Ben ev
Registered: 23rd Oct 05
Location: kingslynn / torquay
User status: Offline
a thread on mig has made me doubt myself but can someone confirm when you put a adjustable regulater onto a xe where the fuel in line and the return lines go on the rail.
Ben ev
Registered: 23rd Oct 05
Location: kingslynn / torquay
User status: Offline
ive got the fuel supply line into the regulator then a line out of the regulator into a alloy plate which sits where the standed regulator was. the fuel return is on the right side of the rail and the fuel connector on the left side of the rail is left with nothing attached. is this wrong?
Registered: 6th Sep 03
Location: Lincolnshire
User status: Offline
the regulator needs to go after the rail, so the fuel pressure builds up behind it
Ben ev
Registered: 23rd Oct 05
Location: kingslynn / torquay
User status: Offline
confussion is creeping in. so the regulater is on the fuel return not the fuel in line?
Registered: 6th Sep 03
Location: Lincolnshire
User status: Offline
yes, it goes in the return line. so the fuel in the fuel rail is pressurised
Ben ev
Registered: 23rd Oct 05
Location: kingslynn / torquay
User status: Offline
how embarassing thought it was on the fuel in for some reason. dear dear. got to learn somewhere though i suppose. car runs fine but pressure gauge dosnt read anything. ime guessing that i have it on the right hose but the hoses on the regulator are in the wrong ports. havnt got the car to hand to have a look but stupid none the less..
the jokes on me