Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » V6 Vectra Supertouring

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Author V6 Vectra Supertouring

Registered: 29th Aug 04
Location: Fife
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2nd Feb 08 at 12:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Only had this a week or two after swaping the cav for it but I just cant take to it, so after punting a fair bit of cash at it this week I'm just going to cut my losses and sell it on..

Quick spec:

-'98 V6 Super Touring
-125k Miles
-Tax till April
-Mot till August
-All the usual ST bits and bobs
-Optional Sideskirts fitted
-Full Recaro interior inc Door cards from a GSi
-Just been serviced
-Belt kit done recently with proof
-New bottoma rms fitted today
-4 New tyres being fitted on Monday
-Irmscher shocks

Its 10 years old and its a Vauxhall so it does have the odd rust spot and is by no means a show and shine winner. The back arches are solid although they arent the best paint finish possible. Front bumper has been repaired and painted, if you were picky it could do with a bit more work but it does the job.

I'm not interested in P/X's of any description, just gonna take a while and get something I actually want, got access to a company car so dont really need my own..

Feel free to email or phone me, but I will not answer witheld numbers as there usually linked to some timewasting twat. My numer is 07779725689.

I'm wanting £1900 for the car, which is well below what its worth, but I just dont want it sitting in my garage for months..

Heres a pic from previous owner, I will get my own tommorow if I get a chance.. It looks the same apart from the front bumper damage being repaired now..

Damage on front bumper has been repaired

Centre cap on o/s/f wheel has been refitted

daz 16v

Registered: 12th Jun 06
Location: Pemberton, Wigan
User status: Offline
2nd Feb 08 at 17:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

been looking for one of these shame i aint got rid of my audi yet anyway a free bump

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » V6 Vectra Supertouring 24 database queries in 0.0111279 seconds