Jonny P
Registered: 11th Dec 04
Location: Merseyside Drives: Civic Type R EP3
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right, i cant find anymore posts on this.
I have taken my dials out and been informed that for the rev counter, i need a green wire to put into the back of the new dials. I cannot for 1,000,000 quid find the wire 
I have a pic *sorry about the angle * tilt ur head to the right, will make more sense lol

Thats all i can see lol
Anybody shed some lights onto this?
Registered: 5th Feb 06
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this may seem obivous, but have you lifted the dash plug out of it mount, then you can see all the coloured wires. Altough you prob have
Jonny P
Registered: 11th Dec 04
Location: Merseyside Drives: Civic Type R EP3
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what do u mean? im confused which is the dash plug?
Registered: 25th Oct 04
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The one with all the pins. Push in the clip(s) and pull it out?
Jonny P
Registered: 11th Dec 04
Location: Merseyside Drives: Civic Type R EP3
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the 1 in the pic with all the gold pins on it there yeh?
Jonny P
Registered: 11th Dec 04
Location: Merseyside Drives: Civic Type R EP3
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Jonny P
Registered: 11th Dec 04
Location: Merseyside Drives: Civic Type R EP3
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Registered: 9th Oct 03
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have you go tthis green wire?

should also be here...

[Edited on 13-03-2006 by Siberia]
Jonny P
Registered: 11th Dec 04
Location: Merseyside Drives: Civic Type R EP3
User status: Offline
yeah ive got that
Jonny P
Registered: 11th Dec 04
Location: Merseyside Drives: Civic Type R EP3
User status: Offline
i assume it just plug and play now then, put the throttle cable thing into the back of the new 1s' and away we go?
Registered: 9th Oct 03
Location: Leprechaun Land Drives : Zafira GSI
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yup.. put the SPEEDO cable in the back and just push the dials your fitting in place... they should work perfect...
Registered: 11th May 02
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yup just plug it together
Jonny P
Registered: 11th Dec 04
Location: Merseyside Drives: Civic Type R EP3
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sound, ive been looking for a loose green wire for about 3 days everyone who has explained it made it sound like it was loose
Registered: 3rd Apr 06
Location: Langney, East Sussex
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i have no green wire!!!!!

no green wire at all....... i have 5/6 different green wires cumming off the ecu as well....... but none running up behind my clocks, what shall i do?
[Edited on 29-05-2006 by ricky1989]
Registered: 30th Jan 05
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I tested each one of the green wires with a voltmeter, with the red to the wire and black to earth on the car body, at idle should read around 7v I THINK.
Then as you press the throttle, voltage increases with engine rpm.
Edit forgot to mention, i piggybacked this wire from the ECU to the plug behind the dash, as mine didnt have one in the plug previously
[Edited on 29-05-2006 by Poot]
Registered: 19th Apr 02
Location: Munich
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Mate, wiring is prob all there, mines pretty much pov spec and had the rev counter feed. Should just be able to click on the speedo drive cable, push the clocks in and it'll work hopefully!
Registered: 3rd Apr 06
Location: Langney, East Sussex
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huh that dont make sence?
quote "wiring is prob all there, mines pretty much pov spec and had the rev counter feed. Should just be able to click on the speedo drive cable, push the clocks in and it'll work hopefully!
Registered: 19th Apr 02
Location: Munich
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Does to me 
I have a poverty spec corsa with minimal electrics.
My corsa had the green wire already installed in the multiplug.
I put SRi clocks in, connected the speedo drive cable, pushed the clocks back so they engaged with the multiplug and the rev counter worked.
In other words, Jonny shouldnt have to worry about finding a green wire.
[Edited on 29-05-2006 by CorsAsh]
Registered: 3rd Apr 06
Location: Langney, East Sussex
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so what are you saying? i shouldnt worry about a green cable, and jsut piggy back a cable between my tachometer from my speedo drive cable? will that work?
Registered: 19th Apr 02
Location: Munich
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I'm replying to Jonny mainly, but seeing as you asked, you should just be able to plug the new clocks in and have them work straight away.
When I say speedo drive cable, I'm on about a drive cable, not an electrical wire as found on later cars. If this is what you have then no, putting a wire from the speedo wire to the tacho wire will not work.
Registered: 3rd Apr 06
Location: Langney, East Sussex
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ok cool,. i have an electric wire..... but no green cable, i need to know tho which is the negative side of the coil?? do u know at all and are you able to help me please. i cant jsut plus it in, because teh green wires not there and i need to run one through, but like i say i need to know the negative side of the coil.
Registered: 3rd Apr 06
Location: Langney, East Sussex
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Registered: 3rd Apr 06
Location: Langney, East Sussex
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Registered: 3rd Apr 06
Location: Langney, East Sussex
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help needed knowing the negative side of the coil?
Registered: 1st Nov 05
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Ricky - Just piggy a wire from pin 45 (Tach pin) on the ECU direct to the 5th from left pin on the dash clocks. . . . . . . .then you have a tach wire 
(If their isnt already a tach wire on the 5the fifth from left pin on the clock plug)