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Registered: 12th May 06
Location: Newbury, Berks
User status: Offline
I am designing a “basic” database in work and having trouble with some macros
The database is a record of production. Information is added at pre and post production. Adding the pre-production information I have sorted. A form is filled in, submit button hit and a new row is created with the information in. Along this row there are gaps where post production information is entered, but trying to get this information to paste into the correct row I cant do.
I have a form to fill in the information (one each for pre and post production) which I then want adding to the database against the reference number. Converting the information from the input form into the database I can do for pre production, but getting the post-production data entered into the database along the correct row I don’t know how to get there.
I believe I want a search function that takes the database reference number (on the post-production form) and finds this in column A. once this ref number is found, the cell is active and I can to paste the information from the post production form into the gaps on the correct row
Anyone have a clue?
Registered: 3rd Sep 05
User status: Offline
Why are you using excel as a database?
Would be easier to use access probably, or web up a web page to record onto a MySQL database?
Premium Member
Registered: 12th May 06
Location: Newbury, Berks
User status: Offline
most probably although it is only a simply database and also no one in the work place uses access and thus excel is the preferred method
i've no clue what a MySQL database is