Registered: 14th Mar 04
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had a blast, im impressed, but not as impressed as i hoped i'd be, not gears of war impressed, but impressed.. i also SHIT MY PANTIES just before i switched it off, messing threw some cupboards turn round and its a chap standing looking at me and said smething random. creepy fuck
Registered: 7th Jul 04
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yeh very good game, gets better as you go thro, one to play on big tv lights out sound blasting
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Worcestershire Drives: Defender
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i think the gfx are as good as gow, but its a totally different fighting style to gow, although the story is far more indepth.
stop for a moment and look down at a floor texture, or running water its quite cool
Registered: 19th Aug 02
Location: Midsomer Norton, Bristol Avon
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downloading it via steam right now.
looking forward to it..
Registered: 14th Mar 04
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im at that farmers market or something, and im starting to get a bit fucked off with it, supposed to be "open" and "non-linear" i may open up after this, but atm its a bit boring
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Worcestershire Drives: Defender
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i wasnt keen much on that bit
Registered: 14th Mar 04
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im also struggling to see what all fuss is about, im just guessing i'll have it finished by halo3 release and can trade it in against it, doesnt strike me as the game you an play over and over
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Worcestershire Drives: Defender
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takes about 15 hours total to complete
i love the bit when you mash ryan up
Registered: 23rd Oct 05
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quote: Originally posted by Russ
im at that farmers market or something, and im starting to get a bit fucked off with it, supposed to be "open" and "non-linear" i may open up after this, but atm its a bit boring
im near there, just got the chemical thrower, need to get some distilled water or something now..
were you in the freezer bit russ when the guy was behind you?
Registered: 19th Aug 02
Location: Midsomer Norton, Bristol Avon
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Ive just started it on the PC and im well impressed. This is the first opening scene:

How shiney does that look?
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Worcestershire Drives: Defender
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yeah the water in it is ace
Registered: 14th Mar 04
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quote: Originally posted by Kurt
quote: Originally posted by Russ
im at that farmers market or something, and im starting to get a bit fucked off with it, supposed to be "open" and "non-linear" i may open up after this, but atm its a bit boring
im near there, just got the chemical thrower, need to get some distilled water or something now..
were you in the freezer bit russ when the guy was behind you?
yeah i think i was, had another couple of moments like that now though lol
im at some metro station now
Registered: 23rd Oct 05
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sounds like your near me, ive not played for a few days
Registered: 14th Mar 04
Location: Armchair
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done a bit more this afternoon, met ryan, one thing i dont understand but i dont wanna post any spoilers
Registered: 14th Mar 04
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finished, amazing story, ending was a bit poor
Registered: 29th Apr 03
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which ending did you get, theres 2 of them?
a bad and a good, you get the good if you save the little sisters bad if you harvest them.
Registered: 14th Mar 04
Location: Armchair
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i thought there were 3, the 3rd being a mix, i got good
Registered: 29th Apr 03
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im not sure tbh, from what i gather people say there is 3 but it seems to just be the bad ending with a different emotional tone, e.g pople have said there tone and facial expressions differ if its mixed, not sure me self though.
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Worcestershire Drives: Defender
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look on youtube for the endings
Registered: 3rd Sep 02
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still havent got this...........may trade some games in for it
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Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: West Midlands
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I love GOW. It was the reason why i got a 360 and still play it on a regular basis after having the game for 8 months! 
When I watched a few youtube clips of Bioshock I thought 'yeah.... good game but not too keen on the look of it i.e. the 50's/60's settings. However, I felt like buying a new game and went out and got it.
The graphics hit you straight away when you end up in the sea.... the water effects is 
I'm about half way through the game after about 6 hours of gameplay. Its fairly easy to get into. I intially thought that all this plamsa's, eve, adam blah blah blah would confuse me but after the first level everything becomes clear.
This is definitely a game were you just need to take a break from the action and appreciate the surroundings and the level of detail put into each level.
Reviewer say that this will set a new benchmark in gaming and I believe it has in certain ways. However, there are some areas which the developer could have spent some more time on…..
- AI - hasn’t been improved much from other games like GOW. The enemy still come flying at you. I would have expected some more intelligence from them!
- Hacking – could have though of another way to hack the machinery
- Effects – I think the effect when shooting or hitting a enemy could be improved. Same level as GOW.
Bioshock IMO has push the benchmark in terms of gameplay and user intervention….
However, I can see me on ebay by Tuesday trying to sell it (that’s once I’ve complete the game )
8/10 – GOW will be back in my 360 in a few days, cant wait HEADDDDDD SHOOOOOTTTTT
pew pew pew pewwwww
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Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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Completed Bioshock after about 13 hours of gameplay.
Dont wanna spoil the ending... but how easy is it to kill off the 'big boss'. I found the Big Daddies harder to kill..... maybe it was down to me playing it on easy 
anyway.... half decent game.... achievements were a piece of piss to rack up.
pew pew pew pewwwww
Registered: 14th Mar 04
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agree'd gav
Registered: 3rd Sep 02
Location: Greater London
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Got this on sat, ive just got onto a part where everything is frozen after taking all the pictures for that geezer. Very impressed so far.
Registered: 22nd Jun 06
Location: Burscough, Lancashire
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i need to give this another go now i've got my new graphics card in, as my old one wasn't up to standards