Registered: 14th Jun 06
Location: Stevenage, Hertfordshire
User status: Offline
ive had my w850i for 6 months or there abouts and its given up the ghost so its off for repair, now carphone warehouse has given me a nokia thats not even a colour phone ffs, i pay £35 a month for my contract and this is the best they can do?
now heres the problem in 6 months the phones constantly been going wrong, buttons stop working randomly, keeps deleting my pictures and everything else, and im really not happy with the build quality of the phone, if i complain will anything happen or will i just get fobbed off?
and now my loan phone wont get txt messages from my gf... nice service.
Registered: 5th Oct 01
Location: Norwich
User status: Offline
as long as it comes back that the phone breaking is not something you have done i.e water damage then i would complain and im pretty sure they will sort something out for you!
a few years ago i was without my phone through no fault as my own and i asked for the line rental back for the time i was without it and they couldnt even provide me with a shitty nokia!!
Registered: 20th Feb 07
Location: Essex
User status: Offline
I am in the same position, have a W910i as does the gf on the same contract. Had a few issues to start, so upgraded firmware on them but the issues continued. The phone wont recieve calls or texts, wont let me make calls if i have made a call before this (so constantly taking out the battery and sim card) which to me doesnt constitute a handy mobile phone 
Also it just turns off, very randomly, resets itself, at first it deleted my contacts so had to get them again...
I could understand if i had only 1 phone, maybe a bad one or whatever, maybe i didnt upgrade the firmware right...however as said the gf has one on the same contract and hers does it to, hers has been for repair and then also replaced but still does it 
Will call the provider today and update whether they do anything
Registered: 8th Sep 01
Location: Maidenhead, Drives: VXR Arctic
User status: Offline
if you pay insurane, your phone will be replaced. If not the manafactures is responsible for the warrenty. Carphone dont make the phone sony do. People steal loan phones thats why they are never the latest model, plus the cost would be sky high and end up being pushed onto the customer.
Send the phone back to Sony, they should repair it free and to a proper standard.
Its always unfortunate when you end up with an electrical good thats faulty, but its the nature of these thing being mass produced. If its any consilation SP the w850 had an extremely low return rate on Orange, you have just been unlucky.