Registered: 12th Dec 07
Location: : S. wales Drives: Dodge Caliber
User status: Offline
Hi all,
1997 corsa X14XE Engine.
Took car to garage today as it's been mis-firing recently etc.
Their diagnostics couldn't communicate with my cars ECU so they didn't charge etc and they recommended another garage.
Went to pick it up and went to start it, just constant whining and turning over but no spark, when i put foot on the revs though, it would kick it but was constantly banging in the engine! and second i let go of ignition, it would instantly just cut out and die.
So both me and the mechanic (know fairly well) said he'll roll it back in and inspect it.
Just had a call saying that theres ZERO compression on cylinder4 and the spark plug in that cylinder is absolutely smashed to bits 
Other than being f****d what does this indicate? Bottom end failure or timing belt slip or other?
[Edited on 28-01-2009 by swill_omnibus]
Registered: 12th Dec 07
Location: : S. wales Drives: Dodge Caliber
User status: Offline
Bumpy bump
Registered: 30th Mar 08
Location: Carlisle Cumbria
User status: Offline
same problem that me and craig just found on his x14xe timing had slipped and bent inlet valves
Registered: 12th Dec 07
Location: : S. wales Drives: Dodge Caliber
User status: Offline
Ah nuts, how did you sort it? Was it expensive or?
Did you find the cylinder was also damaged and such?
Registered: 29th Sep 07
Location: Croydon, Greater London
User status: Offline
timings jumped mate, head off and inspect the head for damage (get it ported whilst the head is off )
Registered: 12th Dec 07
Location: : S. wales Drives: Dodge Caliber
User status: Offline
Ah so it could be the head then and not the bottom end?
Whats the trick with converting the X14XE to X16XE is it changing the head or the bottom end?
Craig P
Registered: 9th Mar 08
Location: Carlisle,Cumbria
User status: Offline
Well Tonight i took my Head off and found that all 4 Pistons have very slight wear on the Top,Also there is 2 Or 4 Bent Valves And a Cracked Head
I had preety much the same problems as you but i didnt have literally no Compression but it was very low,And then finially it wouldnt Start and i had no Spark to begin with,But then i managed to get a spark but still wouldnt Fire and eventually found that the Timing was out(Sliped) causing the above Damage.
I havnt fixed the problem yet,But i would start with checking the Timing if its out,Correct it then Re-try.If that doesnt work then wip the Head of and Inspect it.
Registered: 12th Dec 07
Location: : S. wales Drives: Dodge Caliber
User status: Offline
Ah awesome cheers 4that guys, i'll have a nose at it 2mos
Registered: 30th Mar 08
Location: Carlisle Cumbria
User status: Offline
damage wise cant really say until get head off inspect it but sounds like bent valves etc £21each inlet valves £23pound each exhaust valves £14pound headgasket thats vauxhall price
Registered: 29th Sep 07
Location: Croydon, Greater London
User status: Offline
the engines are interferance engines iirc and if they are even 1 tooth out they are going to have a little bit of bent valvage.. in relation to putting a 16xe lump in your 14xe shell
just get the engine and ecu (if its got coded keys you need the transponder and ignition barel to) and lieraly it just all plugs in wher the old one does nothing needs chaning
Registered: 11th Sep 07
Location: Aberdeenshire
User status: Offline
I managed to get away with 1 tooth out on the timing...
Didn't know the accident had cause the timing to slip, wooops
Registered: 12th Dec 07
Location: : S. wales Drives: Dodge Caliber
User status: Offline
Well got THEAA to tow my car today, the mechanic did say he took the head off and (didn't ask about valves) said that the timing belt was sound but all 4 pistons are marked 
So he mentioned possibly a con-rod has given way perhaps.
But the engine is literally dead now anyway, can't check it today as weather stinks, gonna wait for a reasonably dry day and take pics etc