Registered: 20th Jun 02
Location: Sunny Wigan Drives: BLACK 03 VTS
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Well i fitted my south african rear lights today after finally gettin some lexus light bulb holders. When they arrived and i attempted to fit them i was pleasently or rather not so pleasently suprised when i found out that a user on her called "b4l" who i bought the bulb holders from had sold me two right hand side looms, and peeled one half of one of the stickers off so i couldnt tell 
After removing the wires and checkin each feed as i put the lights on i rearanged the wires and set them up correctly.
I then fitted them and made sure all the bulbs where fixed in etc, after puttin all of the lights on i found a couple of problems. Firstly the twin element bulb for the side/brakelight isnt working properly and you cant see the brakelight hardly, it looks like they are getting an equal fee instead of it splitting 5w to the sidelight on 21w to the brake, Any ideas people
Secondly a few week ago my reverse lights just stopped working, could do with gettin them sorted, any ideas what that could be also
Rant over, and pics tommorrow 
[Edited on 05-03-2006 by Ajones_17]
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
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The twin element bulb will have a different filament in each side, sounds like you've just wired them up the wrong way around so the sidelights are doing the braking and when you break the addition of 5w worth of sidelight isn't increasing the light much.
Switching them should cure that.
Reverse lights could be fuse or switch on the stick.
Registered: 20th Jun 02
Location: Sunny Wigan Drives: BLACK 03 VTS
User status: Offline
So i need to take the bulb out and just spin it round then?
Registered: 20th Jun 02
Location: Sunny Wigan Drives: BLACK 03 VTS
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Registered: 20th Jun 02
Location: Sunny Wigan Drives: BLACK 03 VTS
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reverse light switch is on the gear box not the stick.
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quote: Originally posted by Ajones_17
So i need to take the bulb out and just spin it round then?
swap the side and brake like bulb wires round
Registered: 20th Jun 02
Location: Sunny Wigan Drives: BLACK 03 VTS
User status: Offline
How will i fix the reverse light sitch if it has gone?
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Registered: 6th Dec 02
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replace it, its only about £5
Registered: 20th Jun 02
Location: Sunny Wigan Drives: BLACK 03 VTS
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Where abouts is it mate, i aint got a clue about gearboxes
Registered: 19th Feb 04
Location: South Lakes
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You know where your gearbox is? As you look in on the right handside of the engine bay? Theres a black wire going into the top a plug type effort in the top of it IIRC. Just turns round and comes out then put the new one in.
If you have a Haynes Manual then look in there.
Registered: 20th Jun 02
Location: Sunny Wigan Drives: BLACK 03 VTS
User status: Offline
hmmm, its an X16XE so pretty cramped in the bay. Any pics mate pleeeeeeease
Registered: 19th Feb 04
Location: South Lakes
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Have had a quick look in peoples garages but like you say its a bit cramped so cant see in detail enough.
Go out and have a badger under the bonnet and see what you make of it!
Registered: 20th Jun 02
Location: Sunny Wigan Drives: BLACK 03 VTS
User status: Offline
Can you show me on this pic mate 
Registered: 19th Feb 04
Location: South Lakes
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should be somewhere within the red circle 
Registered: 20th Jun 02
Location: Sunny Wigan Drives: BLACK 03 VTS
User status: Offline
Cheers mate. I was looking round there but couldnt see shoot