Registered: 20th Nov 05
Location: manchester
User status: Offline
i have recently bought a corsa 1.4 16valve sport on n reg( no power steering) i have noticed it has a lot of flat spots when cold. how can i get rid of them?
also my brither has the same car as mine on an n reg and his is a lot quicker but it hasnt been modified only springs n wheels. is there any cheap way of getting more power?
Registered: 5th Mar 05
Location: Norfolk Drives: Audi B5 S4 Avant
User status: Offline
could be a number of things, do you have an aftermarket air filter? is the panel filter dirty? spark plugs ok? fuel filter ok? how long since serviced etc?
Registered: 20th Nov 05
Location: manchester
User status: Offline
when i bught the car it came with an old k&n induction and i have replaced this with a maxpower induction brand new as i havent got an airbox for it but my brother has the same filter as me and his runs like a 1.6! i bought the car in october off a vauxhall mechanic who bought the car for cheap because the cam belt had gone and he has replaced all the parts needed and rebuilt the engine and fully serviced it all gearbox oil and everythin. but i think im gonna have to try some ngk sparkplugs in it and stick some nitrox and optimax fuel through see if i can clean it out what you think pal?
Registered: 5th Mar 05
Location: Norfolk Drives: Audi B5 S4 Avant
User status: Offline
firstly, take off the max poo filter
secondly, it will not make a 1.4 like a 1.6
thirdly, optimax wont do nout
seriously run through any service history, bear in mind mechanics will replace the bare essentials to make cars run and sell it on at a profit. give it a full service before anything else.
Registered: 20th Nov 05
Location: manchester
User status: Offline
ok cheers, no i mean it runs like a 1.6 compared to mine! its runnin 0-60 in about 12 seconds!
Registered: 5th Mar 05
Location: Norfolk Drives: Audi B5 S4 Avant
User status: Offline
lol. dont mean to come across harsh but air filters will in 99% of cases do more harm than good. do you have any warning lights come on?
Registered: 20th Nov 05
Location: manchester
User status: Offline
no it runs fine other than the flatspots. and its a totally different car when its cold. runs better quicker and more responsive. im guna get the airbox back and order a courtenay panel filter
Bullet Proof SRi
Registered: 11th Jul 05
Location: UK - Clacton on sea - Essex
User status: Offline
i would change all filters, plugs and oil, even if the person said it was done.
it would give me more satisfaction. also get rid off that induction kit, i say unless you can afford a viper / bmc etc. keep your old airbox. dampness really gets into cone filters
Registered: 20th Nov 05
Location: manchester
User status: Offline
ok il do that.
Registered: 8th Oct 03
Location: Alford, Lincolnshire
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i thought all sports came with power steering even the early ones? sure its not an sri?
Bullet Proof SRi
Registered: 11th Jul 05
Location: UK - Clacton on sea - Essex
User status: Offline
all sports do no thave power steering , my mate has a n plate sport 16v with no power steering
Registered: 20th Nov 05
Location: manchester
User status: Offline
no, its only the v grille corsaz that have power steering in the 1.4 sport. the sri doesnt even have elecy windows.
MoNkEy MaGiC
Registered: 12th Apr 03
Location: West - London Drives: Corsa GSi
User status: Offline
as its your new car, give it a really good full service, use a oil flush and then change oil to the reccomended type (vaux 10w40), spark plugs, fuel and oil filter, new spark leads etc
flat spots when cold could mean its not getting enough fuel or air, so try a complete fuel injection cleaner (stp silver £12) and/or change the coolant temp sensor (£14 from vaux) the o2/lambda sensor can cause fueling problems too (£80+ from vaux!!)