Registered: 20th Oct 07
Location: Plymouth
User status: Offline
Sorry to keep hasseling but a number of problems with this car that I just want to get out of the way, 2 are sorted just another 98.34 to go.
So this problem is that lovely invention known as the handbrake. I've just taken it to be sorted, it's come back and still gets 7 clicks and just about holds on a hill, my receipt says "Clean & Adjust brakes" @ £15. So no idea what this has done, but hopefully tightening it should lower the clicks.
All I need to know is how to get in to tighten it? Where do I start screwing?! Please bare in mind I don't have a jack/access to the underside. So I'm looking for a way to do it from inside the car. I have all other necessary tools.
Thanks for any suggestions.
[Edited on 05-03-2008 by holywoodj]
Registered: 14th Aug 06
Location: Yorkshire
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Well if you dont have any access to the underside you cant do it
Registered: 20th Oct 07
Location: Plymouth
User status: Offline
gay! cant i just remove the gaiter? if not, reckon I can fit under it with no jack?
Registered: 2nd Sep 07
Location: middlesbrough
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just buy a jack?
Registered: 7th Nov 06
Location: Lancashire
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is your car lowered
Registered: 20th Oct 07
Location: Plymouth
User status: Offline
my car isnt lowered, but would the whole car not need to be lifted as opposed to one corner like if you were changing tyres?
Registered: 16th Apr 07
Location: South East Kent Drives: E46 M3
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Mine had a self adjusting cable 
When I had my car in the air you couldn't adjust it underneath, just had to keep pulling and dropping the handbrake handle and it tightened eventually.
quote: Originally posted by holywoodj
my car isnt lowered, but would the whole car not need to be lifted as opposed to one corner like if you were changing tyres?
One corner is fine, or rather do the back, you just need to get underneath it.
[Edited on 05-03-2008 by Graham88]
Registered: 7th Nov 06
Location: Lancashire
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the handbrake adjuster is in the middle of the back axle. the self tightening things are in the hubs the only adjust up to a certain point. mainly when you have fitted new shoes.
Registered: 7th Nov 06
Location: Lancashire
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i can manage to get under mine and mines on its arse. just park two wheels on a curb, i think its a 13mm spanner. a set of grips as well
Registered: 20th Oct 07
Location: Plymouth
User status: Offline
Well thanks for the help. Bit of a bummer though, my mate has a 306 and he can adjust it in the comfort of his driving seat...
Registered: 20th Oct 07
Location: Plymouth
User status: Offline
can i just check, all I'm looking to do is take it down to about 3 clicks, so this is the procedure?
Registered: 16th Apr 07
Location: South East Kent Drives: E46 M3
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Registered: 14th Oct 07
Location: Barnsley
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1. how can you own a car n not av a jack (i carnt seem to get my head around this?)
2. R u seriously telling me than if you havent got a jack you can not borrow 1?
3. Do what andyc1234 says n take off the hubs and knock down the auto tentioners, then if it's still loose adjust on the back axle.
Registered: 7th Nov 06
Location: Lancashire
User status: Offline
id leave the hubs alone. the adjusters in the hubs are only really for wear adjustment for the normal brakes. fa esay to just do it on the back axle