Rob B
Registered: 8th Jan 04
Location: Area Motorsport Drives: Race EP3
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I know this should be in wanted but it is extremely urgent ill delete the post as soon as i found someone who has a pair as i know many of you will have some lying around...
Need them for Trax so can collect them there please u2u me asap then i can delete this thread, thanks Rob.
Registered: 20th May 02
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rob i dont know, but do you still want the manifold as i cant u2u you ?
Rob B
Registered: 8th Jan 04
Location: Area Motorsport Drives: Race EP3
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I cant afford it mate im sure i u2u'ed about a week ago saying that
Registered: 20th May 02
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nope ?
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Rob B
To: jr
Sent: 22-08-2006 at 10:13 AM
Message: Heloooooo
I shall have that manifold off you at Trax if thats ok ?
Much differnce in power ?
Rob B
Registered: 8th Jan 04
Location: Area Motorsport Drives: Race EP3
User status: Offline
Grrr well if i didnt i ment too, if you still have it soon then i may have it off you at the end of the month but dont keep it for me if you get a sale get rid of it mate
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Registered: 7th Jan 04
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if jr sells his elsewhere i have one, but i wont steal the sale from him
Rob B
Registered: 8th Jan 04
Location: Area Motorsport Drives: Race EP3
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Any one got any mudflaps
Premium Member
Registered: 7th Jan 04
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you're cutting it a little bit fine, what with it being friday
Rob B
Registered: 8th Jan 04
Location: Area Motorsport Drives: Race EP3
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i know ar, i just think the back looks to thin without them, i went to the scrapyard today thinking ooo one of the five Corsa's will have a set on, but did any of them ? No
Premium Member
Registered: 7th Jan 04
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you not still got the silver car sitting about?
Rob B
Registered: 8th Jan 04
Location: Area Motorsport Drives: Race EP3
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nope and it didnt have any anyway
Registered: 20th May 02
Location: Kent
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you can buy mine for £110 and they come with a free janspeed manifold
Rob B
Registered: 8th Jan 04
Location: Area Motorsport Drives: Race EP3
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sell me them JR, and ill order you a new set from vauxhall and send them you
Registered: 20th May 02
Location: Kent
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no, as there attacted to th bumper, which isnt at my house
Rob B
Registered: 8th Jan 04
Location: Area Motorsport Drives: Race EP3
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Someone must have a set, i may go on a search tomorrow, go to vauxhall and get them to get me a set for tomorrow and tell them its urgent.
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Vauxhall stocked them when I went, walked in and they handed them to me.
That was for a sport and not a GSi, but the rears are the same aren't they?
Rob B
Registered: 8th Jan 04
Location: Area Motorsport Drives: Race EP3
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i tried a gsi set, the fit is shoot, ive seen loads of GSI's with Post 97 ones like you get on sports so there the ones i want .
Registered: 19th Apr 02
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I'll make you some from carboard 
BTW, not convoying down on Sunday, got other plans
Rob B
Registered: 8th Jan 04
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Registered: 19th Apr 02
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Calm down, I'm still going, just not with the WM/NW etc convoy...
Rob B
Registered: 8th Jan 04
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Oh cheeeers
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I had a better offer
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i took the mud flaps off my sport years ago
they may still be in the garage, in which case i will fetch them up for you and you can have them
i will have a look when i get back from work later
Registered: 6th Sep 03
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the >97 rear ones wont fit the gsi bumper......its a different shape. i know as i tried to fit the <97 ones to a >97 bumper