Registered: 8th Aug 07
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Found this on the BBC website earlier and thought it may intrest a few people... sorry if its a repost
Ben G
Registered: 12th Jan 07
Location: Essex
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how did you miss the thread about this the other day
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Registered: 5th Mar 03
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It is true really. It won't be long till learners are restricted as to what they can drive.
They done it with bikes!
I would rather lose by a mile because i built my own car, than win by an inch because someone else built it for me.
Registered: 22nd Jan 06
Location: Birmingham
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allways young drivers...never the ones that cant see past the windscreen thru old age...and what about the fact that "young drivers can afford to insure this "modified cars" lol". Think it wud be a better idea for first year of driving restrict to a certain power or cc but come on! thats already there with insurance companys charging as much as they do!???
Registered: 13th Dec 00
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quote: Originally posted by Ste W
It is true really.
Its just not in my opinion. Lack of knowledge and proper driving lessons and exams is the problem. Doesnt matter if its a 1.1 fiesta or a 300bhp Nitrous fueled MR2, if you drive it like a cunt you will crash.
[Edited on 18-04-2009 by Adam_B]
Registered: 29th Sep 07
Location: Croydon, Greater London
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seriously can we find this stupid fuck and slap him about a bit.. Kids dont modifie cars these days, its all about look to them.. Cant really say a 1.2 corsa is going to be a rocket ship.. Only people who have the money and that ain't kids (unless they have a nice life in crime and the coke is funding there project) what does this guy think a suped up motor is a 1.1 saxo with a back box... Ok rant over
Registered: 22nd Jan 06
Location: Birmingham
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its such ranting material though...what 17 year old kid can afford an mr2 turbo and the £16k to put the nos on it? u that geeza drives summat stupidly powerful but isnt a "young driver"...pisses me off man...the people that hog lanes, cut me up, dont indicate till they stop are all "old" people...every young lad or lass for that matter i know is a better driver than the older dont kill people, people kill people!
Registered: 29th Sep 07
Location: Croydon, Greater London
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quote: Originally posted by corsa_rob
cars dont kill people, people kill people!
Hit the nail on the head there..
Premium Member
Registered: 5th Mar 03
Location: Taif, Saudi Arabia
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guns don't kill people, rappers do.
I would rather lose by a mile because i built my own car, than win by an inch because someone else built it for me.
Registered: 8th Aug 07
Location: Scottish Borders
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quote: Originally posted by Ben G
how did you miss the thread about this the other day
I hardly ever come in here Ben mostly in Projects and builds 
[Edited on 18-04-2009 by Corsa_Scotty]
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
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quote: Originally posted by Ste W
guns don't kill people, rappers do.
the career of goldie lookin chain is that good they were playing in carlilse the other week.
Registered: 8th Aug 07
Location: Scottish Borders
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Have a nice Chavalier aswell
Registered: 11th May 02
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what makes me laugh is ppl with brand new cars, that dont have a mot for a few years.
bald tyres, worn brakes, low on oil and sounding rough.
i would say these are just as bad as dodgy modded motors,
Registered: 1st Oct 07
Location: Collingham, Nottinghamshire
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they talk shit!.. if you change the suspenion how would it make the car harder to control? and like what was said befor how many young lads can afford to put nos or spend £16k on their cars
Registered: 26th Aug 07
Location: Brawdy/Wirral
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thing is, i've been driving around this week, and the amount of stupid things that 'middle aged' drivers do is unbelievable.
I have been constantly annoyed by absolute tossers who have no hazard perception, lane discipline, dont look around, dont indicate, cut me up, are on the phone or eating...
it really pisses me off that from my perspective, its these people that cause accidents. But they seem safe in the knowledge that all young people cause accidents! I've been driving nearly 4 years now, and i feel im a better driver than some of these people who have been doing it for 25 odd years.
And, as adam said...people dont look after their new cars because 'its a new car' and it doesnt need looking after. "thats why i bought a new car, so i dont have to look after it"...WTF!!??
If someone has a modded car, that they have pride in, they are gonna look after it and give it more attention than anyone else...i do anyway.
Its all bollocks, ahatever it is that you do, people dont like it and are trying to ban it somewhere...we are all meant to be sheep and do whatever all these associations say. Dont drink, dont eat...anything (everything is bad for you), dont drive, dont do anything that makes you happy. 
Thats what i think anyways 
[Edited on 18-04-2009 by chrex]
Registered: 6th Apr 08
Location: Elworth, Cheshire
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quote: Originally posted by chrex
And, as adam said...people dont look after their new cars because 'its a new car' and it doesnt need looking after. "thats why i bought a new car, so i dont have to look after it"...WTF!!??
know exactly what both of you mean we were given a near enough brand new civic engine by the local honda dealer. it had come from from a brand new car only done 15,000miles but the owner ran it dry of oil and seized it! seriously how do people acutally manage to take that little care of their car they see a warning light and just ignore it 
it was on the radio the other day that middle aged brown haired women are the safest drivers....But then they said they class them as safe drivers by endorsements on their licence and they were actually more likely to get lost or hit things at low speed than anyone else!
