Registered: 10th Jan 08
Location: leicester
User status: Offline
Hi all, cars bin changed to completely bog standard and i want to remove the door strips, but if i remove the door strips will it make that rust patch bigger like rip a hole in it or will it be fine?
cheers people
Registered: 20th May 06
Location: Leicester
User status: Offline
i doubt it will "rip a hole" in the door but it will look crap!id get the door strips off carefully and take the rust off back to metal andkurust itthen if it leaves a "dip" then kurustfill it and primer then spray it.then get some post 97 strips and position them to cover up that area and job done.
[Edited on 07-05-2008 by m17tty]
Registered: 10th Jan 08
Location: leicester
User status: Offline
im going to filler the rust patch over anyway i was just wondering if it would make a big hole or something, but i dont know weither to leave it without strips or put strips back on but the post 97 ones, thinking of gettin a full gsi kit aswell.