Registered: 10th Sep 03
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I'm not one to complain when companies change things around or make improvements to their products; but this new TV guide is so annoying! I can't read any of it without my glasses on (ha, sound like such an old man!) where as before I could read it just fine. And, what's going on with pressing the blue button for your favourite channels? It seems to start at the wrong channel meaning you have to scroll through the lot for some reason - I don't quite get it .
Registered: 11th Aug 02
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Mine hasn'r updated yet, I hate the current one though.
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Does it update with the new card or by phoneline?
Registered: 18th Jul 08
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to be fair its about time they changed it. Its been like that since sky digital started hasnt it? Mines not updated yet though...
Registered: 19th Aug 02
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nor mine... 
quote: Originally posted by DannyB
Does it update with the new card or by phoneline?
neither. Its via the sky protocol from your dish.
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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It just changed about three nights ago for me...
Registered: 7th Feb 03
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My parent's Sky HD has the new software, I didnt have a proper play around with it but I wasnt too keen on the new layout Nothing wrong with the old one if you ask me, maybe a new colour scheme to update it would have been good but I had no complaints with it/
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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not changed on my hd box... yet... tbh it means I have to teach my mum how to use it again and she can't use it now lol
Registered: 23rd Jan 04
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not changed on mine yet
Registered: 24th Mar 04
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Yeah I don't like it 
Nothing wrong with the old one tbh.
Registered: 29th Mar 01
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Parents updated, but it fried the HD on the Pioneer TV so we need to get them out to fix it 
So no HD DVD's or Sky due to their fucking stupid update
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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Is that the HD DVD player i'm waiting to see the receipt for cosmo
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I hate it, looks awful and is harder to use
Registered: 29th Mar 01
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quote: Originally posted by John
Is that the HD DVD player i'm waiting to see the receipt for cosmo
No, its actually a different one
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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Still waiting for the update here.
The readability problems are because it's now in HD and taking advatage of the full resolution.
I like having as much on screen as possible as I can read it fine but i'm just waiting for the complaints from the rents who sit quite a distance from the TV and don't have the best eyesight anymore (hopefully it'll annoy them that much that i'll steal the hd box for my bedroom).
It was well due an upgrade imo, although the old one serves it's purpose well there were improvements to be made.
Registered: 6th Aug 02
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itv hd once the update is done too... just in time for the footy close season :/
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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I think I might be tight and get rid of HD. Or, buy a really big TV so I can read the ting writing
Registered: 19th May 07
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This update is only for sky HD subscribers, ya?
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Registered: 6th Feb 08
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About time ITV hd arrived, I think the new layout looks nice. I watched the tutorial thing on it on anytime last night, looks simple enough.
Registered: 6th Aug 02
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itv hd isnt std, u have to add it
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How come you have to add it, thought it would be done automatically?
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nope, google it
Registered: 14th Jan 04
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It's just fluke that you can tune into ITV HD, they refuse to do a deal with Sky to get it added to the EPG.
I'm getting used to the new TV guide now, was a bit annoying at first, the mini TV is fucking irritating and even if you switch it off, the sound is still there!?!
When you use the blue button now (favourites), it starts from the last channel you were watching, which is why it might seem to go backwards.
Registered: 24th Jan 04
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screenshots of new guide?
Registered: 11th Nov 02
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You can download the guide.. to the guide, on anytime at the moment, think it's HD customers only tho