Organiser: North West and North Wales Premium Member
Registered: 20th May 06
Location: nr. Skipton, North Yorkshire
User status: Offline
Anyone had any experience of these?
Been looking for a new phone for a while, cos my K750i's playing up, and looks like it's ready for falling apart 
Was considering the K850i till I saw the price on Pay as you go 
Just noticed the S500i on Carphone warehouse website, never seen it before, looks alright, looks like a slightly better spec than my K750. Just wondering if anyone has had any experience of them?
Before people start saying get something else on a contract, a tenner probably lasts between a 1 1/2 - 2 months, plus I get bored easily and by the time the opportunity to upgrade has come, I'll have probably have already destroyed it through boredom. So I don't wanna be tied to a phone incase I get bored of it.
So the S500 is about £130, any opinions or alternatives around that price welcome 
[Edited on 24-10-2007 by Mike B]
Registered: 17th Jul 01
Location: I swap goats for mobile phones
User status: Offline
play.com had them for £99 ? think it was vodafone though...not 100% sure
they seem ok though, just a mid entry SE phone? also consider W580i but i think this model is cheaper again?
Organiser: North West and North Wales Premium Member
Registered: 20th May 06
Location: nr. Skipton, North Yorkshire
User status: Offline
mmm, thanks for that, just been looking at the W580i, never seen that one before either. Looks alright. Think I'll have to nip to the Carphone Warehouse tomorrow have a proper look at them