Registered: 20th Mar 09
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where do i get one and r they easy to put on and r they a waste of money ?????????????????
Registered: 9th Nov 07
Location: Glasgow
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Ebay sell them. I've been thinking about buying one of the e-books that list everything you need and how to do it. The parts can be bought for £15 apparently.
But no doubt you'll get torn to shreds on here for mentioning something other than speedlines and GSi kits. It is a waste of money, but who cares! Personally, I think it'd be pretty cool.
Registered: 1st May 07
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illegal, dangerous, bad for your engine
Premium Member
Registered: 5th Mar 03
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Fit it then stand next to the exhaust and set it off. Hopefully it will burn you and not the little kid that walks behind your car.
I would rather lose by a mile because i built my own car, than win by an inch because someone else built it for me.
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
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quote: Originally posted by Ste W
Fit it then stand next to the exhaust and set it off. Hopefully it will burn you and not the little kid that walks behind your car.
Registered: 9th Nov 07
Location: Glasgow
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quote: Originally posted by Sean-B
illegal, dangerous, bad for your engine
How are they bad for your engine?
Registered: 20th Mar 09
Location: essex
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How are they bad for your engine ????????
Dan Lewis
Registered: 31st Jan 05
Location: Leicestershire
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you are sending neat fuel through the cat and will damage it.
Matt L
Registered: 17th Apr 06
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F*cking LOL tbh.
flame kit = epic waste of money it comes close to the electric turbo charge and fse power boost valve.
as for them being illegal... are you sure? only reason i ask is there was a lad at a cruise on traffic cops last night who was showing his off and the police did nothing and let him carry on.
Registered: 6th Apr 08
Location: Elworth, Cheshire
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illegal for on road use. as with everything like neons etc you can only use them off road but its not illegal to have them fitted.
flame kits, neons etc = EPIC FAIL 
[Edited on 09-04-2009 by jibjob]
Registered: 9th Nov 07
Location: Glasgow
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quote: Originally posted by Dan Lewis
you are sending neat fuel through the cat and will damage it.
You're talking about the kits that knock the spark out to the engine and replace it with the spark in the exhaust. The one I'm looking at's a completely sperate circuit from the ignition system that connects to the +ive and -ive terminals with its own coil pack you mount in the boot, so nothing to do with the engine. Plus the fact that the cat has nothing to do with the engine.
And you don't have to worry about the likes of that when you have no cat.
And to those that think it's shite - why do you think that? Not that it's going to put me off in the slightest, I'm just interested in why people put them in the same class as neons and 'electronic turbos'.
[Edited on 09-04-2009 by alan-g-w]
Dan Lewis
Registered: 31st Jan 05
Location: Leicestershire
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why would you want flames anyway?! do you wish to look super cool when reving the engine. Mine pops flames on coast down but thats due to the turbo.
There is really no point you will look a plonker when flames come out of your exhaust
Registered: 9th Nov 07
Location: Glasgow
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Why do people paint their wheels black? To look super cool?
Same thing mate. All comes down to opinion, I just forgot for a minute you weren't allowed one on here though.
Dan Lewis
Registered: 31st Jan 05
Location: Leicestershire
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its not the same as painting your wheels black at all. That is a style change. A flaming exhaust on something that isnt turbo or highly tuned NA. Is pointless.
The only point is if you want cool points down your local cruise and some little girls going wow that cars flames must be cool.
Registered: 9th Nov 07
Location: Glasgow
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quote: Originally posted by Dan Lewis
its not the same as painting your wheels black at all. That is a style change. A flaming exhaust on something that isnt turbo or highly tuned NA. is pointless.
So what's the point in painting your wheels? To reduce heat soak?
And if a flamer kit isn't a style change I don't know what it is. (Cue the 'a waste of money' jokes) . Words can't describe how little I care though.
[Edited on 09-04-2009 by alan-g-w]
Dan Lewis
Registered: 31st Jan 05
Location: Leicestershire
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wheels people can see, and it can completly change a car. a flamer kit is for loosers
Registered: 30th Mar 09
Location: leicestershire
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i have a flamer kit, mainly to check its not over fueling on the over run and its not, so it'll come off, cheaper than a wideband.
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
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massive LOL at this thread
Registered: 9th Nov 07
Location: Glasgow
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quote: Originally posted by Dan Lewis
wheels people can see, and it can completly change a car. a flamer kit is for loosers
If you can't see a 3 foot flame coming out the back of a car you must be fucking blind.
And I'd say MG's are for 'losers' but then again that's just my opinion. Wank.
Registered: 8th Aug 07
Location: Scottish Borders
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Someones been watching Fast and Furious too much Alan i dont see what Dan said wrong as hes right but its obviously offended you enough to get personal 
[Edited on 09-04-2009 by Corsa_Scotty]
Registered: 9th Nov 07
Location: Glasgow
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quote: Originally posted by Dan Lewis
why would you want flames anyway?! do you wish to look super cool when reving the engine. Mine pops flames on coast down but thats due to the turbo.
There is really no point you will look a plonker when flames come out of your exhaust
It was made personal when that was the reply I got to a serious question tbh Scotty. I'm not for caring about it, let alone making a thread about it - but that's the kind of thing that guy Chrisrich or whatever he was called was talking about. It's fine if you've got an opinion, but why be a dick about it when putting it across?
So instead of making a thread about it and moaning more than I already do I just give as good as I get, which I'd say is fair.
[Edited on 10-04-2009 by alan-g-w]
Registered: 23rd May 08
Location: Nottingham
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when i was a younger whipper snapper i used to think that a car was absolutely fandabidozely amazin when i saw flames coming our from the back, even if it was clearly a flamer kit. but as i have grown up and realised, petrol isnt cheap i dont like them anymore not only that, i cant imagine the heat from the flames are going to be any good for your paintwork at the rear of the car mate but opbviously im not going to tell you not to get one as it is down to personal choice and if you let everybody tell you what to put on your car, it wouldnt really be your car would it. however with the comment about painting alloys black and whatnot. alloys really can make or break a car as can the colour of them, therefore as long as someone doesn't go over the top with them, fair play to them
Dan Lewis
Registered: 31st Jan 05
Location: Leicestershire
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LOL at alan-g-w if you want to get personal you should get my car right really its a rover 200, with a 250bhp engine in so you may get all pissy if you like but i dont care 
If you wish your car to overfuel so you can have some lovely little flames coming out your exhaust do it. 
[Edited on 10-04-2009 by Dan Lewis]
Registered: 9th Nov 07
Location: Glasgow
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quote: Originally posted by alan-g-w
quote: Originally posted by Dan Lewis
you are sending neat fuel through the cat and will damage it.
You're talking about the kits that knock the spark out to the engine and replace it with the spark in the exhaust. The one I'm looking at's a completely sperate circuit from the ignition system that connects to the +ive and -ive terminals with its own coil pack you mount in the boot, so nothing to do with the engine.
Basically unburnt fuel vapour that's already coming out the exhaust even just now, without a flamer kit, because I don't have a cat is what's going to be making the flames. That's it dumbed down a bit for you.
It is no way going to alter my cars' fuelling. How did you not get that from the above quote?
And I've been told that my car flames anyway, but only when doing an aggressive downshift.
And LOL at you for not knowing what you're talking about yet starting a page full of an argument about it.
Dan Lewis
Registered: 31st Jan 05
Location: Leicestershire
User status: Offline
how are you going to get 3foot flames with just vapour then? if you want a kit get a butane kit.