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Registered: 24th Dec 99
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A couple of times today my XP server box has shut itself down.
Doing a quick Google reveals the CPU may be getting too hot?
I've just turned it back on again and opened the side of the case up, and am sat here on my laptop sitting by the XP box with the monitor on showing the "PC Health Status" in the BIOS.
At the moment it says:
26 deg C - system temperature
69 dec C - CPU temperature
3590 RPM - CPU fan speed
It doesn't have a case fan by the way.
I have a feeling it may be down to the CPU fan because sometimes when I turn it on it makes a groaning sort of noise a bit like when your wheel bearing is dying on your car LOL...
Should the CPU be running at that sort of temperature? It's an AMD XP something or other (1.4GHz I think).
The first time it shut itself down today, after turning it back on about 30 mins later I checked the event logs in Windows and it wasn't anything XP related that turned it off.
Any ideas guys? 
[edit - it's an AMD XP 1600 CPU]
[Edited on 19-02-2009 by Sam]
Registered: 9th Aug 04
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69 Degrees in Idle? If so, thats quite high. Should it do any high end processing, it'll probably tip it over the edge and it'll go off.
Registered: 14th Mar 04
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give it a good hoover, the temp thing in your bios is usually not very accurate either
Registered: 9th Aug 04
Location: Cottingham, East Riding
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When was the last time thermal paste was re-applied on the heat sink?
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Registered: 24th Dec 99
Location: West Midlands
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I have just put the case cover back on and it's now gone to:
27 deg C - system temperature
72 dec C - CPU temperature
I noticed in the BIOS it says shutdown temperature = 85 deg C, basically this box just runs 24/7, it doesn't do anything really when it's on as it's literally just a file server, it's running AVG, UPS software, and SATA RAID software, that's it.
I've no idea when thermal paste was re-applied on it, I bought it second hand off eBay about 2-3 months ago and I've certainly not done so myself.
Would it be best buying a new fan and some thermal paste then? The heatsink doesn't look like it's on wonky or anything, but I definately think something is amiss with the el cheapo fan that's on there.
Registered: 9th Aug 04
Location: Cottingham, East Riding
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First thing i'd do would be to totally strip the machine down to its bare components and then clean and re-build it.
Then, if that didnt help...yeah, i'd buy a new heat sink and fan.
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Registered: 24th Dec 99
Location: West Midlands
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OK I went out to PC World earlier and bought this for £9.85, been running the XP box for about 10 minutes so far and it's now:
23 deg C - system temperature
49 dec C - CPU temperature
2376 RPM - CPU fan speed
This is with the case cover off by the way. I'm going to give it another 10 minutes then put the case back on so I can monitor it further.
Apparently this heatsink and fan is meant for an AMD XP 3400+ but the guy at PC World said it would fit and he was right although it's a bit of a tight squeeze and I had to remove the PSU to fit it all in 
It's 1cm bigger than the old one and has chav style neon blue light on it I know I could have probably got it cheaper online but I needed to sort this out immediately really as I need this XP box on literally 24/7.
So fingers crossed, so far so good... 
Can I get a replacement fan for my old heatsink so I can keep it as a spare, or is there no point (given that this replacement heatsink and fan cost me under a tenner)? specs on it in case anyone's bored to tears.
[Edited on 19-02-2009 by Sam]
Registered: 29th Apr 03
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download speedfan it will give a detailed view of the temps in your system, rather than using the bios.
also if its an AMD xp it shouldnt be shutting its self down at that temp, over 85 deg is usually a warning point but it still wouldnt shut down at that temp.
obviously you dont want it to be that high though, lower the better but thats obvious, perhaps the cpu fan is cutting out and the temp is going really high.
[Edited on 19-02-2009 by ssj_kakarot]
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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It will if it's set to in the BIOS.
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Registered: 24th Dec 99
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Yeah it's set to shutdown at 85 deg in the BIOS.
I put the case cover back on about 10 minutes ago and it's up to the following:
32 deg C - system temperature
55 dec C - CPU temperature
2376 RPM - CPU fan speed
Does this seem OK now?
I will reboot it and go into XP, and download that Speedfan program ssj, see what it reports.
Registered: 29th Apr 03
Location: hartlepool
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ar yeah if its set to shutdown at 85 thats ya problem, the temps now seem ok, could be lower but will run fine.
if noise isnt an issue stick a couple of case fans in there to, make sure to hover the fans already there, could be a lot of dust over them.
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Registered: 24th Dec 99
Location: West Midlands
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Well I downloaded Speedfan which has been running for about 5 minutes now, it says:
Temp1: 34C
Temp2: 56C
I'm assuming Temp2 is the CPU and Temp1 is the system.
I'm going to move the box tomorrow as it's hidden underneath a desk with sod all ventilation, hopefully that will improve things a bit more.
I was thinking of investing in an 'exhaust fan' are they any good do you think?
Registered: 28th Jun 02
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does event viewer not show any clues?
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Registered: 29th Apr 03
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just leave it like that, those temps are within working range