Registered: 15th May 07
Location: Melksham, Wiltshire
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...Road Rage?
If so... why not post up your top 3 "Pet Hates" on the road and state why!
- Traffic Jams: I hate being stuck on the spot doing nothing wasting time and petrol 
- Horse Boxes: Take up too much of the road and they drive ridiculously slow 
- Mopeds: A lot of lads now put a "power pipe" on them and seem to act as if they are on a superbike (overtaking cars which are going 30, makes them seem really really fast )
Im sure there are plenty more why not state yours?
Registered: 14th Jun 06
Location: Stevenage, Hertfordshire
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1: the M1 in the 50 zone, how fucking long does it take to widen the road queues everyday shit all over the roads and its taking forever still another year to go.
2. people that drive ridiculously slow in NSL zones.
3. People that dont indicate,
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Registered: 4th Jun 07
Location: Sandbach
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- Buses. Around here they decide to pull up and start agaim without the need to indicate
- Driving down a bypass/national speed limit road and people who think they can pull out infront of you and get to 60 before your up there arse end.
- People who generally go to slow. e.g 40/50 down a bypass
Registered: 7th Nov 06
Location: Wallisdown, Bournemouth
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I do sometimes lol.
hate it when people drive 10mph under the limit when going through speed camera, even then they brake to make sure it don't flash.
Hate it when people drive off the back of your bumper for no apparent reason.
Hate being behind anyone thats not making progress, ie not keeping speed up.
Hate lorries or transits where I cant see where I'm going.
Registered: 9th Aug 06
Location: Doddington, Lincolnshire
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Road-rage isnt the word to be honest. My pet hates -
- People who obviously shouldn't have a license because they just cannot drive
- When you are following someone down a one lane road and they wish to parallel park in a bay, fair enough, but if you could fit your fucking Punto in a Hummer sized space within 3 minutes it would be nice 
- People who don't indicate off roundabouts or when they want to turn
- Usually young lads (I know Im 19) who put stupidly loud exhausts on their cars/bikes/mopeds then rag the shit out of their car as they go past my bedroom window every night
Im aware thats 4 but I could post a shit load more if need be, thanks to this thread I now need to go and exact some anger on some Americans on CoD4....
Registered: 8th Jan 07
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yeah apaprently my road rage is funny! according to JR , who just laughed when i was shouting at people!
Registered: 18th Jan 07
Location: Wolverhampton Drives: S15
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Getting cut up at junctions / islands, they can see your approaching at speed and they should know they wont be able to pull out without making me brake hard, do they care? NOOOO
People who sit on your bumper
People who drive with fogs on or main beams.
Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
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Traffic, i ride a bike, dealing with traffic annoys me as i always think "now if i was on my bike....."
Ignorent drivers. This include middle/outside lane tw4ts, people who cannot use indicators, cannot use roundabouts, just a general ignorence and lack of understanding of how to use the roads.
Drink Drivers/Mobile Phone users/Paper Readers/Make Up appliers, anyone doing anything BUT driving that 1 tonne+ peice of metal.....
Registered: 9th Aug 06
Location: Doddington, Lincolnshire
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Tbh I dont mind people sitting up my arse. And I usually drive 10mph under the limit even in the dry because the Escort I drive feels like a boat when you go round corners, wobbles all over the place so better to be safe than sorry
Registered: 13th Dec 05
Location: Downham Market, Norfolk
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Horse Boxes - Generally driven by snotty people who think because they have a horse in the back they can push you in a ditch. Also, driven by women who shit themselves at the size of the thing.
People who hesitate at rounabouts, while sat in the middle of the 2 lanes - Really winds me up. Theres a gap you tosser!! 
Old people - Usually can't even see the white line, so drive in the middle of the road. Can't use the roads properly. An old guy who I see on my dinnes break can't even walk properly. How the hell does he stamp on the brakes when he needs to!?!?
