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I am trying to remove the dash board in my corsa b at the moment and its starting to really piss me off cos i cant be bothered to really look for all the screws that holds it on so basically is there alot of wired behind it so i can just get the angle grinder to it?

or sum1 just tell me how to take the dash out!! 
[Edited on 19-09-2005 by C4 WLK]
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Registered: 9th Apr 04
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what you do is, buy a haynes manual and it'll tell you everything in there! don't chop it! i doubt its that hard to remove...just time consuming but best to take your time and do it properly.
Corsa C Z20Let
Black Sleeper Turbo Project
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i dont need to use it again afterwards and i dont really need the lights or anything so is it worth taking it out slowly?
Registered: 1st Feb 01
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what model corsa is it?
cos this is a sport and i would advise taking the dash out properly 

[Edited on 19-09-2005 by Fad]
Registered: 24th Jan 05
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that scares me
Registered: 1st Feb 01
Location: Dartford Kent Drives: 330cd
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well try driving it like that for 3 months
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Registered: 26th Jul 04
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it was on a 1.4 8v but an xe is going into it so do i really need any of the stuff anyway?
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they pug 205 seats Fad?
lee mitchell
Registered: 26th Jan 01
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na corbeau ones
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lee do u know if i can just cut it all out ad i wont need any of the wiring apart from like mabe lights?
lee mitchell
Registered: 26th Jan 01
Location:'s: eveyones conversion cars hard lol
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u wont be able to cut hardly any out. just ones like heaters, interior lights, speakers etc
Registered: 22nd Feb 04
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the whole harness for the rear lights etc go across the dash but it is just cliped on
the dash is held with 2 bolts at either end a couple of screws behind the heater controls
you will need to remove the steering wheel
other bolts that hold the dash in are under the scuttle panel and run the lengh under the windscreen it should just fall out then!
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Registered: 26th Jul 04
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hmm will have to start cutting the small bits out 2morow if i get anoyed and then get sumthing called a screwdriver out!!!
how stupid is that, i was hopeing to get the angle grinder in there!!!
Registered: 22nd Feb 04
Location: Norton, North Yorkshire
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it takes a hour max done properly mate
just take the scuttle off and undo the bolts under there and your half way there!