Registered: 9th May 02
Location: Bedfordshire
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I want to be able to acces the internet via my laptop from anywhere in the house. I havent got wifi on my laptop so what would i need to enable me to do this and could i get the bits from pc world
Registered: 27th Sep 05
Location: Sideways, Surrey
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PCMCIA wireless card to fit into laptop.
Registered: 4th Oct 05
Location: North Yorkshire
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prob be able to get a wireless card from pc world!!
Registered: 29th Apr 03
Location: hartlepool
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yeah you can get bits from pc world im sure i saw a special were you get a router and a dongle for £50
you need a wireless router, which one you need epends on your internet connection ethier adsl or cable.
and a way of connecting the laptop to the router which you can get a usb wireless dongle probs the easiest or a pcima wireless card, you can get all from pc world.
Registered: 23rd Feb 06
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Registered: 11th Aug 02
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Registered: 9th May 02
Location: Bedfordshire
User status: Offline
yeah just brought that one and set it up, wicked bit of kit cheers guys, do you know if those network cards can be setup to work with pda's like o2 xda ii etc
Registered: 29th Apr 03
Location: hartlepool
User status: Offline
yeah ive got a xda2i very little you need to do as soon as the wireless network is plugged in an you can access it on your laptop turn the wirless on the xda on and it will pop up saying " your routers name " then just click connect and it will connect to the network.
after that you can use active sync over the wireless network, and also access files on your pc from the xda tis great i can sit in the garden and lisen to my entire mp3 collection through my phone.
also the internet works on the phone through broadband obviously lol .
Registered: 11th Aug 02
Location: York
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I have a 3 Com router which the main pc is connected to. I then have a 3 Com firewire card in my laptop. I think it was around £170 from Ebuyer.
Registered: 11th Aug 02
Location: York
User status: Offline
Doh! Replied too late!