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Registered: 4th Jun 07
Location: Sandbach
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Oh yeah, i know a few of them are my mates. But people with Saxo's who insist its cool to drive with fog lights on
Registered: 26th Sep 04
Location: Liverpool
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quote: Originally posted by VXR
i always think "now if i was on my bike....."
I found that when I started riding, some of the things people do when im in my car, just scares you to think what could of been if I was on the bike
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Worcestershire Drives: Defender
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people who do 40/50 joining a motorway
people on roundabouts who would actually drive into you if you weren't watching them
then we move onto horses, i have a few issues here..
people driving slow with horse boxes, the other day on my way to work there was one doing 30 along the main road with a MASSIVE line of traffic behind, do these people not realise they're breaking the highway code. Managed to get passed in the end, but gave them some horn action.
People who ride horses on busy roads, its dangerous, they have no place there in this day an age.
Horse shit on the road, it looks crap, smells crap, and sticks to you paint like high heaven. Its also a danger to two wheeled vehicles.
Also pot holed and badly maintained roads annoy me.
Registered: 8th Nov 04
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used to badly have now learned to calm down though
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Worcestershire Drives: Defender
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and me, there was a time when i was ready to get out the car on most journeys now i ignore it
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Registered: 11th Sep 06
Location: Hazlemere, Buckinghamshire
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People that do silly speeds joining a motorway (30-50)
People that travel under the limit when its safe to travel at the limit
Motorway aggers - middle laners, non indicators and people that travel tooo close to the car infront
Registered: 13th Dec 05
Location: Downham Market, Norfolk
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Oh yeah, another thing.
People on horses who sit there 2 across round a blind bend and don't even wave to say thanks when you slam on that hard you nearly put your car in a hedge.
Also, twats on pushbikes that ride 3 across and 30 deep. How the fuck are you meant to overtake that!! It's longer than a bloody artic lorry.
Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by JayM
quote: Originally posted by VXR
i always think "now if i was on my bike....."
I found that when I started riding, some of the things people do when im in my car, just scares you to think what could of been if I was on the bike
Nahh those things don't worry me, see too much sh1t to worriy, i'd spend my life in a quivering wreck 
I just mean if im in traffic, i think, if I was on the bike i'd be filtering, and probably home by now. Not stuck in traffic and unable to go anywhere for the next x minutes...
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Registered: 11th Sep 06
Location: Hazlemere, Buckinghamshire
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quote: Originally posted by Dean_W
Oh yeah, another thing.
People on horses who sit there 2 across round a blind bend and don't even wave to say thanks when you slam on that hard you nearly put your car in a hedge.
Also, twats on pushbikes that ride 3 across and 30 deep. How the fuck are you meant to overtake that!! It's longer than a bloody artic lorry.
Cyclists that ignore cycle paths. Tossers
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Worcestershire Drives: Defender
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people in corsa vxr's
Registered: 26th Sep 04
Location: Liverpool
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quote: Originally posted by VXR
quote: Originally posted by JayM
quote: Originally posted by VXR
i always think "now if i was on my bike....."
I found that when I started riding, some of the things people do when im in my car, just scares you to think what could of been if I was on the bike
Nahh those things don't worry me, see too much sh1t to worriy, i'd spend my life in a quivering wreck 
I just mean if im in traffic, i think, if I was on the bike i'd be filtering, and probably home by now. Not stuck in traffic and unable to go anywhere for the next x minutes...
Ive only been riding for a couple of weeks to be honest and only really in the wet so still shits me up a bit, just need to get used to it.
Oh yeh I get you now, I think that too.
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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fog lights
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
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speed limits
traffic lights
the public
Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
User status: Offline
It'll come dude, time and practice. Trust me.
Rain riding isn't actually that bad, jsut got to be a little more carefull in the bends, and give more room for braking. It can be a bit more fun in some ways, easy to light up the rear end etc...
[Edited on 16-01-2008 by VXR]
Registered: 8th Nov 04
Location: Glasgow
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now i wont generalise as i've seen plenty sensible ones
but there are a fair share of complete tits on them