alan t
Registered: 3rd Sep 06
Location: edinburgh
User status: Offline
was reading a post a couple of days ago but cant find it now. it was somebody smoothing the tailgate handle but just the lock part so the badge on the handle was still there if u get me. anyone know who it was that was doing these?
Registered: 10th Sep 03
User status: Offline
I could do you one and supply it to you in primer ready to be painted to match your car if you like. Though they are reletively simple to make if you are handy with a bit of filler and things...
alan t
Registered: 3rd Sep 06
Location: edinburgh
User status: Offline
how much you think this would cost ed? also would you be able to paint it?
Registered: 10th Sep 03
User status: Offline
I'll have to see if we have a boot lock knocking about. If not then I'll pop to the scrappy to get one and make it. Probably be about £30 in primer and a few more quid in colour... No idea, i'm just guessing at the moment so I'll let you know tomorrow... Trouble is if we sell it in colour then the paint might not be a 100% colour match, but if you aren't too worried about that then we can do it...
alan t
Registered: 3rd Sep 06
Location: edinburgh
User status: Offline
well if you's painted it and i fitted it would it not match up pretty decent after a good polish? (the whole car that is)
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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Would probably be an alright match. It's just that when you paint a new part on the car you mix the paint according to the ammount that the existing paint on the car has faded/gone dull/contaminated e.t.c... so you have to get the exact right shade for a perfect match...
alan t
Registered: 3rd Sep 06
Location: edinburgh
User status: Offline
i see mate. hoping to get it painted sometime in the summer anyway. i will give you a shout at the end of the month when i get paid about the bootlock. also can you do the smooth fuel flap?
Registered: 9th May 06
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looks excellent far better than having no handle at all.
Registered: 9th Oct 06
Location: London
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oh now im tempted
Premium Member
Registered: 4th Jun 07
Location: Sandbach
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Does Look Rather Sweet..
Premium Member
Registered: 29th Nov 05
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quote: Originally posted by valverguy

looks excellent far better than having no handle at all.
never seen that before by it does look fucking good
Registered: 16th Jan 07
Location: Scunthorpe
User status: Offline
im thinking about delocking it and filling in the whole and maby putting a button for a solenoid underneith lyk bmws have or what eva