Registered: 7th Jan 06
Location: medway towns
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hi. rite this time
youll be driving down the road. everything will be fine, then sudenly the engine will die not cut out but die. some times itll die to a certain revs then ittle jump and splutter then everything willl go back to norma. some times you can solve this by changing to another gear higher or lower. im about an inch close to changeing to a sport engine as i have already spent 300 quid on parts on other problems.
any ideas what it could be and how much i could pick up a sport 1.4 16v engine for??
what would i need to change if anything would the sport engien bolt straightonto the sxi box or would i need to change that too.
Registered: 10th May 06
Location: in my caravan all over
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[Edited on 02-07-2006 by corsa2.5v6]
Registered: 7th Jan 06
Location: medway towns
User status: Offline
wtf is that sposed to mean/be
Registered: 20th Aug 01
Location: Lincoln
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Yes mate, if you havent already changed the air flow meter, idle stepper motor or coil pack and maybe the EGR Valve, i'd say one of them is at vault!
The AFM and ICV are 2 main problems with these engines, replaced both myself after a similar problem to yours.
Registered: 28th May 06
Location: Preston, Lancs. Drives: Astra SRI turbo.
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ICV wont be nefing to do wi it i bet, mass air flow meters tend not to let the engine rev past 3000rpm when they go knackered, as for the corsa sport engine, it will probably bolt straight to the old g'box.
Registered: 7th Jan 06
Location: medway towns
User status: Offline
ive changed the mass air flow meter coil pack and crank case sensor and fuel filter.
Registered: 28th May 06
Location: Preston, Lancs. Drives: Astra SRI turbo.
User status: Offline
does it work off a speedo cable? cuz later corsa b's got rid of it. this same problems happened to corsa c's. the electrical connector on the back of the speedo dials becomes loose, making the dials go off and the engine cut out intermittently. to sort it, we use a bit of sticking back plastic on the back of the plug to keep it in place. same problem might be causing yours...?
Registered: 7th Jan 06
Location: medway towns
User status: Offline
its on a electrical conecter i could try it but the engine doesnt cut out it just dies down but stil runs but not long enuff to see if its going to sit at idle etc
[Edited on 02-07-2006 by puregarage87uk]
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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Have you had it fault checked at Vauxhall yet?
Registered: 7th Jan 06
Location: medway towns
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ive had it pluged in a few times yeah and ive chaged all of those
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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Who did the fault check though?
Registered: 7th Jan 06
Location: medway towns
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ive had 2 differant ppl do it both are vauxhall speciial ists but for half the price of vauxhall there self and doing the same job.
Registered: 7th Jan 06
Location: medway towns
User status: Offline
i havent had it plugged in since i changed the fuel filter or the air mass filter tho. so thats next on the list
[Edited on 02-07-2006 by puregarage87uk]
Registered: 28th May 06
Location: Preston, Lancs. Drives: Astra SRI turbo.
User status: Offline
i work at a main dealer of vauxhall, if u go into reception and just ask them to slam tech2 on your car for you, they usually do out of good will, tell em your problems and they'll prob b able to tell u sumat.
Registered: 7th Jan 06
Location: medway towns
User status: Offline
ive been to vauxhall and they said its 45 quid.
Registered: 7th Jan 06
Location: medway towns
User status: Offline
how much can i pick up an ecu for?? as ive been told by a few ppl thats what it could be. is it going to be worth doing it or would it be cheaper to just change the engine?
Registered: 7th Jan 06
Location: medway towns
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any ideas any one???
Registered: 7th Jan 06
Location: medway towns
User status: Offline
rite. now my engine wont go above 2500 revs some times its 3000. it will be runin fine for a bit. then it will just start playing up. youll rev it up to 2500 and then ittle drop and the engine wont kick back in till 2000 revs then ittle die again at 2500.
some times the engine management light comes on. im guessing its something electricle
im awaiting to get it pluged in but its got worse over this last week. could there be a plug on a sensor loose some where.? any ideas before i scrap this engine its cost me close to 300 quid already.
Registered: 20th Jun 04
Location: Hesketh Bank, Lancashire
User status: Offline
It is likely to be a sensor of some sort. Why not just take it to a garage, tell them the problems and leave it with them till its sorted.
Its hard to tell without actually driving or seeing the problem, could be EGR valve? but could also be a number of things, we can only guess from here as no-one has actually seen whats happening with it.
Registered: 7th Jan 06
Location: medway towns
User status: Offline
rite this is strange. i put a new battery in my car as the other one was going flat as i was driving down the road and amazingly the the rev problem has seemed to have stopped. been using the car for a good few hours and not a single blip. so hopefully thats problem solved. wooo