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Author Think! - Speed Kills

Registered: 18th Apr 02
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5th May 07 at 16:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Who thinks this message that the government sends out is hitting the mark.

Personally I don't think it is, I think the whole message is flawed, speed dosent kill, it only makes the outcome worse.

You can be driving at the speed limit, but like a knob and kill yourself. You can also be driving above the speed limit and reading the road, assessing hazards and be safe.

I like the Irish one: The Faster the Speed, the greater the mess.

What should the message be, What would your campain be if you hade to reduce road deaths
Ben G

Registered: 12th Jan 07
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5th May 07 at 17:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

everything can kill you whilst driving. simply hitting a curb or not judging the corner enough and going up onto the pavement and knocking someone over.

doesn't have to be doing a great deal of speed either for any of these to happen.

the time when i am most relaxed whilst driving is when i'm driving at a steady 60-70 mph on a motorway. IMO, the less relaxed you are, the less concentrating you will have.

Registered: 7th Nov 06
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5th May 07 at 17:05   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i get bored driving round slow, i just lose concentration and hit curbs. im a lot more alert driving how i want. not like a loon but just at my own pace. its more down to people not knowing what there car is capable of and trying silly things.

Registered: 26th Oct 06
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5th May 07 at 17:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Spot one mate!

Speed never killed anyone!!! IMPACT kills. As pointed out... Speed just makes the impact worse, but you have to loose control in the first place to have an accident.

The worst killer is a lack driver skill / training and poor hazard perception, judging distances and things.


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5th May 07 at 18:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Personally i would put more emphasis on pedestrians to look out for motorists as well as the drivers,

I would get more talks in the schools and tell the kids that they need to be careful around the roads as if they are hit by a car they are going to be seriously hurt or killed,

currently it seems that too much of the responsibility is put on the drivers themselves, roads are for cars and pavements are for pedestrians,
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5th May 07 at 18:22   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

to quote a rifle training session i went on:

the rifle is not a dangeous weapon, it only becomes one when in an operators hands

guns dont kill people, people kill people....

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5th May 07 at 18:26   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

not saying its ok to speed but its more down to people who dont pay attention and dont know the roads

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5th May 07 at 18:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Speed doesn't kill people, wabbits do.

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5th May 07 at 20:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i also think that they are too harsh on speeding incidents. as people are too concerned about not getting points on thier license that they spend more time looking at the speedo than at the road...

i've said it before which is safer? Driver A who drives at 30 in 30s but has to look at the speedo almost constantly to make sure he doesnt exceed the limit, or Driver B who drives at 35ish in 30 limits but is paying his full attention to the road and the potential hazards without really looking at the speedo too much...

I know which drive i'd rather be!! why is the safer driver penilized by getting a ticket for driving at 35 in a 30?

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5th May 07 at 20:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I think they should increase the legal limit of driving to 21

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5th May 07 at 20:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by charlessurr
I think they should increase the legal limit of driving to 21

they you will just have in-experienced 21 year olds on the roads....

they should introduce a system like with the bikes whereas you can only drive a car upto a certain cc until you are 21

Registered: 10th Sep 03
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5th May 07 at 20:22   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The Irish message tells the truth. Our message is the same as telling a smoker that smoking kills.
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Registered: 12th May 06
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5th May 07 at 21:23   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

couldn't agree mopre -Rikki-

I drove a friend home and went round a very much 2nd gear corner in 3rd. she was shocked at this - bit of a square never living life on the edge, she was so "appauled" she told everyone at school the next day i was a "bad" driver and she was obviously better

i have to this day argued how this makes her a "better" driver than me? i went round the corner in a safe and controled manner, if a few mph fast what is a measure of "better" or worse....if driving by the DVLA and Highway code rules then i doubt many would drive quiet so often (take how we should feed the steering wheel through our hands for eg)

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5th May 07 at 22:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by ed
The Irish message tells the truth. Our message is the same as telling a smoker that smoking kills.

Sums up the lack of intelligence and the gullabull-ness SP of the british public.


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6th May 07 at 12:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The message should simply be,

Dont drive like a cock, Use some common sense.

I still think an IQ / Personality test would go a long way as a premeasure before giving anyone lessons / a driving test.

Registered: 15th May 05
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6th May 07 at 12:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Is still think the driving limit should be raised to 21, for while you may just get more inexperienced 21 year old drivers, they will definatley be more mature.

As for limiting new drivers to certain cc's, no use in my opinion, i think the current system of the insurance putting the drivers off is adequate. A 1.0 12v corsa can do upwards of 100mph, is that not enough to kill yourself and everyone around you?

The only true way to stop people i think is to take the same route as smoking and aim to be putting images of crashed cars/mutilated bodies (bit harsh but will have an impact) on bill boards.........

Then again, its like anything, you can put preventions and discouragement in the way, but if someone wants to speed, they will.
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6th May 07 at 12:10   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Speed Kills message is very much flawed.

Inappropriate use of speed kills, as does not paying attention to the job in hand. I've always wondered where the sense is in prosecuting people who do 100mph at 5am on a clearl motorway when there are hundreds of people driving past schools at 30mph quite legally.

There was a chart in one of the national newspaper magazines not so long ago that attributed road deaths to several other factors, speed being very much down the scale. It wasn't my magazine and I couldn't find one to buy at the time, but it made interesting reading.
SVM 286

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6th May 07 at 14:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

It's normally impact and or deceleration that kills, so the statement is wholly inaccurate/incorrect/flawed/plain wrong.

Unless of course the example was a heart attack victim dropping dead with fear from travelling so fast.
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6th May 07 at 14:52   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by charlessurr
Is still think the driving limit should be raised to 21, for while you may just get more inexperienced 21 year old drivers, they will definatley be more mature.

As for limiting new drivers to certain cc's, no use in my opinion, i think the current system of the insurance putting the drivers off is adequate. A 1.0 12v corsa can do upwards of 100mph, is that not enough to kill yourself and everyone around you?

The only true way to stop people i think is to take the same route as smoking and aim to be putting images of crashed cars/mutilated bodies (bit harsh but will have an impact) on bill boards.........

If you raise the limit to 21, you get newly qualified drivers at 21, who drive as badly as 17 year olds, but they will have had 4 more years to save up, and will probably be able to afford a more powerful car.

A 1 litre Corsa may well do 100mph, but 100mph on a motorway doesn't kill. The idea behind limiting cc under a certain age would be that the car doesn't have more power than the driver can handle. A car which can accelerate fast and just wheelspins everywhere is not good for a 17 year old, a 50bhp car, which can't spin the wheels is safer. The current system allows 17 year olds to drive a 400bhp car, if the have loads of money, and that's a bad idea... If you give a newly qualified biker a 1000cc bike, it'll all end in tears, give them a 50, they're not going to die so quickly.

They'd be better off upping the legal limit of tread on a tyre to 3mm, that'd save more lives than telling them that speed kills.

As for the billboard thing, those smoking ads didn't stop me smoking.
SVM 286

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6th May 07 at 15:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Claire
Speed doesn't kill people, wabbits do.
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Registered: 12th May 06
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6th May 07 at 17:41   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

what 12V have you guys driven??
yes a 12v will do 100mph but you really do need an empty stretch of road, and LONG EMPTY stretch, yes a motorway will do it but cant be busy, and it takes some doing....i've held people up, if someone comes up behind me doing 85+ i cant accelerate quickly enuf to avoid slowing them down, its a case of pullin to centre lane and slowing down.
and althou it will do 100+ but not much!!

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