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Author Pulled For Speeding By Undercover

Registered: 13th Mar 07
Location: Taunton, Somerset
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   3rd Sep 07 at 02:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

right i got pulled for speeding last night by an undercover policemen. I was told i averaged 80mph on a 50mph dual cariageway at 1.00am, no one around and i was on my own before everyone goes nuts about endangering others because im not like that.

The policeman was on his own, when i sat in his car it had a speed which he pointed out to me on his dash, he didnt give me any documments but said he was going to report me.

should i have recived some paperwork, does his dash instrument give him proof??

hoping here

any help??

Registered: 6th Jun 07
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3rd Sep 07 at 03:05   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I was under the impression if a policeman is on his own, he cant procecute but can warn you! A m8 told me that, could be complete poo! He should give you a 'producer' by law even if you have shown all of your documents to him, i could be wrong again tho! But i was sure if a policeman pulls you over or anything they have to give proof of the stoppage.

Registered: 13th Mar 07
Location: Taunton, Somerset
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3rd Sep 07 at 03:09   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

well i produced my documents to him as i already had them on me, but i didnt recieve anything from him he just wrote my details down in a notepad?

Registered: 15th May 02
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3rd Sep 07 at 05:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Your supposed to get a ticket(cant remember what its called)but you should have a ticket like a receipt for your record.if he just wrote it down on a notepad i wouldnt worry to much..

did you sign anything??

and no one copper can do you for speeding if he has a machine in his car to prove you did break the limit.
K2 GTi

Registered: 21st Oct 04
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3rd Sep 07 at 05:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

hope all is okay TBH, but sounds like you got off lucky.

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3rd Sep 07 at 05:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

He doesn't need to give you any paperwork whatsoever. If he told you that he was reporting you for excess speed along with a verbal NIP that is enough. One Police Officer's opinion of excess speed is enough provided it is corroborated by some other means ie, VASCAR, Video camera or a calibrated speedo. There is no requirement to give a producer either most of that can now be checked on the PNC. Hope this helps it's probably not good news for you but they are the correct answers none the less.

Registered: 13th Mar 07
Location: Taunton, Somerset
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3rd Sep 07 at 13:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

well i dodnt sign anything , he just took down my details, also he kept saying what would your dad say if he kney you were driving at this speed. but then i thought well if im getting 6 points then im sure he would know.

but nothing i can do now, just sit and pray i dont get a letter through the post,

cheers for help, if anyone else knows anything about the situation let me know please

many thanks

Registered: 12th Dec 06
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3rd Sep 07 at 13:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

normally if they get you in a car they'll give you a HORT-1 which is a producer.

If you havnt got anything you'll jsut be reported for it. Bugger all will happen mate unless he cautioned you and said im giving you a notice of intended prosection etc.

If he was just like, sit in the car, what were you doing, can i have your license etc i reckon your fine.
Ben G

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3rd Sep 07 at 13:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

usually it's just a ticking off it's if late, no traffic on road and you weren't swerving about etc.

a lot of police have leniancy towards these things as they know anyone who has an empty, wide, long road ahead of them isn't going to sit at the speed limit all the time.

will probably just come up as known to police if your reg plate gets checked by police as he has your details.

Registered: 6th Jun 02
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3rd Sep 07 at 13:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

you don't need to be given any paper work. Him showing you your speed and telling you that you will be prosecuted is a Verbal N.I.P (Notice of intended prosecution)...

he now has 6 months! (yes up to 6!) to process it and you to be given a court summons date.

It doesn't matter if he's on his own, as it was recorded by his car's computer / speed check.

Expect a letter in the post in the next 6 months giving you a court date. I suggest pleading guilty, but saying you realise the error's of your ways and pleading for the least points possible so you can keep your license.

Registered: 12th Dec 06
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3rd Sep 07 at 13:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

very true but from what eastends written it sounds like he's being reported not penalised.

50/50 i guess.

