jamie m
Registered: 3rd Oct 06
Location: Ashbourne, Derbyshire
User status: Offline
quick question,
how have you piped up your turbo water pipes as they want to head towards the drivers side front strut where the calibra header tank was but the corsa tank is on passenger side bulkhead
what have you tapped into to use the turbo water pipes correctly?
Registered: 3rd Sep 06
Location: Scholar Green, Cheshire
User status: Offline
Max Boost
Registered: 8th Sep 07
Location: Nottingham
User status: Offline
On mine I have taken the small pipe that comes off the top of the inlet manifold, that then goes through the turbo and back to the header tank.
As standard they normally go from the top of the rad over flow, problem IMO is that this is not a constant flow but the one off the inlet is.