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Author AMD buy ATi

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24th Jul 06 at 23:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I guess this means I would be better off switching my gfx card preference to the old ATi in the future or swap CPU prefernce to Intel

Registered: 19th Aug 04
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25th Jul 06 at 06:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Nice I have always been and AMD + ATI guy!

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25th Jul 06 at 06:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Jamescorsa97
Nice I have always been and AMD + ATI guy!


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25th Jul 06 at 08:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

me too.

ew ought to see some good hardware combinations from these guys now, extremely fast processors on grahpics cards

this is a good move for the Gaming industry.

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25th Jul 06 at 09:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

AMD aren't going to suddenly start putting dual cores on graphics cards.
It's 2 totally different fields.
They will however most likely develop some fancy methods of exchanging data between the 2 as fast as possible.

Registered: 19th Aug 02
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25th Jul 06 at 09:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

of course not.

But one of the worlds leading CPU manufacturers now owns one of the worlds leading graphics card compaines, which means a huge collaboration and can expect big graphic improvements.

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25th Jul 06 at 09:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Yeah, can't wait to see the developments between cpu and GC now. I think I will start saving for a monster gaming build for when we see some sparks!

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25th Jul 06 at 10:43   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

expect mobo's with PROPER integrated chipsets with onboard GFX processors, but using extremely fast BUS speeds

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25th Jul 06 at 19:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Bart
of course not.

But one of the worlds leading CPU manufacturers now owns one of the worlds leading graphics card compaines, which means a huge collaboration and can expect big graphic improvements.

that or just totall domination of the two markets

THEY will be settings the boundries, they will be the first to come out with the technology.

If you look at Ati they actually produce a lot of other graphics card solutions like for mobile phones and what not which is what Nvidia havent dove into as much.

I would predict that if Nvidia dont do something soon, you can expect them to go bust. Then once this happens ATi will lead the market and then Amd may concentrate on destroying Intel or maybe even taking over them

Registered: 24th Mar 04
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25th Jul 06 at 20:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Although a fan of ATi, I doubt Nvidia will go bust. They'll always have fan boys as will Intel. They still continue to produce quality cards and you could split hairs between them both. I just think Ati cards may have a bigger market share and seem more desirable. Who knows we'd have to wait and see if AMD run them as seperate company still and let them get on with it or combine technologies and produce jointly?


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25th Jul 06 at 21:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Nvidia make loads of mobile graphics chips.

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26th Jul 06 at 06:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

nvidia going bust they are still outselling ATi, i cant see them disappearing as long as they keep on pumping out the goods. SLi is stil an avenue that ATi havent approached

Registered: 14th Mar 04
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26th Jul 06 at 07:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by John
AMD aren't going to suddenly start putting dual cores on graphics cards.
It's 2 totally different fields.
They will however most likely develop some fancy methods of exchanging data between the 2 as fast as possible.
indeed, but it would be nice to see an fx-62 on a gfx card

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26th Jul 06 at 07:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

except CPU and GPU architecture are 2 completely different things

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26th Jul 06 at 07:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Cybermonkey
nvidia going bust they are still outselling ATi, i cant see them disappearing as long as they keep on pumping out the goods. SLi is stil an avenue that ATi havent approached

SLi......................crossfire nah obviously that cant be a form of SLi could it......

Crossfire is actually better than SLi anyway as you can Pair the graphics cards up with diffefent models so like an X1600 with an X1800 and also use both of the memory banks compared to sli which uses only one memory bank.

Nvidia hold a high amount of shares in the Games Industry market for pc gamers but i beleive this will change and when it does Nvidia will have to start looking elsewhere for dominance.

Registered: 19th Aug 02
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26th Jul 06 at 08:43   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i personally think sli and crossfire to fade out shortly.

By the time you have spent close to 1k on two graphics cards, 2 months down the line a new range/model graphics card is out which is almost equally as good as the two for a third of the price.

Allan, dont run down Nvidia while CM is about, he is a nvidia whore through and though


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26th Jul 06 at 13:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Bart
i personally think sli and crossfire to fade out shortly.

By the time you have spent close to 1k on two graphics cards, 2 months down the line a new range/model graphics card is out which is almost equally as good as the two for a third of the price.

Allan, dont run down Nvidia while CM is about, he is a nvidia whore through and though

you will be very supprised at the amount of SLi Systems i build.
I dont think Sli will phase out as it will always be there for hardcore gamers.
Even tho sli is out you dont have to always use sli anyway, you could just get a mobo with a single pci-e slot but have you seen many high end boards that dont have sli???

