Registered: 19th Oct 06
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
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Ive got:
Gears of War - Excellent, just completed this on casual 
Lost Planet - Different but excellent FPS, its up there with Gears of War IMO
Forza 2 - Better than Gran Turismo IMO
Fight Night Round 3 - Excellent Online, Too easy vs computer but fighting much higher weight classes is a challenge.
Command & Conquer 3 - Bought this today, if its as good as the previous PC versions it shud be 
Colin Mcrae Dirt - Bought this today, looks ace.
[Edited on 31-08-2007 by johnhara1]
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Registered: 16th Dec 02
Location: Manchester
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GOW - Dogshit
COD3 - Ace, but very bored of it 6 months later
Forza 2 - Boring
Colin McRae Dirt - Ace
Fight Night 3 - Ace, especially if you make the characters like your mates and get them round for a pissup 
PES6 - Shit
Fifa06 - Shit
Registered: 24th Jan 05
Location: SE London, Kent
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Gears of War - fecking awesome! completed on insane.
Forza 2 - very good but don't play it anymore.
bioshock - awesome!
cod3 - meh, same as cod2
pgr3 - online is good. dont play single player
vegas - excellent online. dont play single player
Registered: 7th Jun 06
Location: Yate, Bristol
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Test Drive Unlimiter - Amazing, I can't get enought of this and can't wait to get Live so I can get more cars
Gears of War - Excellent but a little short IMO
Crackdown - Alright, jumping building to building quite fun
Project Gotham Racing 3 - Only used the multiplayer a couple of times
Live Arcade Unplugged - Only played the poker a couple of times
Fight Night Round 3 - Only ordered today so don't know yet
Corsa Sport Gav
Registered: 12th Feb 03
Location: Durham, County Durham Drives: A6 Allroad
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Lost Planet
Forza 2
Project Gotham Racing 3
Tony hawks
Smackdown vs Raw
Registered: 7th Jul 04
User status: Offline
oblivion- very good, but takes a wile to get into it, nearly sold it but got into it finnaly
fifa 07 - pretty average not got very long gameplay
Gow- amazing - broke it tho just at the end
GRAW- Pretty good looks nice,quite boaring once completed
Test drive - fun for a day , gets very boaring
boishock - orded yesterday
Registered: 3rd Sep 02
Location: Greater London
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Fifa RTWC - Pretty poor, some impressive graphics but boring to play
PES6 - Great gameplay but poor graphics, got pretty bored of single player
Saints row - Awesome game if you can get into it, spent the most time playing this but got all achievements and 100% complete
GOW - Best game on the 360, great graphics and fun gameplay
Test Drive - Never got into it, nice to look at but lacked anything to keep me going back
Forza 2 - Great game and top gameplay, not played for a while though.
Dirt - Superb graphics and fun arcade gameplay you can just pick up and play, refreshing change from Forza.
COD3 - Plain and boring, single player is point, shoot, move, then point shoot move. Would be much better online on PC.
Condemned - Awesome game, never been so scared playing a computer game!!
Will get Bioshock on friday.
[Edited on 28-08-2007 by dave17]
Registered: 24th Aug 07
User status: Offline
PES6 - Good
Saints row - Good
GOW - Good
Test Drive - Good
Forza 2 - Good
COD3 - Good
Condemned - Not played it yet
G.R.A.W. - OK
Tiger Woods 07 - OK
Fight Night - Boring
PGR - Boring
Rainbow 6 - Not played it yet
Hope that helps!
Registered: 19th Oct 06
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
User status: Offline
not really mate. Im trying to get an idea of what the most popular\best games are before i add to my colelction come payday.
Registered: 6th Dec 06
Location: Highland
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quote: Originally posted by johnhara1
not really mate. Im trying to get an idea of what the most popular\best games are before i add to my colelction come payday.
Bioshock, amazing game.
Registered: 19th Oct 06
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
User status: Offline
On the list are:
Colin Mcrae Dirt
Halo 3
Registered: 29th Apr 03
Location: hartlepool
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dead rising - amazing game lasts a hell of a long time and is pretty open ended/ can do what you like, should be in every ones collection.
gow - played a bit mer nothing new
fusion frenzy 2 - ok when mates are round thats about it.
final fantasy 11 - online only meh.
bioshock- not played yet.
condemmed - not played much.
enchanted arms - nice old school rpg.
arcade unplugged - geometry wars is excellent
graw - not played
fear - very good, fps nice story, only played a bit.
perfect dark zero - utter crap lol
forza 2 - was ok , got old soon lol.
oblivion - ok, lots of flaws though.
sure theres some more but cant be arsed to look lol.
