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Author Need help diagnosing a couple of problems with my new B.

Registered: 30th Aug 07
Location: Leicester
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16th Dec 08 at 18:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Ok, got my 1995 Corsa B about a week ago.

The problems I need a bit of help diagnosing are:

  1. When steering left, the engine sounds noticably louder
  2. Steering wheel shakes at certain speeds
  3. Outdoor temperature guage always shows --.-
  4. Engine 'ticks' when cold. Sounds like tappets/valve clearances.

    The first problem is the one that worries me most. When steering left whilst accelerating the engine noise is noticably louder. I can't work out for the life of me why. It doesn't do it while stationary, and doesn't appear to do it when not accelerating. But it might just be with the quieter engine noise I don't notice the change in pitch..

    So what's possible? Could something be hitting something and doing something? I'm a bit stumped with that.

    The outdoor temperature is annoying, but would like to fix it if possible.

    The steering wheel shake I assumed was a mis-balanced wheel(s) but I've since fitted alloys and the shake is still there, it's just moved speed abit I assume due to the different rolling ratio.

    Lastly, how do I do valves on a corsa? Is it a locknut? Or shims or what? I'll get a Haynes manual before I do it obviously just want to know how hard it is before I make plans.

    Thanks guys. I'm pretty handy with a toolkit, just know naff all about cars. I've been a bike guy up until now.



Registered: 11th Nov 07
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16th Dec 08 at 18:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

1. wheel bearing
2. wheels need balancing & wheel alignment
3. temp sensor knackered or bad connection/earth somewhere
4. check oil level? Noisey tappets?

I may not be correct as i havent diagnosed the car myself, but check all those things

[Edited on 16-12-2008 by CorsaSport14]
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16th Dec 08 at 18:12   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

3) could just not be there, like in my car.

Registered: 30th Aug 07
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16th Dec 08 at 18:52   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Oil level is ever so slightly over-full. I suspect it's tappets. I reckon they just need adjusting. I'd be happy doing that, just which method does the 1.2 8v use?

Could it really be wheel bearing? I must say it sounds possible. Which one would it be more likely to be if it only happens when steering left? Right wheel or left wheel?

I'll get the tracking done on the wheels.

And where abouts is the temp sensor?

Damn I need me a haynes!
I love my little car a weird amount though, and I just want it to be perfect.
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16th Dec 08 at 19:02   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

if u look between the bumper and radiator through the grill it should be there.

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16th Dec 08 at 19:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

corsa dont have tappets, the hydraulic lifters will need replacing if they're noisy

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16th Dec 08 at 19:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'm not familiar with hydraulic lifters, are they expensive or difficult to do? It's not bad, just the engine 'ticks' with the revs when cold. Goes away once it's warmed up.

And I'm thinking it's probably the right wheel bearing. If anything. If it's only when turning left...

Registered: 30th Aug 07
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16th Dec 08 at 20:02   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Also, shouldn't wheel bearings be checked at MOT? It only had one about a week ago.

I don't mind changing a wheel bearing, but the more I'm reading the more I'm suspecting things like CV joints etc.

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16th Dec 08 at 22:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

CV joints/boots are also checked at MOT iirc.

Registered: 30th Aug 07
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16th Dec 08 at 22:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Hmm, I think it's one of the two. leaning more towards CV at the moment. Whether it's inner or outer, left or right though is a mystery.

And it could still be wheel bearings.

Really need to diagnose it so I can buy the parts in order to fit them over xmas.

Registered: 30th Aug 07
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17th Dec 08 at 18:09   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Got the front wheels off the ground today. Could feel no play. But I'm fairly convinced it's the front left wheel bearing. Could it still be noisy without feeling any play? Or should I be suspecting something else?

Registered: 24th Jan 05
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17th Dec 08 at 18:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

you can get bearing noise without any play. Im pretty sure the fronts have to be pressed in aswell but correct me if im wrong

Registered: 30th Aug 07
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17th Dec 08 at 18:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Someone else echo'd your thoughts. I've just bought a set, I'll change them both and hope it helps.

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