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26th Jul 06 at 23:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Sli and crossfire are obsolete if you can get everything you need onto one board and exchange data between everything quick enough.

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27th Jul 06 at 05:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

why would they gfx card companies make them obsolette? they'd prefer to sell 2 than 1

Registered: 19th Aug 02
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27th Jul 06 at 07:09   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Russ
why would they gfx card companies make them obsolette? they'd prefer to sell 2 than 1

of course they would, and there is obviously a small market there for it.

I currently have an X1900XTX, which i could buy another if i wanted to, but i dont think i would see any benifit (is there really any game out that would need two of these ).
And theres not a doubt in my mind, that by xmas, or just after xmas, there will be a single graphics card out that will be the equivilant to two of these (the high end range obviously).

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27th Jul 06 at 07:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Bart
Originally posted by Russ
why would they gfx card companies make them obsolette? they'd prefer to sell 2 than 1

of course they would, and there is obviously a small market there for it.

I currently have an X1900XTX, which i could buy another if i wanted to, but i dont think i would see any benifit (is there really any game out that would need two of these ).
And theres not a doubt in my mind, that by xmas, or just after xmas, there will be a single graphics card out that will be the equivilant to two of these (the high end range obviously).

i know what you mean, but sometime you get people who just want the "best" system. ( usually absolutely loaded )
Personnally i wouldnt use Sli or crossfire.
I program alot of graphical stuff and i still do this on my Skt A system with a 9800 XT hehe.
I can see the benefit of some of the new cards, supporting direct x 10 but i think its a safe bet to say we can wait until Vista is out for us to fully support Dx 10

[Edited on 27-07-2006 by Reedy]

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27th Jul 06 at 09:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Reedy
Originally posted by Cybermonkey
nvidia going bust they are still outselling ATi, i cant see them disappearing as long as they keep on pumping out the goods. SLi is stil an avenue that ATi havent approached

SLi......................crossfire nah obviously that cant be a form of SLi could it......

Crossfire is actually better than SLi anyway as you can Pair the graphics cards up with diffefent models so like an X1600 with an X1800 and also use both of the memory banks compared to sli which uses only one memory bank.

Nvidia hold a high amount of shares in the Games Industry market for pc gamers but i beleive this will change and when it does Nvidia will have to start looking elsewhere for dominance.

Your are incorrect on the memory. SLi doesnt jsut use one memory bank, nor does crossfire double memory. Memory on both cards are always used, but the information is also doubled so each card has the same frame buffer and texture information in it. This is the reason why VRAM doesnt increase regardless of how many cards your use.

Nvidia wont be going anywhere. As long as Nvidia keeps putting out cards that perform and have the tech then people will buy them. People wont just switch to ATI just because AMD bought them.

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27th Jul 06 at 10:02   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

besides, the ATi name will probably dissapear altogether and be called something relating to Advanced Micro Devices

Registered: 19th Aug 02
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27th Jul 06 at 11:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

This is certainly an interesting read.
It hasnt made Nvidia happy at all.


ATI just released the July Street News Flash, which was published in response to the recent news of an AMD takeover. There are just too many good quotes in this one, so we thought we'd just quote the whole news flash in its entirety:
On ATI's Intel License: There is no truth to the rumor that Intel has pulled ATI's chipset license. We continue to ship Intel chipsets under license.

On AMD's commitment to GPUs: The merger with AMD reinforces ATI's position as the world's best GPU supplier. AMD is absolutely committed to maintaining and extending that leadership. The merger gives access to AMD technologies and resources - for example, custom memory design - which will raise performance and reduce costs, further increasing ATI's competitiveness. Also, AMD has been extraordinarily effective in the channel, and access to their know-how, experience, and network, will be a powerful plus for ATI.

On Intel platforms: AMD acquired ATI so it could be the world's number one graphics processor supplier. AMD is absolutely committed to supporting graphics on Intel platforms. Hector Ruiz, AMD's CEO, made this completely clear on the conference call that announced the merger. He stated that AMD wanted to increase choice in the market, and that included ATI graphics on an Intel platform.

On the gift to Nvidia: Nvidia has seen the writing on the wall, and doesn't like what it's saying. The PC market is a tough place to be without any friends. ATI now has all the resources of AMD behind it, and will be producing faster, more compact GPUs and reaching the channel more effectively than ever before. Nvidia's words are bravado, designed to confuse the market while the company tries to find a way to compete now that it's standing alone.


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27th Jul 06 at 14:02   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Intel are slightly displeased with the situation.

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