Registered: 17th Jul 01
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saw it in da trafford centre 2day at £800..... 
found it on da net at £645   
its a Sony DAVS 880 wat do u think of it people? its 600W!!!!!!!!!!
Registered: 11th Nov 02
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thats the one i want
Registered: 16th Nov 02
Location: Bridgend S.Wales Drives : Astra VXR
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Seen it in comet matey looks well smart 
If ya buy that ya dont want any kids around thats for sure they will be recked!
DJ Rocky
Organiser Of Wales
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Welsh Corsa Modders
Registered: 17th Jul 01
Location: I swap goats for mobile phones
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how much u see it for fella? we cant decide on a good hifi system so we might go for this beaut!
and rocky dont worry bout da kids laaaa.!!!! i might buy it for me maa and daa then try it out and if its crap ill get give it bak!
[Edited on 24-02-2003 by mmalh0151]
Registered: 16th Nov 02
Location: Bridgend S.Wales Drives : Astra VXR
User status: Offline
I think it was 700 something matey it is well smart i got a sharp hifi dolby surround sound 5 speakers well smart got it all set out aswell but like to have that beauty now 
I cud hav had discount on that thing coz i used to work in sony c mate 
DJ Rocky
Organiser Of Wales
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Welsh Corsa Modders
Registered: 17th Jul 01
Location: I swap goats for mobile phones
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but culd u get it for £644 delivered?!!!
Registered: 16th Nov 02
Location: Bridgend S.Wales Drives : Astra VXR
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no mate sorry I dont work for sony any more so cant get discount they laid me off xmas time mate look around & u get a bargain bud 
DJ Rocky
Organiser Of Wales
SW-CC Member
Welsh Corsa Modders
Registered: 17th Jul 01
Location: I swap goats for mobile phones
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| and type in sony davs880!!! £619 deliverd to my door!!!! FOOK!!!!!!!
[Edited on 24-02-2003 by mmalh0151]
Registered: 16th Nov 02
Location: Bridgend S.Wales Drives : Astra VXR
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Nice 1 mate do it 
DJ Rocky
Organiser Of Wales
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Welsh Corsa Modders
Registered: 17th Jul 01
Location: I swap goats for mobile phones
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Registered: 13th Jan 03
Location: bedfordshire
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If you've got £700 to spend on a Home cinema system. Then go for a Separates system. As it will dick all over that Sony one.
Any good hi-fi shop will tell you that separates is much better than an all in 1 system.
The DVD player in that system will be no better than a £150 Sony one.
£200 will get you a good Amp/reciever.
Leaving you £300 to spend on speakers which would be much better than bog standard sony ones.
Also that Subwoofer isnt gonna hardly Fart when a good explosion comes on.
Or get the Acoustic Energy Aegis A5 System for £400(????). It has got wicked reviews in all Home cinema mags. My mate has one and it sounds good.
Try they used to sell a speaker pack called "Mission Cinema 6 Pack" for about £200. I sound tested em and they were good.
Registered: 25th May 01
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richer sounds do some good deals!
the jug
Registered: 2nd Oct 02
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dude, my dads got the davs 800 (the model older than this but sounds exactly the same) and it feckin rocks the house down, the dts is something else. you can hear rain drops falling in certain places in the room, it's awesome and good value for money cause it's amp, cd, dvd, vcd, and tuner all in one box!
hope that helps!
the jug
Registered: 2nd Oct 02
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richer do do some good deals but don't do this model
Registered: 13th Jan 03
Location: bedfordshire
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I'm not doubting it won't sound good for what it is.But it is gonna always sound better than standard Stereo setup.Even a Bush system will!!!!
But you listen to it. Then listen to a similar or lower priced separates Home Cinema system and you will hear so much difference in clarity and quality.
As M2RV H sed try out Richer Sounds. They know what they are talking about and will not bullshit you like Comet and Currys.
Registered: 9th Jul 02
Location: irvine, on west of scotland
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sony r ok for digital surround sound, but they aim to the lower end of the market, this is one of their top of the range models, whereas if u go for a seperates system, the quality will be much better, as they r aimed at the top end of the market, but it will be their entry models, if u get me??
yeah, ok the sony may b good, but until u have heard sum of the better quality stuff like teac, denon, then please dont decide, these will quite literally PISS all over the sony for sound quality 
Registered: 9th Jul 02
Location: irvine, on west of scotland
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oh, i used to work in currys, and bobo, i dont think im trying to bullsh1t him do u??
Registered: 9th Jul 02
Location: irvine, on west of scotland
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for an example of wat i mean, just look at the speakers on the sony model, i mean cum on, there like fcukin pc speakers on long poles, u tell me how the fcuk those would b bettter than a set of seperates, ie 4ft auto acoustics with twin bass drivers and tweeters, cum on 
and i think its an active sub on that model as well, so its nowhere near as powerful as it could b
Registered: 25th May 01
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look in "what dvd?" and the likes, some of the stuff in there u wont ever of heard of - but it will absolutly rip the hi street competition to bits! (sony, jvc, etc)
Registered: 13th Aug 02
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Separates all the way.
I buy most of my stereo stuff from Richer sounds. Most richer sounds have a demo room so go and have a listen.
Registered: 13th Jan 03
Location: bedfordshire
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You aint bullshitting bcocky, Your talking sense.
You know your Hi-fi,
But you have to admit half the people in shops like that haven't a bloody clue and will talk out there arse because the unknowing customer has even less idea than they do. They just want the commission.
PC World is the worst for this. They don't know Jack about computers. I've had one guy follow me round the store when I picked up a £200 DVD Writer cos he wanted the commission on it. Nuff sed really!!!!
Registered: 9th Jul 02
Location: irvine, on west of scotland
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yeah i see where u r cuin from m8, i used to work with people like that, os yeah i know wat u mean,
take me for example, i know fcuk all about computers, so i dont try and sell em, i pass em on to sum1 who dus know, but wen it cums to hifi, every1 passes customers on to me 
but half the time i tell em to go elsewhere and getta better 1 doh, silly me good job i dont work there ne more
Registered: 13th Aug 02
Location: Surrey
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Been into bang and ofsten(shit) store once and we started asking questions about the systems. He didnt have a clue he muddled up all the statistics.
Registered: 23rd Jul 02
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Sony DAVS 880
A cool bit of kit with a cool name
Registered: 13th Jan 03
Location: bedfordshire
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I keep on improving my system every so often.It cost about £900(I think)
I'm happy with it. What do ya think bcocky?
Kenwood KRF 6070D Receiver
Mission M73 Floor Standing Front speakers
Mission C70 centre Channel
Yamaha Subwoofer(Can't remember model)
Wharfedale FS1 Flat Screen rear speakers.
Wharfedale M5 DVD Player.