Registered: 29th Apr 03
Location: hartlepool
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ow gona get two worls and blue dragon this month to woop.
Registered: 24th Jan 05
Location: SE London, Kent
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blue dragon is apparently dog crap. i'd read a review on that before you buy it
Registered: 6th Dec 06
Location: Highland
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quote: Originally posted by ssj_kakarot
perfect dark zero - utter crap lol
Registered: 24th Jan 05
Location: SE London, Kent
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quote: Originally posted by ChrisBoom
quote: Originally posted by ssj_kakarot
perfect dark zero - utter crap lol
it was shite
Registered: 24th Aug 07
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by johnhara1
not really mate. Im trying to get an idea of what the most popular\best games are before i add to my colelction come payday.
Ungrateful swine.
Registered: 17th Oct 05
Location: Essex Drives: GLC63S
User status: Offline
Hitman- dont play anymore but was gd
enchated arms - meh
Outfit - okish worth the £10
Battlefield 2 - i dont play it much anymore but best online game for 360 there is
Gears of War - good completed on all difficultys and play online alot
Saints Row - dont play anymore but was gd
Forza 2 - dont play anymore but was gd
Burnout Revenge - dont play anymore but was gd
SPlinter Cell 2 - good game worth the £15 i got it for from tesco 
also got transformers for my bday. just filling a few hours of my life but dont buy it
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Worcestershire Drives: Defender
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Bioshock - Awesome 9.5/10
Fifa 07 - Not really got into it, 6/10
Snooker - Good 8/10
Forza 2 - Awesome, but gets boring as does any racer 9/10
GOW - Awesome, classic 9/10
Rainbow 6: Vegas - Love it, one of my fave FPS 9/10
Call of Duty 3 - Up there with RS:V 9/10
Lost Planet - Good, better than i thought 8/10
Condemned - Ok for a launch title - 7/10
Oblivion - Amazing amazing game if your into your RPG's 9.5/10
TDU - Good idea but never got into it much 7/10
PGR3 - too arcady for me, good gfx for launch 6/10
Registered: 29th Apr 03
Location: hartlepool
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Rus
blue dragon is apparently dog crap. i'd read a review on that before you buy it
ive played the demo, i enjoyed it, just a nice jap rpg, usually they do get crap reviews on the 360 for somereason, probs hammered the graphics or you know its not a fps or something.
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Worcestershire Drives: Defender
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it got a very good review in Official Xbox Mag
i like those kind of game too, looks very much designed like zelda even some of the characters look almost identical.
i dont like the FF style of combat though which turned me off this game
[Edited on 28-08-2007 by Steve]
Registered: 29th Apr 03
Location: hartlepool
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the artwork is very very similar to that of the dragonball series, mostly because the person who did the artwork for blue dragon was the person who did it for dragonball z aswell lol.
i prefer the turn based combat tbh, gives you time to think about it, which is what an rpg should be about.
dont get me wrong i like hack and slash and real time aswell, but i dont think mixing them works that well.
apart from the tales of series there pretty good, but more so for the story.
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Worcestershire Drives: Defender
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i loved the fighting style of zelda with Z targetting etc
Registered: 20th Jun 04
Location: Hesketh Bank, Lancashire
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Fifa 07 - Love it, only game I actually play
Forza 2 - Not bad, gets boring very quickly though
Table Tennis - not bad for passing a couple of minutes, quite amusing playing with mates.
Don't have many games as I hardly play anything but Fifa.
Registered: 15th Oct 03
Location: aylesbury,bucks
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condemned - scariest and most intense game i have ever played or seen by far, similar style to bioshock but more basic
forza 2 - excellent sim, more for the hardcore racing fans though
GRAW - very good
GOW - very good, future classic
saints row - good game, like gta but slighty better imo
pgr3 - its ok, wouldnt buy it but it was free
fifa 07 - good fun but could be better