Registered: 13th Mar 07
Location: Taunton, Somerset
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3rd Sep 07 at 13:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

only have 6 points to play with so not looking good, ill be praying for a while then by the looks of things

Registered: 6th Jun 02
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3rd Sep 07 at 13:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Firstly, he didn't get a producer as he produced all his documents at the scene (he said he had them already so showed them to him there)...

Secondly you don't need to be given any paper work, or sign anything etc.

When I got nicked for over 101 mph - They only gave me a producer (as I didn't have my documents with me)...

Basically just as it was coming up to about 5 months since the offence I got the letter through post, and had a court summons.

Providing the police man said the police caution - "You have the right to remain silent, anything you do say can be used against you in a court of law" - then your probably fucked. If he didn't say this your fine.

Registered: 13th Mar 07
Location: Taunton, Somerset
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3rd Sep 07 at 13:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

he didnt read me my rights, is this a good thing??
Dan Lewis

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3rd Sep 07 at 13:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by eastend
he didnt read me my rights, is this a good thing??


Registered: 12th Dec 06
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3rd Sep 07 at 13:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

lol, last rights more like

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3rd Sep 07 at 13:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Dan Lewis
Originally posted by eastend
he didnt read me my rights, is this a good thing??


yup, without a police caution like I wrote above, it cannot hold up in court. If a court summons comes through just say you were never given a police caution.

but if you were never given one, I doubt it'll go any further. if it was fixed penalty you'd of been given it there and then.

Registered: 13th Mar 07
Location: Taunton, Somerset
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3rd Sep 07 at 14:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

so hopefully im safe, but im still going to be praying

how would i prove i wasnt given a caution anyway??

Registered: 13th Mar 07
Location: Taunton, Somerset
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3rd Sep 07 at 20:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Anyone else know anything about this??

Registered: 3rd Apr 05
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3rd Sep 07 at 20:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

There isn't anything else to know mate. The reporting procedure is pretty easy. Verbal NIP, Caution at the scene then a summons through the post within 6 months.

Registered: 31st Aug 04
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3rd Sep 07 at 20:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I tried racing a vectra in my old corsa turbo, turned out to be a uncercover policeman

Registered: 14th Jan 04
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3rd Sep 07 at 20:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

got done for 56mph in a 30 zone at the start of the year mate, 4 months later a summons came through so i held me hands up and it went to court and i got 5 points and a £180 fine. needless to say my lessons been learned

Registered: 12th Apr 02
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3rd Sep 07 at 22:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Which force was this??


You will get a court summons through the post within 6 months.

As you were doing MORE than 26mph over the limit you will be summoned and not given a fixed penalty notice.

Depending on what happens in court on the day you'll be looking at 6 points and a hefty fine (few hundred pounds)

Officer need not give you anything nor have an evidential reading. If the speedo is calibrated as it will be in a RPU vehicle, his statement is enough to prosecute you on

I know all this because I go on attachment with RPU and they do not fuck around with rude/speeding/inconsiderate drivers...

Registered: 12th Dec 06
Location: North Yorks Drives: MK3 Seat Cupra
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3rd Sep 07 at 22:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by heepsyboy
got done for 56mph in a 30 zone at the start of the year mate, 4 months later a summons came through so i held me hands up and it went to court and i got 5 points and a £180 fine. needless to say my lessons been learned

i got done doing 50 - i got 5 points and a 90 quid fine.

its an arse isnt it.

Registered: 12th Apr 02
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3rd Sep 07 at 22:43   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Paul_J
Originally posted by Dan Lewis
Originally posted by eastend
he didnt read me my rights, is this a good thing??


yup, without a police caution like I wrote above, it cannot hold up in court. If a court summons comes through just say you were never given a police caution.

but if you were never given one, I doubt it'll go any further. if it was fixed penalty you'd of been given it there and then.

A caution is NOT needed...

A Notice of Intended Prosecution is...

Believe me, it's NOT worth the hassle of arguing on a technicality. If you were speeding admit the offence. If you plead not guilty then the officer will be called into the dock to give evidence against you.

Magistrates don't like to see officers in court wasting their time on such matters; so if they find you guilty expect an even bigger fine.

Just my two pennies worth...

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