit in a combat kitted grey got a nasty suprise a while ago..... ta, ta
Registered: 20th Sep 02
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Theres mine, mate curtis', my old silver one, a few combat kitted ones, an ultimate velocity flip paint one, another 2ltr 16v, theres probably about 8 in my local town
Registered: 1st Nov 04
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round here thers a few nice corsas.... couple of 2litres, mainly big kits.....
then thers the 'wanked up' 1.5 diesel on venoms
Registered: 8th Oct 04
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quote: Originally posted by Charlene
Theres quite a lot of corsas around here but no all of them are modded, theres probably only J4CKOs and Marvs off here that are the nicest around here
Although there is this beast 
lol how shite is that car btw .... i cant help burstin out laffin everytime i see it.
jackos n marvs yeah ! they r the only good ones, oh and there is that corsasport gavs car round ere now,jackos mate. cant think of nemore.
they r all shite round ere !
Registered: 19th Apr 02
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Generally round here it's lexus lights and alloys (not lowered), few big kits, seen a couple with Irmscher bits on...
Few tidy Novas knocking about now tho
Registered: 29th Sep 04
Location: Darlington
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Yea that corsa is nice also Carl
Round here its more like Saxos, 106s and Novas i think
Registered: 19th Jul 04
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Frankly Crap.
Broster lives near me and Joff works up the road so poor very very poor.
Corsa E-Tec
Registered: 4th Feb 04
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i have a few, all my mates.
three 2 litres with no kits and my Gsi
Registered: 1st Feb 01
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Most are chaved up but there are some pretty decent examples round here such as:
Lee Mitchells
Corbs (localish)
few hideen ones out and about too which only come out show season.
Also lead to belive we have the highest number of 2litre corsas in the region for some reason : lol:
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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Very bad round my way mostly. bit's stuck on at the wrong time, i.e. huge unpainted front bumper and nothing else
Registered: 24th Feb 03
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There seemed to be loads around Darlo about 1-2yrs ago including a couple that looked identical to mine (one being Jacko's and the other having smoothed handles).
All seem to be 106's now. Mind you - I dont look much anymore.
Registered: 3rd Jul 04
Location: Sheffield
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Quality of corsas isn't too much round here. But the quality of Vauxhalls is stupidly high amongst my mates...
LET Nova Van stripped out running full Phase 4.
12.5 Sec Nova GSi
My Phase 3.5 LET
Phase 3.5 LET Nova
Stupidly Specced SBD Mk3 Astra (270bhp kit, straight cut box etc...)
Nova valver on TB's (just shy of 200bhp)
2x Valver Corsa's
16v GTE
8v GTE
Thats quite a lot of performance Vauxhalls for a small area, pritty mad how all my mates over time have got vauxhalls....
[Edited on 25-08-2005 by timrud_]
SVM 286
Registered: 13th Feb 05
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quote: Originally posted by Fad
Most are chaved up but there are some pretty decent examples round here such as:
Lee Mitchells
Corbs (localish)
few hideen ones out and about too which only come out show season.
Also lead to belive we have the highest number of 2litre corsas in the region for some reason : lol:
There's a couple of crackers in/near Dartford - a lovely red two litre and a mint white stripped out 1600 on black rims that never gets used
Registered: 17th Dec 03
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Hundereds all have lexus lights a neons 
Bar three.
Jamie Walby
Registered: 15th Nov 04
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Apart from a couple of nice ones round here, they modtly seem to be (and driven by) chavs! Theres a lad who lives about 10 doors down from me has a black SRi that has a hideous bumper on and the work on it look terrible! I'll try sneak a pic or two if i can!
Ludacris Turbo
Registered: 28th May 04
Location: High Green, Sheffield
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quote: Originally posted by timrud_
Quality of corsas isn't too much round here. But the quality of Vauxhalls is stupidly high amongst my mates...
LET Nova Van stripped out running full Phase 4.
12.5 Sec Nova GSi
My Phase 3.5 LET
Phase 3.5 LET Nova
Stupidly Specced SBD Mk3 Astra (270bhp kit, straight cut box etc...)
Nova valver on TB's (just shy of 200bhp)
2x Valver Corsa's
16v GTE
8v GTE
Thats quite a lot of performance Vauxhalls for a small area, pritty mad how all my mates over time have got vauxhalls....
[Edited on 25-08-2005 by timrud_]
Beat me to it
Registered: 3rd Jul 04
Location: Sheffield
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Were all good mates, but never have all the cars out at the same time LOL
Would be good to get a pic of them all together