Registered: 2nd Aug 06
Location: Hertford
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i opened a file that someone sent me saying
"is this you? http// blah blah"
and i opened the file it had options 'run' or 'save'
i clicked run and now its sending same file to everyone 
any ideas on how to get rid?
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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Format, don't click on random link and press run.
Registered: 2nd Aug 06
Location: Hertford
User status: Offline
wasnt random had my email adress in the name!!
Registered: 19th Jun 06
Location: Sunbury, Surrey
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could have been from someone that you know that has been infected with the same thing, thus mailing it to you?
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Registered: 29th Apr 08
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Never ever click on things like that on msn, I've had several people on my contacts infected with stuff like that. Another similar one is "check out my new pic" etc, or the downright blatant links to dodgy sites, when the person is offline.
You don't need to format, I know this infection can be removed but the method slips my mind right now 
Following these instructions is a good place to start.
Originally posted by AlunJ
I like you Dave, you are a man of men
Originally Whatapp'd by Neo
Dave's maybe capable of a drive-by cuddle
Look at my pictures
Registered: 4th Mar 08
Location: Dartford, Kent Car: Turbo'd Fabia vRS
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You penis lol...
It's so simple to code a 'virus' (worm) like that. It can be created in literally 5 minutes.
Someone on your list has done the exact same thing you have done which sent files/links to all their contacts. You done the same and you've now spread it to all of your contacts. It's a vicious circle that continues spreading itself.
They're mainly used for DDoS attacks, or creating more traffic to websites. They can enter a simple command on the program their end and it makes every single computer infected constantly hit the selected website which overpowers it and makes it unavailable for real people.
Seriously, be careful what you do on your computer -- it's not just you who it affects.
Never, ever click a link from anyone unless you're having a proper conversation with them and they are showing you something that you've requested to see. If you do go to a website, just make sure you're using Firefox and make sure you don't download anything and 99.9% of the time you'll be fine.
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
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thank you luke for explaining worms/botnets....
Anyway to actually help Ant... you need to tell us the exact message its sending to people on MSN, you can normally google the string in quotes and you'll find a description of teh virus and instructions on how to remove it.
If you can't get us that, then simply download AVG, update it and run a scan. Though you may be unfortunate enough to be infected with something thats coded well enough to get round AV and may require more work.
Let us know the EXACT message its sending and we'll go from there.
Registered: 4th Mar 08
Location: Dartford, Kent Car: Turbo'd Fabia vRS
User status: Offline
Why you being a twat willay? He obviously doesn't know what it's for and some people may be curious...
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
User status: Offline
the question was how to get rid, not explain what a botnet/worm typically does once it infects you.