im good mates with 2 recovery drivers who i speak to pretty much everyday and 99% of the recoveries are women or elderly people. women who crash into things or dont take care of their car and wonder why it wont start or lock their keys in their cars etc. old people are always going through garden walls or through bushes or into the back of people its a daily occurence. they do all police recovery work aswel and most of the people who have no insurance, no licence, no tax etc are either middle aged family men and women, elderly people that dont think they need insurance or re-apply for their licence or foreigners. But only about 1% of recoveries are from young people and they are usually young chavs on stolen scooters or in shit-box cars with no insurance but that 1% seems to set how people judge modified cars! 
ive had this arguement with a police officer IN COURTwho was trying to prosecute me for having deep dish wheels on my car. he said modified cars and young people are "always trying to push the boundaries" and at the biggest risk to other drivers. Yet when i asked him about the old people who dont know what lane to be in or who drive at 10mph everywhere or the middle aged men doing 120mph in their bmw down the outside lane of the motorway or even the women putting make up on or on the phone he didnt say anything, he just ignored me. So i think that pretty much sums it up IMO that even a police officer cant say what makes young drivers any worse than other drivers. Mind you this is the traffic cop who said "i dont like driving fast" 
think ill end my rant here 
[Edited on 18-04-2009 by jibjob]
Dan H
Registered: 27th Nov 08
Location: Stockton-on-Tees
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everybody thinks that 'cos we're young and have a little engine that we rag our cars all over the place, go way too fast and crash, i mean seriously, how are you supposed to go fast in a 1.0 12volt ?? mine takes a year to get to 70mph lol. most people these days are going for the look more than power. im 17 and drive a 1.0 corsa, most of my mates that are in their 20s' say that im a really good driver, there is a time and place for speeding and driving like an utter twat and on the public roads isnt it. i like to get in my car, put my music on and just cruise around at the speed limit, or if somebody gets up my arse i'll slow down. as other people have said, how are young people (lads) supposed to be able to spend 16k on moddifying their car? most of us dont get paid that a year, most are in collage etc or working in McDonalds to get money for petrol and insurance to drive our cars. (I dont work in McDonalds by the way lol).
when i 1st heard it on the radio last week i was like WTF, not everyone drives like an utter twat. my boss drives worse than me, he's 38 and got a Volvo S80 T6 with about 450BHP lol, My dad does the same, he is 40yr old and drives a deisle mondeo and absolutly rags the tits off it, he does it to everycar he has had.
In my oppion they should go to different parts of the country and get some hard evidence that all us "young people" drive like a nob, have nos in our cars and then find out what the older people drive like, it will more than likely come up as the older people being worse than us young people, us young people can't afford to go buy new cars if we crash or break our car, so we look after them. older people have abit more money than us so they can just go and get another car.
Registered: 23rd Oct 05
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quote: Originally posted by Adam-D
what makes me laugh is ppl with brand new cars, that dont have a mot for a few years.
bald tyres, worn brakes, low on oil and sounding rough.
i would say these are just as bad as dodgy modded motors,
Yearly service schedule?, my punto for example is 18,000 miles or a year whichever comes first, if i dont have it serviced then the warranty is void
Thats the same for all Alfa's and Fiat's! i would imagine it would be something similiar for other brands too
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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Although I always agree that there are a lot of bad drivers on the roads, including old people and women, having been a young male myself, young male drivers are shocking, my driving has improved massively since I was younger, specifically since I wrote my car off driving too fast.
The media sensationalise as always, there is a lot of fact behind it though.
Registered: 8th Sep 01
Location: Maidenhead, Drives: VXR Arctic
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Some young drivers are hooligans, some arent.
People are individuals, creatures of their environment. Kids tend to drive recklessly to impres their mates and or females.
This wont change, as mentioned before if you drive like a badger, you WILL crash.
Inexperience to cope with mistakes made means theres more accidents as such in younger people, i dont think its becuase they all drive like goons.
Gareth F
Registered: 16th Jan 08
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Most of the accidents i see are caused by old people that cant see over the steering wheel and just drive straight onto roundabouts - gap or no gap they dont care. I think there is alot of older people on the road that shouldnt be.
But like Jambo said it depends on each and every individual.
Registered: 24th Jan 04
Location: Darwin, NT Australia.
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my crash 2 years ago that nearly killed me in my xe stripped out, gsi, bucket seats,rollcage, coilovered car was caused by.............................
can anyone guess??
yes, a fuckin old coffin dodger who couldnt fuckin drive.
Registered: 26th Sep 04
Location: Liverpool
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A 17 year old lad in his dads Corsa C pulled out of a junction and crashed into my brothers car and wrote it off the other day, all young drivers are hooligans, get them off the road.

[Edited on 18-04-2009 by JayM]
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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Not all young drivers are, in general though the lack of experience does show.
Dan H
Registered: 27th Nov 08
Location: Stockton-on-Tees
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i've just been out with my mate in his focus, he is 22, and some middle aged woman has just took an exit at the roundabout and come halfway into our lane she wasnt even using her mirrors or anything, she didnt have a clue what was happening, and she was sat ontop of the wheel, sureley you can't manuvre propperly sittin too close to the wheel :S??