Registered: 26th Nov 04
Location: Ipswich, Suffolk Status: Happy
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Just purchased a second hand set of these off Half Pint
Hopefully get it all fitted in the not to distant future (hopefully before my 30th birthday, when is that? I'm glad you asked! it's on the 25th of this month.... )
Will try and remember to take some progress / mincing pics and post 'em here.
[Edited on 16-07-2006 by Jules]
Registered: 5th Oct 01
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Registered: 9th Mar 05
Location: Ipswich, Suffolk
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quote: Originally posted by Kerry
my thoughts exactly
Registered: 21st Feb 03
Location: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk
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if you need a hand then let me no!
Registered: 5th Oct 01
Location: Norwich
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Any updates?
Registered: 26th Nov 04
Location: Ipswich, Suffolk Status: Happy
User status: Offline
I've painted the Dbilas rocker cover black 
Waiting for Vauxhall to ring me and tell me the inlet manifold gasket has arrived, somehow I think I'll be the one ringing them!
Trouble is I'm at work next week Mon-Thur, busy on Friday so I guess I'll have to crack into it next weekend.
Plus I'm still not 100% sure if I have all the bits from Half Pint for it - I appear to be missing the small vacumn tubes, I've asked him and he's not sure and will have a look around for me.
Oh and the fact that I have no clue asto where all the other vacumn hoses go it could be a interesting weekend next week!
Registered: 5th Oct 01
Location: Norwich
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this your excuse not to come to the meet
poor one tbh and you will regret it too
Chris F
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quote: Originally posted by jamesvalver
if you need a hand then let me no!
I need your hands
Registered: 21st Feb 03
Location: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk
User status: Offline
chris - i didnt mean like that lol.
jules - i have a c16xe inlet manifold gasket, exhaust manifold gasket,head gasket, spare cylinder head, valves,springs, followers and cambelt kit. if any of them will be any good to you then let me know and ill meet you in ipswich sometime
Registered: 26th Nov 04
Location: Ipswich, Suffolk Status: Happy
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Kerry
this your excuse not to come to the meet
poor one tbh and you will regret it too
Can't I come in a non Dbilas equipped GSi then?
Registered: 26th Nov 04
Location: Ipswich, Suffolk Status: Happy
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quote: Originally posted by jamesvalver
chris - i didnt mean like that lol.
jules - i have a c16xe inlet manifold gasket, exhaust manifold gasket,head gasket, spare cylinder head, valves,springs, followers and cambelt kit. if any of them will be any good to you then let me know and ill meet you in ipswich sometime
Cheers James, the problem i'm having at the mo is that it looks for all intents and purposes there should be some small vacumn pipes attacched to the throttles on the inlet, if you look on the Regal site you can just about see them, but there were none with mine, I've asked Half Pint and he can't remember.
I'm currently trying to pick Dave's brains about it in the Help Section, then if I DO need the pipes (which I suspect I do) I will have to try and get some from Dbilas or Regal, then try and work out where they go!
I'll get a pic of what I mean in a sec as it might halp explain when I'm on about.
Registered: 26th Nov 04
Location: Ipswich, Suffolk Status: Happy
User status: Offline
Dbilas cover sprayed and raised lettering rubbed down (needs a clean as you can see)

Picture of my setup from the Regal website - Note the small tubing that seems to come from each throttle body.

My assembled inlet manifold and throttle bodys - if you look carefully at the pair of throttles on the rigjht you can just make out two small brass tubes pointing upwards - this is where the vacumn tubing goes I think

And a close up:

And then there is the question of where these pipes go!

I think I need to get an instruction sheet for fitting I think!
Rob B
Registered: 8th Jan 04
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Unfortunatly Jules im not much help as yours is a different set up to mine 
I really dont have a clue BUT if you can wait till Saturday im taking all mine off so would be able to take detailed pics etc of it attached to the head then for you.
Registered: 26th Nov 04
Location: Ipswich, Suffolk Status: Happy
User status: Offline
Rob that'd be awesome, I got the fitting guide from Dbilas Germany today and it seems I'm missing a few pieces (the spacer block and longer bracket for the alternator for one ) so it might be a while before I can get this fitted