Corsa E-Tec
Registered: 4th Feb 04
Location: Stevenage Drives: Leon Cupra
User status: Offline
What do you think about it all?
You to old for your car or what?
I'm 24 and love me GSi, it's 14 years old and it's been in and out the garage the last few months with chassis welding and joints etc. my mum keeps telling me to sell up and get a new car, me mums husband say's do what you want.
I love me GSI so i'm not gonna get rid but i keep thinking that at the age of 24 i should have a better car to pick up the birds in, but if a birds that shallow to go out with a guy who has a decent car then she's no girl of mine.
Sorry about the essay but would be cool to know what you think as i know i'm not the oldest with a corsa 
Premium Member
Registered: 7th Jan 04
Location: Northants Drives: Clio 182 Cup
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I'm 20 and have a standard 1.4 Corsa C with seats which look like my grandma's slippers.
I'm too young for it
Corsa E-Tec
Registered: 4th Feb 04
Location: Stevenage Drives: Leon Cupra
User status: Offline
ha, you have a newish car so spose thats all good.
would you feel just as proud owning that newish car with an older more powerfull car?
Registered: 9th Apr 04
Location: Cambridgeshire
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21 with a 306 diesel. I'd love a better car, but I spend £50 a week on fuel as it is, and being a student it's sometimes hard enough to keep the 306 running.
Registered: 21st Feb 06
Location: manchester
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im 19 and ive had corsa b for 2 years. put more money into it than its worth really. but oh well shes my first baby haha
Registered: 8th Sep 01
Location: Maidenhead, Drives: VXR Arctic
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24 cally t
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Registered: 7th Jan 04
Location: Northants Drives: Clio 182 Cup
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quote: Originally posted by Corsa E-Tec
ha, you have a newish car so spose thats all good.
would you feel just as proud owning that newish car with an older more powerfull car?
I'd prefer the older car with more power/style really, I won't be having a car this new again, older stuff is definitely better
Registered: 20th Oct 05
Location: north west uk
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24 vectra v6, im to young for this car imo so im getting a fto soon as i can sort out the insurance
Corsa E-Tec
Registered: 4th Feb 04
Location: Stevenage Drives: Leon Cupra
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Robin
quote: Originally posted by Corsa E-Tec
ha, you have a newish car so spose thats all good.
would you feel just as proud owning that newish car with an older more powerfull car?
I'd prefer the older car with more power/style really, I won't be having a car this new again, older stuff is definitely better
cool, mine has not got much power, but just undecided to whether spend a few £100 more getting the power and having the phat grin or to fall in place with every one else and get a suitable car for my age.
even tho she's old, i laugh and smile to my self before i even get in the GSI. spose that means i should just stick with her. thats how happy she makes me i sound like i'm married to her.
j10E W
Registered: 30th Sep 04
Location: maidstone
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was 20 today and drive a astrs sri turbo
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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im 18 and drive a corsa c sri
Registered: 22nd Jan 06
Location: Birmingham
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hsppy bday j1oe w!!!
Registered: 21st Jun 07
Location: birkenshaw/bradford: drives: a scooby doo
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im 24 to, an i also own a gsi. i aint in no rush at all to get shut of mine, got plenty in mind for this car
Registered: 22nd Nov 06
Location: Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire
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I'm 20 and drive a 5 door 07 Astra H - I feel to young to drive it as everyone keeps asking me where are my kids
Registered: 20th Aug 06
Location: Kent
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Saxo VTR and im 19
Registered: 4th Apr 02
User status: Offline
Im 25 next month & just now Im driving a 17yr old Golf GTi.
Will probably get the summer out of it then get something newer.........
Premium Member
Registered: 8th Jul 03
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22 and a vx220
Registered: 17th Feb 06
Location: Tyrone, Northern Ireland
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20 and a 2.0 corsa.
Registered: 19th Sep 01
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24, Corsa C 1.0 12v, Corsa GSi, Nova GSi, Astra VXR
Registered: 4th Mar 01
Location: Thornhill, West Yorkshire
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26 and i drive an 03 vectra c 1.8sxi i also drive a 1990 jaguar xjs v12 convertable 2001 porsche boxster s then there is my corsa and my calibra turbo
lee mitchell
Registered: 26th Jan 01
Location:'s: eveyones conversion cars hard lol
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27 3corsas, 03 fiesta and a berlingo van
Registered: 10th Aug 02
Location: West Yorkshire
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21 - berlingo van & buying an E46 M3
Registered: 3rd Sep 05
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19 - 2006 1.2 SXi+ Corsa C
Registered: 3rd Sep 06
Location: Scholar Green, Cheshire
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21 corsa turbo
Simon L
Registered: 24th Mar 02
Location: Glasgow
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24, Audi TT 225