Registered: 1st Jun 02
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I am getting tempted by an iPhone, I know they aren't an amazing spec but I quite like the interface etc....
Was wondering, is there any way at all you can convince o2 to change the tarrif on that or is it set in stone?
I don't want an 18 month contract, I don't want 600 minutes and I don't want to pay £35 a month
Registered: 25th Oct 07
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Buy one off Ebay unlocked for £250
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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3g ones will be out very soon.
There is a loophole that you don't need to take out a contract.
o2 employees are currently being given iphones at 99 quid, I would have to assume to get rid of stock before the 3g one comes out but if you can find somebody who works for them thats the cheapest way.
Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
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It needs to be HSDPA
JM Curdy
Registered: 20th Jan 05
Location: Stranraer, Scotland
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buy one from o2 shop for 169quid easy?? 
ive got 1, love it all the third party apps are unreal some crackin ones like the multi touch interface they had in minority report and a nice etch a sketch app, i have video recording mms etc on mine which u dont get out the box but can download within seconds
Registered: 19th Aug 02
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quote: Originally posted by JM Curdy
buy one from o2 shop for 169quid easy?? 
also comes with £100 solid cashback.
any why?... because apple are about to release their next gen with 3g etc.
Its a nice looking phone, but touch screen is just hard work imo, you cant touch the buttons quickly like you would on a normal phone, plus you gotta have clean hands 
[Edited on 21-04-2008 by Bart]
Registered: 25th Oct 07
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quote: Originally posted by JM Curdy
buy one from o2 shop for 169quid easy?? 
ive got 1, love it all the third party apps are unreal some crackin ones like the multi touch interface they had in minority report and a nice etch a sketch app, i have video recording mms etc on mine which u dont get out the box but can download within seconds
My apps:
boss tols
Nes with 100+ games
mysapce/facebook icons
Lights out
towers of hanoi
who wants to be a millionaire
You tube downloader
gituar hero
and loooads more 
Also running 1.1.4 unlocked. I dont know why people slate them so much, mine, even with all that is not buggy, slow etc like most nokias. Plus there cheap now, if you could'nt care less about 3g( i know its somthing i would never use) then get one now before they release the new gen.
[Edited on 21-04-2008 by Brabus]
Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
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quote: Originally posted by JM Curdy
buy one from o2 shop for 169quid easy?? 
If you buy one then you have to get a contract with it don't you?
IE I couldn't buy one for £160 to use with my existing sim without having to sign up for the 18 month £35 contract
JM Curdy
Registered: 20th Jan 05
Location: Stranraer, Scotland
User status: Offline
thay make u think u have to take out a contract matt, but in reality u dont, take it home use the ziphone software and u never even go near a contract, ive had mine a month now and not once been contacted or went near a o2 contract, fully legal aswell
Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
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How do you get the software? 
And whats this about £100 back?
JM Curdy
Registered: 20th Jan 05
Location: Stranraer, Scotland
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ziphone.org if i remember right, takes 30seconds basically, theres videos on youtube that guide you through it
£100cash back i thought was from quidco and was only working if u took out the contract
Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
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Just out of interest, what sim you been using in it?
JM Curdy
Registered: 20th Jan 05
Location: Stranraer, Scotland
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my o2 contract one from a 3yr old contract, but my tmobile sim works in it as does a vodafone one, im sure they all work
Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
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Registered: 25th Oct 07
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Ive been using my orange PAYG sim with 500 free txts, for the last 6months, topped up £10 about 2months ago and still got over a fiver 
[Edited on 21-04-2008 by Brabus]
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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I'm doubtfull of o2 making such a glaringly obvious mistake tbh.
I'd put money on them trying to get rid of stock at as high a price as they can before the new one comes out.
JM Curdy
Registered: 20th Jan 05
Location: Stranraer, Scotland
User status: Offline
its not a mistake, your buying the phone and its ures to do what you want with, they say you have to sign upto a contract via itunes, but the software lets u bypass that and just use a normal sim
theyve reduced it down to 169, which i was kicking myself cos i cudnt wait a few weeks even though i knew they would reduce it, it wont come down farther than that
iphone > n95 > viewty > k850i/g600
ive had them all and the iphone walks it
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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I used the ziphone software on mine too after upgrading it to 1.1.4. Really really easy
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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(Using a Vodafone sim)
Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
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Might be a silly question but do they run you through a credit check bgefore you buy it? What happens if you don't pass
Registered: 2nd Sep 06
Location: Edinburgh, City of Edinburgh
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Yeah I got mine the other week. £169 from o2, no details required. Just pay for the phone. Then unluck when you get home.
Registered: 1st Jun 02
Location: Surrey
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quote: Originally posted by complex_maze
Yeah I got mine the other week. £169 from o2, no details required. Just pay for the phone. Then unluck when you get home.
Is this instore?
Registered: 2nd Sep 06
Location: Edinburgh, City of Edinburgh
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Yup, both instore and online.
Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
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It sounds wierd that, why not sort the contract out whilst in the store 
What happens when you switch it on without activation?
Apple/O2 are crazy to think people wouldn't find a way around it!
Registered: 30th Jun 03
User status: Offline
There's no chance apple and o2 left that open, especially considering o2 sell phones.
I think they have pulled a fast one.