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Registered: 12th May 06
Location: Newbury, Berks
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I can't remain logged into CS or Facebook 
CS - i can log in, i even get the password field autocompleted for me but as soon as i try naviagate to another screen i am kicked off and need to log in again.
I have no membership access at this time. i cant see U2U as i'm kicked off opening that window, i can't vew any location services etc, i have a "guest" membership only 
Facebook is very similar - firstly it will not recognise/remember me and naviagting away from my profile i require to log in again
i know this is my pc as all is well on the work pc (using now) and my housemates pc but doesnt help me (particulary as i enjoy having a laptop and wireless network)
to give background:
problem started when i came in from Asda yday pm. i logged on and had several emails from CS of threads i had subscribed, i also had a MSN Messenger convo goin on, and my virus protection (Macafee) told me it needed to update/scan.
as i had several things going on at once, plus housemate chatting to me i cant remember if i was able to remain logged in before Macafee kicked in but its information which may help you.
i spent all afternoon/evening trying to sort the error, restoring to an earlier time, doing most things to cookies but with no success. i know something is correct as all i need do is type "f" and my username autocompletes with password....the problem is staying logged in.
can you help?
NB i cant get u2u access so dont send me any - email or post here for suggestions!
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
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cleared out all your cache and cookies?
tried another browser like firefox? (or IE if you are using firefox)
Premium Member
Registered: 12th May 06
Location: Newbury, Berks
User status: Offline
only ever used IE6
how do i clear cache and cookies?
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
User status: Offline
At the top.
Tools, click Internet Options
First tab, click delete cookies and delete files.
I'd suggest Firefox too, its wicked
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Registered: 11th Sep 06
Location: Hazlemere, Buckinghamshire
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Make sure that IE is storing cookies, is in the advanced settings somewhere
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firefox is for gayz or l33t h4x0rs
Premium Member
Registered: 12th May 06
Location: Newbury, Berks
User status: Offline
thanks Willay, i tried but will again!
i've tried all i can think of, thought it might be Macafee issue but no one commented so that idea is in my head!
thanks again
Premium Member
Registered: 12th May 06
Location: Newbury, Berks
User status: Offline
still no luck with IE6 but i tried Firefox last night and all seems to work again. would rather stick with IE but il get used to it i'm sure!!
thanks for your help and if i get through in IE will let you know!!